So this is just something random I came up with. I'll write more when I feel like it.

I've chosen the name Katerina for Fem!Romano because in my opinion, it suits her. And it's a bit more fun than having the same name as everyone else.

He knows how wrong this is. He knows he should turn away from the mirror and head straight to bed, sleeping with a pillow clutched to his chest so that he can proudly announce to Katerina the next morning that yes, he had stayed true to his promise not to touch any part of her while they were in this mess.

But right now, eyes darting over his reflection, he was regretting that promise.

She had grown into a beautiful young woman. That was for sure. Even when dressed in baggy clothes that hid her figure (on Katerina's insistence, to prevent him from looking even though he has seen it all before - from a different angle) she looked pretty damn good.

For a few moments, Antonio could pretend that the flush reflected on Katerina's face was hers and not his own. He could pretend that they were standing here in their original bodies, and Katerina would look just a little nervous - he twitches his lips a bit until he found the right expression - but she would have that glow of lust in her eyes that he had craved, and she would slide her hands up like this, and…

He bites his lip, tensing a little, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the mirror rather than glancing down at himself. He moves his hands, and Katerina moves hers, cupping them underneath her firm breasts. Dios, he can feel everything, the material of his shirt barely mattering as he runs his thumbs along the underside of the bra holding them in place.

He nearly gives up then and there because he is wearing a bra which is supporting breasts that were not there two days ago, and that's usually enough to send any red-blooded male heading for the hills.

He closes his eyes for a moment, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself and ignores the way his - her breasts heave a little in his hands. When is he going to get a chance like this again? Katerina certainly hasn't given him the impression that she will succumb to his offers of a date anytime soon. And he knows that she has already had some fun in his own body, if the state of the shower this morning was anything to go by.

He cautiously opens his eyes again. She gazes back, the mixture of confusion and longing on her face mirroring his. Surely Katerina wouldn't mind. He would only be doing what he is sure she has already done to herself, after all.

More mentally prepared now, he gives a slight nod and drops his hands to his sides, gripping the hem of the shirt and tugging it off.

Katerina has banned him from removing the bra until she says otherwise, and he has done as she ordered. At least she has chosen one that flatters her figure, even if the lace around the cups has caused him to itch like mad.

The woman in the mirror places her hands on her hips, pushing her chest out a little.

Antonio really has no idea why she seems so insecure. She's gorgeous, with just the right mixture of childish innocence in those cheeks to make her even more enticing to him.

He closes his eyes again, fumbling with the zipper on her jeans and wriggling them off his hips, fingers brushing against the smooth skin of his thighs. There is already a tightening warmth nestling in his abdomen that is almost familiar to him from his own body. Almost, but not quite - usually that warmth is connected to his dick, but this time it just creates a slight throbbing between his thighs that reminds him of what is now there instead.

He steps out of the jeans, studying his reflection once more and swallowing. Really, it's a crime Katerina doesn't walk around his house in her underwear more often. Especially this underwear, the flimsy black material causing her tanned skin to look all the more appealing. He slides his hands up his waist, the curves so unfamiliar to his touch, and cups his breasts again. His eyes meet his reflection in the mirror, and Katerina licks her lips and gives her breasts a light squeeze.

Okay, so these are sensitive.

He watches her repeat the action, and the warmth in his abdomen coils tighter. He's even more aware now of how turned on he is, pressing his thighs together without thinking. His cheeks feel warmer than normal, and Katerina's familiar blush is present in the mirror. That just turns him on more, because it should be impossible for a person to look so cute and so sexy at the same time.

He wishes that the situation was different. That it really was Katerina before him, and Antonio was there in his rightful body, and she was teasing him this way. Licking her lips, playing with her breasts, pinching her already hard nipples through her bra…

A breathy gasp escapes him without warning. Because those nipples? Sensitive as hell. He rolls them between forefinger and thumb, currents of shocked arousal sparking straight to his groin. He feels light-headed, a slight throbbing in his head mirroring the throbbing between his thighs. It's so different to anything he's experienced before. And suddenly he doesn't care about having to stare at the mirror to pretend it's Katerina doing this. He's eager to try it out himself, to see exactly how the other sex does this, exactly how different it feels.

He takes one last lingering look in the mirror, then rids himself of his conscious.