Hey guys! Sorry I've taken so long to update, I was low on inspiration on this thing, but I think I'm good again! Please review and follow, and I hope you enjoy!

Drew felt the blood pounding in her ears. Why was she so drawn to him? Why did she promise every time to herself that she would keep it just enough for him to stay unsuspicious, then she herself was the one catching her breath and telling herself to calm down?

This was too much. She wondered if every guy felt this way when she toyed with them, and she felt a wave of pity wash over her that she had never felt before. What

had she been doing all these years?

She felt her vision go hazy, and suddenly she passed out on the ground. The ground smelled like the sea. Like kissing Leo.

She woke up to the smell of brownies and chocolate milk, like her dad used to serve her. He was absolutely awful at cooking, besides his brownies. He used to make them once a year on her birthday, and although every year they'd promise each other that they would only eat a little every day to savor the goodness, the brownies ended up gone in less than a week. She smiled softly as she thought about it. She had forgotten about it till just a few seconds ago.

Her memory had momentarily made her forget to look around. Her vision was a little fuzzy, so most of the room was splotchy, the colors faded like old newspaper. That was why she didn't notice the fact that someone was sititng right next to her. "Hey."

She nearly jumped out of her skin. The jolt seemed to rush back the colors and sharpen what was around her, because she saw Leo sitting next to her, a concerned look on his face. He looked sheepish at the fact he had startled her. "Sorry…I was just trying to wake you up to get you to eat. I guess you don't remember the last few times then…I keep on startling you…sorry."

She gave a weak smile. "It's fine. Now what'd you say it was you brought? It sort of smells like brownies."

He shrugged and gave her a grin. "To me it smells like the churros my mom used to make. It's ambrosia. I got Chiron to let me give you some."

Drew leaned forward to eat, but moving her arms felt like Medusa had turned them to stone. Leo gently propped her arms over the thin sheet. "Here, let me help you." He gently gave her a spoonful of the food. It tasted exactly like her father's brownies, and she instantly felt warm and happy.

She watched as he concentrated on getting the food in her mouth. His mouth was hardset and his eyes held steely concentration. She thought it was cute that he got so worked up over this, when he then contained laughs and smiles when making weapons that could threaten all life at camp if put together incorectly. It was one of the strangely wonderful things about Leo Valdez.

He gave her a nonchalant look as he began to speak, but she could hear the concern in his voice as he spoke. "Hey, are you ok? I mean, you seemed a little shaken up when we were talking, but what happened? I mean, am I that strong of a kisser?" He tried to sound joshing, but it came out nervous-sounding.

She shook her head on the inside. Leo Valdez was going to seriously derail her plan. It was too much with not only the amazing kisses, but also his seriously noble personality. Why had she not seen this before? "It's nothing. I'm fine…except, I'm a little tired."

Leo was smart enough to take the hint to leave her alone. "Ok. I'll go grab something to eat, then I'll be back, okay?"

She gave as normal a smile as she could muster. "Okay, see you around."

Drew turned her face to the other side so Leo couldn't see her face. She didn't want him to see her cry.

She must've fallen asleep, because when she awoke, she was in a different place. She wondered why she had been moved from her hospital bed. She had been fine where she was.

However, after looking around for a bit, she realized she was nowhere she had ever been before. The room she was in was decorated with expensive surroundings, like a house you would see in LA. However, Drew noticed how everything looked a little mournful and dreary. The room she was in had dark gray walls, a few silver couches, and dead, withering flowers sat lifelessly in slightly chipped pots. A dark gray coffee table held a few scraps of paper with long-faded letters and words. As she picked it up, it crumbled to ash.

The house was eerily quiet. It was huge, as Drew could tell by the many doors that led out of the little room she was in, but not a sound echoed through the walls.

Her skin crept, but she figured it would be good if she looked around. She felt vulnerable in this room, with all the many passageways. There were also no windows. Only one door was open, though, so she walked through it. Her footseps made no sound.

She found herself in a hallway. There were hooks where pictures might've been all over the room, but none hung in the racks. However, stashed in the corner, she found a stack of pictures. Curiously, she picked one up. She gasped and dropped it.

It was her and Jason. Even though she and Jason had never been together, the poses and places in the photo looked vaguely familiar. A cozy coffee shop, a Yankees game where they were smiling wildly, and on the pier that led out to sea at camp.

Then it hit her. She had seen and envied over these pictures dozens of times in Piper's bunk. She had always wished she was in Piper's place, but now that she (literally) was, it felt creepy, and sent shivers down Drew's spine.

She hurriedly walked down the hall. It smelled like old perfume, strong at that. She felt her lungs rasping for air, and soon enough it clouded the room with a dizzying fog.

She coughed. It was getting strong, so much that she could barely breathe. Stumbling and running, she found herself in a new room. If she had thought the room she had started in was big, this one was huge, ten times as big. In the background, she heard a harp echoing. The tune was beautiful, but there was a gloomy, dreary air to it.

She didn't even notice the man in the center of the room until he stood up and cleared his throat, "Ah, Drew. My dear sister! Well, half-sister, anyways."

Something about the man seemed familiar. Then it hit her. The dark-blue eyed man with the slight stubble and slightly poufy brown hair was easily recognizable after a second.

"Hey…are you James Marsden? You know, the guy who played the man who got dumped in The Notebook? The one who Rachel McAdams didn't want to get engaged to?"

The man gave a chuckle. "No, no, although I can see why you would picture me like that. I am Himeros…the god of unrequited love."

Hey guys! I hope you liked it! I know that went from zero to plotty really fast, but I tried my best. This is the direction I feel like it's best to take the story, and I'm excited! It might be nearing the end though…not quite sure yet!