I do not own the Wreck-it-Ralph characters, but I do own the ex's.
"Goodbye, Anastasia." Felix called as his now ex-girlfriend left. Once the door closed, a sorry look appeared on his face.
He was having the worst luck with women. He was the talk of the town a few years back, and could get any girl he wanted. Yet now, with more handsome and high-definition guys, most girls barely saw him-it didn't help that he was so small.
Felix has had multiple crushes, but has never fallen in love. He just can't seem to find her. Most of the women he attracted-when he did- were not attractive to him. Oh sure, they were beautiful and sweet.
But he supposed that that was the problem. They were very feminine females. They needed someone to take care of them. They were fragile. Their sole purpose in life was to please a man. They weren't interesting- the same gal, just in a different body. The more modern the games got, the more shallow the women got, too.
Felix sulked to the bed, tugged of his shoes and then pulled off his shirt.
Anastasia was not really anything special to him. Just another girl in the line of females that he had broken up with or who had broken up with him. This time, it was the former. She was clingy and obsessive. He had his own issues without dealing with hers.
First it was Angela. She was nothing more than a robotic female; not very witty or smart. Than Isis. She was a little to awkward for him, and he being an awkward guy, needed someone who could balance it out. Then AnnaMarie. They weren't even a couple before she told him, after their first date. "I'm sorry, your just not modern enough for me." Then Alkankin. She was very sensitive, and often confused the things he joked about as insults. She left him after a month. After wallowing in self-pity for a couple of days, he realized the favor she actually did for him.
Felix tore off his hat and belt, and proceeded to unzip his fly.
Then Anastasia. He didn't really know what to do, anymore. He figured that maybe it would just be better if he was a bachelor. Just didn't worry about love and romance and all that boo. It would be better than being chained to an uninteresting, dependent, fragile girl.
As he climbed into bed, he listed his ideal traits in a female in his mind. She has to be smart. She should be witty. She needs to be an independent thinker. She should be strong, and can handle a lot. She needs to be tough, fiery, and passionate. She can't be afraid to stand up for herself. She needs to be able to hold her own. And he wants to take care of her, yet not have her need it, if that makes sense. In other words, he should take care of her because he wants to and loves her, not because he is obligated. Oh, and beautiful. She needs to be beautiful.
Felix tossed under his covers, trying to find some peace. Maybe he should just stop chasing love and wait till it falls in his lap. He was nearly sure it would come one day from the most unexpected of situations and the most unlikely of people.