A/N: Hey guys! It's been so long since I've updated, and I am incredibly sorry. You have every right to hate me, but I barely have free time to write. Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful reviews guys! I Love you all!


Oh, and I want to say happy birthday to Layan Kordy-Chan (and to me. I can't believe I'm 17 now O.o). Don't worry, sis, I will keep my promise and write a Burn/Rean fic for you!

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A/N Author Notes

"…" Speaking

'…' Thoughts

Ages: 16

Flashback#6 Friendship

'Love has 4 letters, but so does Hate; Friends has 7 letter, but so does Enemies; Truth has 5 letters, but so does Lying'

Gazel's POV

Even though I slept late the night before, I found myself waking up very early the next morning.

I wiped my tears away and tucked a strands of hair behind my ear. I sighed as all the drama of last night came back to me. Burn's obnoxious voice kept on popping inside my head and I felt that emptiness in my stomach. I felt so low and every stupid little thing reminded me of that jerk. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. I tried to hold my composure, but the pain he caused me hurt so badly. I felt like all of my happiness had been sucked out, leaving an empty shell of sadness behind. An overwhelming jolt of pain ran through my whole body making me ache all over and feel nothing but empty inside. I felt numb and useless. Why couldn't I forget just like he did?

I wanted to hide under a rock and never show my ugly face again. Did people really talk about how ugly I was when I wasn't around? I couldn't help but think that other people were thinking the same thing. It was like a ton of bricks being thrown into my chest. I felt like my heart was beating extremely fast and all the blood was rushing to my face, like when you're embarrassed. It was one of those I-really-wish-the-ground-would-just-swallow-me-up- now feelings that we've all felt once in our lives. What he said drilled a hole into my heart and my mind started questioning if what he said was the truth. 'I am not pretty enough for the guy of my dreams. I must be one of those horrific looking creatures. How can I look at myself in the mirror when I am this ugly? Who could love a disgusting creature like me?'

Tears formed at the corners of my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. How many times had I cried like this, in my room, alone, without anyone knowing and without having anyone to comfort me?

I just wanted to be pretty. Maybe then he will notice me. Maybe then he will see me… for real.

I threw my head into my hands. I didn't want to think about it. I wished I could go to sleep so I could tell myself that the previous events were just a dream, but I just couldn't.


My eyes flew open and I looked up to find a pair of red-orange eyes staring back at me. I wiped my tears quickly and glared at the one person I hadn't counted on seeing: Blow. And he wasn't alone, I saw IC and Clara hiding behind him.

"What?! Ever heard of knocking? People still do that nowadays." I looked away; didn't want them to see me like that.

"Gazel-sama, are you all right?" Blow asked, his voice was full of concern.

I stood up and shoved him away as I started walking to my dresser. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't stop staring at my reflection. I looked horribly! My eyes were red and swollen from all the crying I did last night and they had dark circles under them. My hair was messy and my face looked tired and dull. I hated that mirror, I couldn't bring myself to stop looking at it. It wasn't my fault I was ugly, worthless.

I hated that mirror. I hated myself.


"I'm fine, alright?" I snapped, getting slightly annoyed. "Burn and I just got into a fight. Things are just so… weird between us. "

None of us spoke for a while, but it was not awkward. One of the things I liked about Blow was that he didn't find the need to fill every moment with words, unlike Burn. He was annoying sometimes, but he knew when to shut up. He wasn't one of those people who would keep talking and talking until they hurt you. But even though Burn was one of those annoying people, I just couldn't stop loving him.

"Blow…" I started, "Is it true? Am I really… ugly?"

He looked at me, confusion written on his face.

"Of course not, Gazel-sama. You are not ugly." IC finally talked.

I let out a small sigh and looked her directly in the eyes, "You're just saying that because I was your captain."

"I'm not." IC looked plainly at me.

"You're attractive, Gazel-sama." Clara said and IC and Blow nodded in agreement.

I tried to fight back the tears that were forming again in my eyes. I wanted to cry. "No, I'm not. I know quite well that I'm not a beauty. Everyone knows that."

"That's not true!" Clara shook her head.

"Don't let it ruin your life! One comment should not make you completely miserable! Don't listen to that jerk!" All of a sudden, I felt his arms around my waist. I looked at him, giving him a confused look. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off when he pulled me into a tight hug. "I think you are pretty."


"Gazel-sama," he let go and held my hands tightly, squeezing them, "if… if Burn hurts you again, I'll always be here for you. And if there's anything bothering you, you can always talk to me, right?"

I smiled and nodded.

"See? A smile. Good. You are even more beautiful when you smile."

Clara smiled and looked at Blow. "So… looks like you two are finally together."

I shot her a glare.

She chuckled, "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you don't like him."

"That's not what I meant," I sighed. "Blow is very nice and I like him, but he's not the one I want to be with. Besides, I really don't think that anyone would ever love me. I am not very pretty. Or smart, or funny. And I just don't see why anyone would choose me out of all the beautiful people out there. I don't think I can be loved."

"Don't talk like that. I'm sure Burn will realize your feelings someday."

"What are you talking about?" I turned away with a blush, "I don't like him."

Clara smirked, IC looked up at me with a cheerful twinkle in her eyes, Blow frowned, and my face kept on getting warmer.

"Don't think I haven't noticed. You haven't really been yourself lately. It is pretty obvious, so if you are trying to hide it, then you are not doing a very good job."

"I…" I didn't want to tell her that I was in love the Burn. I didn't understand why I was still in love with him after all he had done to me. "I don't like anyone that way."

"Well, I think he likes you, but I didn't fully realize it until this morning."

IC looked at her, "What do you mean? He likes Gazel-sama?"

"Let's stop talking about Burn. Well, we came to your room because you didn't come down to eat your breakfast. You must be starving. I mean, you haven't eaten yet. I didn't see you yesterday at the dinner table." Blow said, trying to change the subject. I made a mental note to thank him for that later.

But why was Clara saying that Burn liked me? What had happened this morning that made her realize it? Was this really the truth? Burn… liked me?

My heart continued to beat faster and faster. My face felt hot and I knew I was blushing. I turned my face slightly to hide my blush.

Clara looked at me and smirked, "You know, Blow is jealous because he likes y-"

"Clara!" Blow yelled and grabbed her arm, his cheeks became all red again. "Let's leave it a secret, shall we?"

"Why don't you just tell her?"

"There's no way in hell I could do that!"

"I don't understand you! Look, you just have to go to her and-"

"I don't want to tell her! You know my reasons! If you want to talk about something else, let's go to my room."

"What are you guys talking about?" IC asked. "I don't understand."

I bit my lip. Who were they talking about? What was going on? It felt weird and I didn't like it. I mean, every time, every fucking time something went right in my life, someone was always there to screw it up. And this moment was one of those times. No wonder Peter Pan never wanted to grow up.

Blow sighed again. "I just wish I knew how to cheer her up. I hate seeing her like this."

"Then just say it." Clara glanced at me, "Blow wants to tell you something."

"C-Clara, I don't think it's a good idea," Blow tried.

"It is, Blow. Gazel-sama needs someone by her side. She needs a boyfriend."

"Shut up." I scowled, "Now get out. I'm tired."

"Oh, come on. You don't want to break Blow's heart, do you?"

"No, I-"

"Then just listen to what he has to say."

I rolled my eyes, "then make it quick."

I placed my hand on my chest; I had a bad feeling: something bad was about to happen.

"Okay…" He shut his eyes tightly and took a deep breath before opening them again, "Gazel-sama…"

I nodded so that he would continue.

"…I love you."


One, yes, Blow has a crush on Gazel. Two, here is an important question. Please answer it in your review. For the next chapter, would you like to:

A. Take a break from Gazel and start reading more about Burn (Burn's POV)

B. Continue reading from Gazel's POV

Please let me know your choice! I'll go with the majority.

Also, if you guys have an idea for this story you want me to write, PM me or review.