"Hmmm, what do we have here," Igneel said letting out a sigh in the progress, after all he had been flying for a few days straight and was growing tired.

Igneel is a gigantic dragon covered with dark red scales that can be easily seen. His lower body, specifically his belly, inner tail and legs, is beige in colour. Igneel also has noticeable scars on his belly and neck which made it look like it had been through countless tough battles. His back has numerous black spikes, reaching down from the back to the end of his tail and he has a triangular head with horns.

Noticing the young boy walking alone through the dark and miserable forest for some reason had caught his attention and he decided to check him out. Getting closer to the boy Igneel noticed the aura that was surrounding him. It was dark and evil and Igneel could sense a huge amount of magical power coming from him.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" the boy shouted at the dragon that had just landed in front of him. He had pink spiky hair and was wearing black pants that had numerous holes in them and a black waistcoat that looked worn and half torn up.

"You've got guts kid raising your voice at me," the dragon roared back his huge dark eyes taking in the sight of the young boy who he noticed had been crying. However Igneel was quite surprised at the young boy for raising his voice, since dragons were amongst the most feared and powerful creatures in the land a normal person would of ran in the opposite direction instead of shouting at them. However this boy wasn't normal and Igneel had taken an interest in him.

"I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" the boy shouted even louder than the first time not scared of the huge dragon that was looking him over.

"This forest is dangerous for kids to be alone in, where's your parents?" Igneel was intrigued by the boy in front of him.

"Dead and I'm all alone" the kid answered back trying to hold back the tears.

His answer got Igneel even more interested in him, sensing the power radiating from him he knew that he had found a good apprentice to teach his incredibly powerful dragon slayer magic too.

"I am the mighty fire dragon named Igneel, what's your name boy?" roared the dragon as he brought his face down to the level of the young boys.

"N-Natsu, a-are y-you going to kill me Igneel?" he stuttered back at Igneel as tears started to form in the corner of his eyes.

"Hahahaha, tell me Natsu do you have a goal in life?" Igneel answered back, a smile creeping across his huge mouth.

Natsu was taken aback by Igneel's response but wiping his eyes answered back," To become powerful."

"For what reason Natsu?" Igneel replied.

"So I can make people feel what I've felt" Natsu replied as a smile started to creep upon his young face.

Igneel was quite surprised by Natsu's answer even with the evil aura surrounding him Igneel thought his answer would have been about avenging his family but hearing his answer had also added to the belief that the boy was make a good student. "I've taken an interest in you Natsu; I sense great power coming for you so I'll take care of you from now on and teach you how to become stronger."

"Really, you'll take care of me?" Natsu replied as he started grinning at Igneel.

"Yes as long as you follow exactly what I say and stay true to your goal." Igneel replied examining Natsu's smiling face. "I'll teach you powerful magic it's up to you to use it for your own goal and to become as strong as you can."

"I'll become the strongest mage in the world as long as you teach me" Natsu replied trying to flex his skinny arm to impress Igneel but could see that it wasn't having the desired effect.

Igneel could only let out a loud laugh seeing Natsu flex his arm but was impressed at his answer in wanting to be the strongest mage around. Igneel had heard pitiful humans say this in the past before he had crushed them but he felt different about Natsu and sensed a great future in him. With a snap of his long red tail Igneel knocked Natsu up onto his spiky back.

"THAT HURT IDIOT!" Natsu shouted glaring at Igneel

"SILENCE!" Igneel roared at Natsu returning the young boys stare, "We're leaving so hold on."

"Tch" Natsu let out as looked away from Igneel's evil glare and grabbed on to one of the spikes that lined Igneel's back.

A short time later Igneel landed at a large cave entrance at the bottom of a huge mountain which he called his home.

"We're here, this will be your home from now on" Igneel said as Natsu admired the size of the cave. "It's late so we'll rest for tonight and start your training first thing tomorrow."

Igneel lay down as Natsu lay besides taking in the warmth of the huge dragon as Igneel wrapped his tail around him to keep him close. Sleep consumed Natsu as Igneel watched over him thinking about what the future may hold for young Natsu before he was interrupted by a dark and familiar site.

Another dragon landed outside Igneel's cave, nearly twice the size of the fire dragon and twice as powerful. An evil aura emanated from the creature and a stench of death could be smelt for miles. Its entire upper body covered in black, round scales, which in turn are decorated by spiralling, blue markings. His lower body, specifically his belly, inner tail and legs, is grey in colour and his head is covered in four large and elongated plates extending backwards, and has white beady eyes which installed fear into anyone that looked into them. His mouth is full of sharp teeth that must have feasted on thousands of creatures and humans. Arcnologia, the black dragon of the apocalypse and king of the dragons. A title given to him by the humans that feared him and hoped he wouldn't turn up at their towns and cities.

"What are you doing here Arcologia?" Igneel questioned the black dragon, unsure of why he would be visiting him since when Arcnologia was around destruction followed.

Arcnologia casted his eyes on Igneel the fire dragon and noticed the young boy that was sleeping next to him. "Tch, so the mighty fire dragon Igneel has decided to take in a human. Although I can see why you would he seems like a powerful boy and an evil one." Arcnologia replied letting out a loud laugh.

"You didn't answer my question Arcnologia; it's not like you to just drop by for a leisurely chat." Igneel said growing more frustrated at being disturbed.

"Watch your tone Igneel, you know you are no match for me," as Igneel just let out a sigh in response. "I was just passing and could feel a change in the power here so decided to drop by. Now I can see why, "his eyes examining Natsu. "I just hope he doesn't interfere with our end goal, Igneel."

"I'm teaching him my magic and helping him become stronger. You can sense his potential power and the evil that comes from him. He doesn't seem to be a huge fan of humans in the same sense as us so as long as I raise him correctly then we won't have a problem."

Arcnologia nodded in response and added, "We have a few years till I will call on you Igneel, make use of that time wisely and don't mess up." Giving Igneel a deathly stare he then took off with a flap of his powerful wings which sent a strong wind outwards even making Igneel turn his eyes and waking Natsu.

"Huh, were you talking to someone Igneel?" the young Natsu asked lifting his head to check for anyone else nearby.

"You were just imagining stuff Natsu now go back to sleep boy." Answered Igneel who met the sleepy gaze of Natsu.

"Ok Igneel, goodnight." As Natsu let out a yawn and closed his eyes.

It had been a few months since Igneel had taken in Natsu and he had been working Natsu hard ever since. He had been teaching Natsu the art of fire dragon slayer magic and he was learning fast but this didn't surprise Igneel since he knew how much potential he had.

"Damn it Igneel, how am I meant to smash this boulder. IT'S BIGGER THEN YOU!" Natsu was starting to get frustrated as he was unable to break the huge boulder that was in front of him.

"And you call yourself the son of Igneel, YOU'RE PATHETIC!" Igneel roared trying to get something out of the young dragonslayer and he succeeded.

Wrapping his dark flames around his hands Natsu charged at the boulder in front of him, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" let out with a roar as he punched the boulder smashing it into tiny pieces. "Huh, wasn't too hard after all," as the flames around his hands disappeared and he turned to Igneel.

"Good job Natsu, now destroy the other forty nine." Igneel knew how to get a reaction out of Natsu considering they had been together for a few months and that was to make him angry. Natsu seemed to gain more access to his power when he got angry so Igneel used this to his advantage.

Natsu was shocked to hear what Igneel had just said and turned to see another forty nine boulders lined up waiting to be destroyed but instead of sulking he wrapped his flames around his fists and started working on the remaining boulders.

Igneel sat back watching the young dragonslayer destroy the boulders with ease. He was impressed at how much Natsu had improved over the few months they had been together and Igneel was proud of the young boy. Natsu had already learned not only Fire Dragon's Iron Fist but seven other dragon slayer moves. Igneel knew he had made the right choice in taking in Natsu.

July 6th X777 – A few years had passed

"NATSUUU stop training I have something to give you" came a loud voice from the cave that Natsu and Igneel slept. Natsu stopped what he was doing and entered the huge cave.

"What is it Igneel" Natsu enquired, curious as to what could be so important that Igneel would interrupt his training.

"This is for you, something to remember me by Natsu. I'm not going to be around forever so I made this for you." Showing the white scarf that resembled dragon's scales to Natsu who took it from him.

"Wow thanks Igneel." Natsu replied wrapping the scarf around his neck, "I'll always wear it but what do you mean, you won't be around forever. Are you going somewhere?" Natsu asked Igneel with questioning look.

"Forget about that Natsu. You've grown very powerful since I took you in, I'm proud to call you the son of Igneel. Do you remember the goal you had when we first met?"

"Of course Igneel, what about it?" Natsu replied.

"Stick to it and I'll always be proud of you. No matter where you are in Fiore or any continent, I'll always be watching over you Natsu. Now get some sleep, its late." Igneel said wrapping his tail around the young dragonslayer and bringing him close as sleep consumed them both.

The next morning Natsu woke up letting out a large yawn and turned around expecting to see Igneel next to him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"IGNEEL!" Natsu stepped out of the cave shouting the name of his father but with no luck. "Where could he be, he's never left me alone before." Natsu said to himself as he realised that his father had just disappeared without telling him.

Natsu continued his search for Igneel but was growing frustrated as there was still no sign of Igneel and he had been searching for a couple of hours.

"IGNEEL! WHERE ARE YOU?" Natsu shouted at the top of his voice but the only sound that came back was that of the birds in nearby trees.

Natsu continued on hoping for a sign of the fire dragon, looking up at the sky to see if Igneel was flying about but since he wasn't looking forward he bumped into someone in front of him.