A/N: Flashback from Roxas's POV, picks up about where the last flashback left off.

"Come on, Roxas, we've gotta get out of here!"

I heard Axel. He was right. But he had to see…

"Zexion's coming! Move!" Axel ran back to drag me away, but then he finally saw what I was looking at. "…Kairi?"

"We have to help her," I said. She blinked at me, looking confused. Didn't she remember me? I thought she'd be happy…

Why did the scientists have to chase us? I could hear their footsteps running down the hallway.

"Well then don't just stand there; do something!" Axel sung his chakrams at the orange, bubbly tank. The girl flinched, but it didn't even leave a scratch.

I summoned my keyblade. Axel was a lot stronger than me, Vexen'stests even said so. But my weapon could sometimes do things he couldn't, so I tried anyway. It bounced off with an angry clang. It didn't like the glass. I would make it like the glass. Kairi was my friend, I thought she was dead but she was here and I wouldn't leave her.

Axel grabbed the hilt of my keyblade, looking me in the eyes. "Together."

I nodded.



"—Three!" Axel called, ignoring Zexion's yell. We stabbed the key forward, as hard as we both could, into the glass.

"No—!" Zexion yelled, but the shatter was louder. Orange goop spilled all over us. Kairi flailed and spilled out too, like she didn't know how to stand up without the wires and goop holding her in place.

Axel scooped her up, but now that she wasn't inside the orange, she didn't look so much like Kairi. Her hair was black, not red. Maybe they changed her somehow.

I didn't have time to think about it; we had to run away from Zexion. But the orange goop was slippery –

I slid across the ground, into Axel, and he fell too. Maybe-not-Kairi groaned, blinking open her eyes. Outside of the tank, they looked… like mine?

"So close, yet so far away." Zexion laughed shakily, ruffling the pages of his scary book. He was going to catch us in his mind-tricks, all because of stupid orange goop… and because I didn't listen when Axel said run. But it was Kairi; I couldn't leave her… only maybe it wasn't Kairi. Was it a trap? Were we in a mind-trick already?

The floor melted away. If we weren't before, we were now. The ground turned into purple-blue fog, like in our testing. This was going to hurt; Zexion was going to punish us, would I have to fight a Darkside again—?

"Nngh… H-Hairface?" Fake-Kairi studdered. Her voice didn't sound the same as Kairi's either. "Wh-why are we…?" She touched her mouth, like she wasn't sure how it worked. Zexion frowned at her.

"I apologize, Xion. You were not meant to come into contact with these mistakes."

"Mistakes?!" Axel yelled, catching on fire. He was scary when he did that, but Zexion wasn't scared enough.

"A-Axel?" Not-Kairi – Xion? – grabbed her head, crying out in pain. "Who—why—?"

"It is of no importance." Zexion waved his hand, and Axel flew back, into the darkness.

"Axel!" I called for him. He wasn't really gone, right? This was just a mind-trick, he was fine…

"R-Roxas?" Xion whimpered. How did she know me? Who was she?

"Shh. Pay your other half no mind," Zexion told her. For a second, he actually sounded nice.

Then he waved towards me, and I flew into the dark.