IQ- Hello guys, I wanted to post this before I go to Hong Kong for a week. This is a proluge

Warning- OOC, I know Itachi will be on edo tensei but this is AU so there's no edo tensei.

Summary- Itachi never foresee his death and Kami has given him a second chance in life as a normal teenager going to a normal school. But when things started happening, Itachi has to continue what he does best. Armed with his previous equipments, the boy never thought he'd use sharingan all over again. This is Itachi, this is Akatsuki.





So this where everything ends? Itachi limped slowly to Sasuke, he brought his tired hand up. His body staggering and waving from side to side as he went over to his younger brother.

"I'm sorry Sasuke...There won't be a next time."

The boy's eyes widened slightly, as Itachi quickly tapped his index finger and middle finger on Sasuke's forehead. Looking down, Itachi couldn't but to bring out a smile.

I am sorry for everything Sasuke...

The oldest Uchiha's body went limped as his bloodied finger traced itself from Sasuke's forehead down to his chin. The younger boy went stiff trying to process what just happen between them.

Itachi's limped body staggered forward as his head connected to the wall before sliding down facing the sky. The rain drizzled on his face as Susanoo cried out one last time before vanishing.

Sasuke couldn't believe his eyes after what has just saw, Itachi, his brother, his enemy was...dead.


Itachi's body was floating in the border between life and death or as it is also called 'The Rift.' The body went to a halt as it slowly went down on the ground. A figure appeared out of nowhere and walked over to the lifeless body kissed him on his forehead.

And before she knew it, the boy was blinking his eyes slowly. He sat up and looked at his surroundings before locking eyes on the figure.

"Hello Itachi Uchiha." The figure's voice was soft and melodic.

Itachi looked at his surroundings before closing his left eyelid and touching it, "Hello Kami-sama, I assume I passed on."

The figure now known as Kami nodded her head, "Yes my dear, you have. You are currently not in heaven though, I am...truly for what you have gone through and I have decided to bring you here for a talk."

Itachi shook his head, "No you shouldn't be."

Kami grunted as she crossed her arms, "No I should and that's the reason why you are here my dear."

Itachi looked at her impassively, "Yes Kami-sama. Why am I here instead of being in heaven?"

Said girl smiled, "Simple my dear. I'm giving you something no other people dreamed of."

"And what is that Kami-sama?" The god looked at him, "A new lease in life."

Itachi's eyes widened slightly at the offer, "But Kami-sama. Why me?"

The god looked on the ground sadly, "I thought life was being unfair to you, abandoning your emotion, your friends, family and even the whole world."

"I-I'm not sure..."

She cupped his cheek, "I'm giving you a new life and that is final my dear." The boy sighed quietly before nodding his head from the offer.

"But what would happen when I go there?"

"Everything will be arranged Itachi. But for now, tell me. Do you want to keep your abilities as a shinobi?" Kami asked.

"I'm not sure Kami-sama. Is the world I'm going dangerous?" The god nodded her head when Itachi asked the question.

"Yes my dear, in fact everywhere in every world is the dangerous."

Itachi then thought for awhile before looking back at the god, "I'll keep it for your sake Kami-sama, but what about my sickness and the limit to use the Mangakyou? Will it still be with me?"

Kami giggled slightly at him asking about his problems, "My dear. When you die, everything will be healed and for the limit, I'm giving you an exception. If you were to overuse the Mangakyou, you will be blind only temporary."

Said boy mentally cocked a smile, "Thank you Kami-sama. Thank you very much."

The god placed a hand on his shoulder and motioned her other hands downward to a portal and a small apartment came into their view, "Go Itachi, enjoy your new life. Your necessities will be answered on your apartment table."

Itachi hugged the god and before he left the portal, he looked back at her and gave something he rarely does.

A smile.

The god eyes widened slightly as she waved at him, "Enjoy my dear."


-Itachi's apartment, Gotham city-

Itachi started waking up as he looked around. He was in his apartment, the shinobi stared at the small room and walked out of it. The place was big enough for him and it was decent enough to be called a home. Itachi strolled around the living room.

Said boy was eyeing everything before it landed on a few storage scrolls on the table. As he walked over to the scrolls, he found a letter attached to it.

What's this?

The shinobi opened and read it aloud, "Hello Itachi, I hope you like your new home and I brought some things that you might like. From Kami."

He placed the letter back and took out the first scroll and applied some chakra on it and there was a loud 'poof' sound as smoke covered the small area. His eyes widened, "My Akatsuki equipment." Mumbled the boy.

He then placed them aside as he took another one and applied some chakra. This time it was something else, It was pile of letters. The boy took it and read it contents.

Gotham Academy results

Itachi Uchiha, you have been accepted in Gotham academy for the most outstanding grades of the admission.

Oh joy, I get to go to school again. He glanced to his side and saw the books and his school bag, "Looks like Kami-sama was right about getting a new life."

He grabbed the final scroll and it was something he less expected. It was a warning letter from Kami.

Dear Itachi,

As you know, this world is so much different than your previous and it would be wise if you learn from it before school begins next year. Also, I hope you would be careful since this world is as dangerous as yours.


Itachi frowned as he placed the letter down, "I have a lot to learn in this place."


IQ-Alright folks, this is where I'll stop and I hope you like the prologue. Remember that I won't be updating much after next week because of my Hong Kong trip and School's beginning year.

And don't forget to leave a Review, Favourite and Follow below. It really helps me to continue this fic.