****Author's Note***** Hi this is my first Non-Star Wars fanfiction, hope you like it. Also my OC characters have the same names as my characters in my Star Wars fanfiction. This chapter was named after the song "Safe and Sound" by Taylor Swift because I kinda like the song...****

Chapter One: Safe and Sound


Hello, my name is Hannah. I'm the ever first human guardian (well sorta) that ever lived that Man in the Moon anointed. "What's a guardian?" you may ask, a guardian guards children's childhood... We bring them memories, hope, wonder, dreams, fun, and care...

(End of intro)

It was midnight in November, and snow was falling. Five year old Hannah was looking out the window and looking at the full moon. She looked really sad but she heard a voice," My darling child, go outside and see what awaits you..." She followed the voice's command. She got her snow-gear on and went outside. Then the same voice came back,"Child, let your heart guide you.."

She didn't understand what that meant but she did it anyway. She walked up to a forest that looked enchanted but haunting. It felt familiar to her, like she saw it in a dream or in a nightmare. She approached to a lake that was covered with ice, frosted with snow.

This place was a place of pain and sadness to Hannah. Hannah's heart felt like if it was suffering.

Hannah then, burst into tears. She had a reason why she was crying.

As she was crying, someone was behind her. She turned around and there was a boy who looked like if he was in his teens. He has a blue hoodie and brown pants, no shoes. He had white-frosted hair that shined in the moon light, beautiful blue eyes. He carried a wooden staff that was frosted.

The boy looked around at what the girl was seeing, until he realized that she was looking at him.

"Can you see me?", he asked in a whisper.

She nodded wiping away the tears.

"S-She can see me!...", he said in excitement but he began to worry for the little girl.

"Why are you out here so late?"

"A voice told me to," She said with teary eye.

"What voice?"

She stared at the moon and pointed at it.

The boy was surprised and amazed," What?! The Man in the Moon talked to you?!"

"I guess..."

"What did he say?!"

"He told me to follow my heart and I came here...","She began to cry again.

"Why are you crying?", the boy asked with worry as he kneeled down to her.

"I had a dream t-that I was on the ice and fell down to the water... And everything was dark..."

That hit him, that happen the same thing to him. He began to worry if it will happen to her.

"Hey it's all right, he said wiping away the tears from her face.

As he was wiping away the tears, the tears became frozen as ice and as a fell to the ground, the tear broke like if glass fell to the floor.

"Are you a magic man?", she asked with amazement at what she saw.

"Well not really, I'm Jack Frost I make everything winter"

"Really?!", She asked brighting up.

"Yep... Do I need to prove it?

"No, my name is Hannah"

"Hannah, do you want to play a game?"

"Yeah, lets play...," As she was deciding on what to play she threw a snowball.

"Hey, I wasn't ready!", Jack said laughing.

"You are now!"

As they were play, Hannah didn't realized that she was walking backward to the frozen lake. She looked down and realized she was on ice and the ice wasn't frozen soiled, it started to brake.


Jack looked and turned around and in fear he saw Hannah on the ice.

"Hold on Hannah, I'm coming!"

He ran to the lake.

"Jack, I'm scared!", Hannah yelled in fear.

A flash back went to Jack, he remember his sister saying the same thing when she was on the ice.

"Don't be scared-um- l-lets play a game," Said Jack with a nervous tone in his voice.

"No Jack, help me!"


He calmed down and returned on what he was saying," Listen, if you want help, you have to play a game with me... Trust me"

She nodded, frantically, she also had tears pouring out like a water fall.

He kneeled down by the lake holding his staff at Hannah like if he was going to grab her with it, but she was about three feet away from the staff.

"Now pretend you're playing hop-scotch, all right?"

"Okay," Hannah said nervously.

She started to do hop scotch on ice, Jack counted down how many steps she was taking before he would pull his staff away.

"Three... Two... One"

Then Jack to grab Hannah, she was was sliding across the ice .

Then she landed on Jack and crying her head off.

"Hey it's all right, I'm here nothings going to hurt you... Your safe and sound..." Jack said comforting her with a hug.

"Th-Thank you Jack, you're my hero..."

A dark figure was in the background in the forest.

"My, my, look what we have here. A bonding... I hate bonding…," the dark figure said with a snarl.

Then, moon light hit the dark figure. It was Pitch; the boogyman.

An idea came to Pitch, a dark idea though...

Pitch turned to the moon and said, "What are you looking at old friend? Don't you see- that boy, Jack Frost, will find pain- pain that will make him suffer.. I want revenge from what he gave me a long time ago... That girl- little Hannah- will die in the up coming years.. And this is a curse that I'll give them…," Pitch laughed evilly and faded away.

Jack was flying with Hannah to drop her off at her house.

"Jack, can you tuck me in?", She asked tiredly.

"Sure," he said picking her up and walking to the house and up to her bedroom.

She got her pj's on and went to her bed. Jack covered her up with a big blanket.

Hannah got out a small blanket and put it on top of her face.

"What are you doing?", Jack asked as he was chuckling.

"Mom told me that this would make me going to sleep faster","Hannah said still having the blanket on top of her head.

Jack laughed lightly and took her blanked off of her head," I don't think that would be necessary"

"How am I going to sleep faster then?"

"I'll send a request to Sandman to make you go to sleep faster okay?"

"Okay Jack, nighty night"

"Night, Little Snowflake" he said nicknaming her and kissed her little button nose.

Then Hannah fell to sleep. As Jack was leaving he saw Sandy's dream sand and saw Hannah's dream. Her dream was her and Jack ice-skating, Jack felt so happy.

As he was flying to wherever place that needed snow, he thought to himself," Will I see Hannah again?"

***Authors notes**** I hoped you liked it, please leave a kind review about my story. Hope you have a Frosty-Night :) ****