This is just a note to anyone who is reading this.

I wanted to apologize about some mistakes I made, explain a few things, and ask a few questions of anyone who thinks they might know the answers.

First off, I wanted to say I'm sorry about my character being a borderline Mary Sue. I got a 18 on the test and it said 18 was a borderline Mary Sue. Then again, I didn't really understand the scoring.

Next, I wanted to explain that I've gotten a lot of emails saying that my Character is a Mary Sue and that my name must be Danielle like my character. This is not the case. If you read my pen name it says Princess BETH for a reason. Also, Danielle is not even my favorite name. I was just a name that came to me for reason that I don't really remember anymore. (something about Lily and the two Ls, I know I'm weird).

Okay now I want to a question about this topic, Mary Sue. I can take almost every story out there and the main character is at least a little Mary Sueish (is that a word, I don't think it is, but.). If a character is not special at all or doesn't have some mystery about them or their past, what is the point of writing about them? Take Harry Potter for example. If someone on the internet was to have written the original story about him, they would get told he was a Mary Sue (or rather whoever Mary Sue's counterpart is). He is the only one to live through that curse, he has lots of mystery about his past. Everything always happens to him. Also, he can speak to snakes, something that most people can't do, and I've heard rumors that in future books we will learn that his eyes can do special magic that will probably be the down fall of Voldemort. So how do you write a story about a character without using some sort of a Mary Sue?

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy my story even with my "Mary Sue" character. I also apologize for any spelling a grammar mistakes. There is better spacing after the first few chapter. I love reading review, but if you don't want to.don't. thanks you and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Beth A.K.A: Princess-Beth40