By Monkan

Pairings: Thor/Loki, implied Thor/Freya, Balder/Loki
Warnings: Slash, Violence, Weapons, etc.
Rating: M (You know the deal now)

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story. The characters belong to Marvel and the Norse Mythology, nor any other names or products that may be mentioned.

A/N: New story. I was watching Jormungand and this little one came to me. Update rate will depend on interest rate. If you like it? Let me know!

Summary: Thor just got discharged from the special force when he punched his commanding officer for touching him. Against all odds he rescues a damsel in distress and gets recruited as a bodyguard. Loki, however, is no lady, and his profession is not the average job.

~ Chapter 1 ~

"Lt. Thor Odinson, you are hereby discharged from the special force. You will never serve in the army ever again."

April, 15, 00:16

Thor walked down the street in the middle of the night, not really caring where he went or what he did. He had been dismissed from the force two weeks now and he really missed it, although he didn't regret punching that fucker for daring to grope him. He was as straight as they come.

Just because his girlfriend Freya had left him a month a go didn't mean he was open for men to fondle him. The buff man sighed as he remembered Freya's golden hair and her beautiful smile. Not to mention the killer boobs. When they started dating they had been a C, and after she operated them they had been a double D. Oh, how he loved to play with them. He truly was a boob man. He loved how he could make a woman feel just by fondle her breasts. It was the best feeling ever as he suckled them and played with them.

But apparently she needed a man who was there for her. Him being in the special force and making loads of money for risking his life hadn't been enough for her. So she had left him for a blue collar man she had slept with for over a year. If he ever met that man again he would punch him in the face too.

It was like that as Thor walked down the street, reminiscing about the past as someone came running out from the alley.

Thor narrowed his eyes to see better from this distance, which took him seconds even with the number of people around.

It was a slim woman with shoulder long hair and a tight skirt. After her came four men who looked like they were part of the local gang. Either way he felt like he had found the perfect reason to vent his frustration of his life.

He caught the woman's eyes before she passed him and if anything he saw how she seemed less afraid than she should be from the situation, but he still stepped in between her and the men.

"Out of the way, bitch." one of the more buff men ordered him. What really snapped Thor was that the man used the same word his Captain had used when he fondled him.

Four men. Four moves and four blows, and they were out like a light. They didn't even have a chance in fighting back.

"Amateurs." Sneered Thor as the woman stood behind him and looked amazed at his handiwork.

He turned around and looked the woman over. Other than being out of breath and her hair in a mess, she looked good. He also noted she was an A-cup, much to his disappointment.

'What the hell? All my girls have been C - DD and they've all blown me off in the worst ways. An A might be a good change?'

"Are you all right?" he asked without approaching her.

She looked up at him with those green eyes before she stepped forward and started to feel his biceps.

"Wow." she breathed. "They are real. What do you do for a living?" she didn't look at his face as she continued to feel his rock hard chest and abs. Thor would start to feel violated if she went lower but she jumped over his private area and down to his legs. "Don't tell me you are into law or something. That would just be a total waste."

"No, I was in the army." Thor confessed as he watched her stand up with a smile.

"Was?" she asked with a hidden smile.

"Yes. Was. I'm looking for other work now." she didn't need to know any details.

Like a spell she didn't hide her smile anymore and put her hands on her hips. "If it's a job you want I can give you one. Be my bodyguard and I will compensate you more than you will ever need."

"Just like that?" Thor asked. This was too fishy to be true.

"Just like that." she nodded. "My last bodyguard just quit so I'm in a need to keep idiots like them, and others, at bay." she quickly hinted toward the beaten men. "But we can't talk here." they were gathering a crowd and the cops were no doubt on their way. "This way." she grasped his hand and pulled him along with surprising strength.

Around a few blocks until they came to a hotel so out of his price range that it looked like a holy ground. Without hesitating she brought him along up to her floor and walked past a muscular woman who only nodded to the dark haired beauty and glared at Thor.

She brought him into one of the rooms where seven other people waited. All men. And Thor was sure he had just walked into a trap.

"These are my men." the woman said with her hands out. "They work for me to protect me and my business, but I need one more as a personal guard. Someone who can keep an exclusive eye on me and my safety."

"Where did you pick this stray up?" One of the more elderly men asked the woman with a smirk.

"Everyone! This is our newest member. Um... what's your name again?"

Thor blinked and that brought him out of his daze. "Hold on. I haven't agreed to anything."

"None of us did." an Asian guy said with a laugh, joined in with his buddies. "We are all strays here."

"It's not so bad. They pay is great. Much better than the authority pay." another one said.

The door opened and the woman came in. "Newcomer?" She asked in a tight voice. Clearly she disliked him for some reason.

"Yes." the woman said enthusiastic. "What's your name?" she repeated.

"Thor. But I still-"

"Oh! Like the thunder God? That's amazing. EVERYONE! This is Thor. My new bodyguard."

The room resounded with greetings and Thor was left feeling stranded. He had been caught in whatever this was, and based on their talk they were not in the legal business. "At least tell me who and what is going on." he sighed in defeat.

The woman's smirk grew bigger as she knew she had won.

"My name is Loki. I'm a weapons dealer." she presented herself, and walked toward the lonely fridge in the room. It was small but handy as she pulled out beer cans for everyone.

At first he didn't catch on but with the snickers going around he knew something was up. He then looked at Loki and the sound of it in his own mind made him hesitate.

"Wait!" he exclaimed. "Isn't Loki a..." he didn't get a chance to finish when Loki turned around and unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a flat chest.

"I'm a man." he finished for a shocked Thor with a smirk. "Welcome to Ragnarök."