
A Vampire's Love For A Mortal

Chapter one

It was a mild winters night, the sun set hours ago leaving in its place a huge full moon and tiny flickering dots in the blackish sky. The city streets were silent as it grew to midnight and the roads were empty except for a few neatly parked cars on the sideline.

There crouched down on a tallish building was a black hedgehog with crimson red strips and bright red ruby eyes, scanning his surroundings. He wore a long black trench coat that swished about in the low winds and big thick black leaver boots with a silver strap that went all the way round, looking a little on the gothic side of things. The hedgehog's name was Shadow and he was not someone you wish to encounter or make angry.

Now Shadow wasn't crouched on any old building, oh no, he was on the roof of a tall block of apartments. Which one apartment in particular belonged to him and his life partner Sonic the hedgehog the blue hero of the mortal world.

Shadow was in deep concentration looking for a quick, easy meal to satisfy his cravings for fresh, warm, rich blood of a mortal. Yes that's right Shadow was a vampire and not from this world either.

Thirty long minutes went by for Shadow with not much happening near him. He was hoping he wouldn't have to go far for his after midnight meal and just as he was getting ready to move to a different location Shadow spotted below him a youngish male enter a dark alleyway with a shifty walk about him.

Shadow carefully watched the mortal below himself, a dark grin appeared upon Shadows muzzle that was wide enough for his fangs to show. Shadow quickly swooped down into the alleyway without a sound, landed on his feet with silent grace and waited for the perfect opportunity to announce his arrival here.

Shadow examined the mortal again now he was closer, just to see if he had any weapons on him. As Shadow was looking he noticed something very odd about this particular person, for starters he was swaying from side to side with a brown paper bag that had a bottle of very strong smelling liquid inside and he was dressed in old raggy clothes that were dirty, smelly and had holes through them. He noticed strange tattoos on the mans hands and recognised them as an old gang mark he had come across a few years ago before meeting Sonic.

Shadow accidentally trod on a piece of broken glass making a loud crunching sound echo down the alley. The mortal gasped and quickly turned around and gave Shadow a questionable look as he tried to focus on the hedgehog before him. Shadow moved closer with a grin and the man took steps backwards.

"St-stay away!" The man shouted and threw his bag consuming his bottle of booze at Shadow, hitting Shadow in the shoulder.

"That wasn't very nice, you could have cut me with that, and now I feel threatened by you." Shadow deviously said with a dark look in his glowing red eyes as he kept approaching the man.

The man looked around for a weapon to use to fight his way to freedom and life but all he could find was littered papers, the large rubbish bins and small shards of glass that were pointless in using. Shadow kept approaching the man until the man bumped into the wired fence then stopped in front of him. They stared at one another, the man in fear and Shadow in hunger.

"This is what I have to do when I run out of my fresh blood bags I obtain from the blood bank." Shadow casually told the man as he quickly grabbed the guys shoulders and dragging the man down a little, pinning him to the fence tightly so there was no escaping.

"But then again it isn't like you are an innocent person so I wont be feeling too guilty with consuming your blood." Shadow said with a small level of anger as he glared at the man, now looking very serious.

Shadow moved himself so he was very close to the man then inched his mouth closer to the guys neck. Shadows fangs grew long with anticipation as he hovered his mouth over the neck of his meal.

"A little dirty but right now I can't afford to be choosy." Shadow thought as he purposely made sure the mans pulse rose from fear.

After a couple of more seconds Shadow penetrated his long fangs into the mortals neck. He started gracefully drinking the warm red liquid until there was not even a drop left. The mortal now hung dead in his grip and Shadow was now deeply satisfied. He wiped away the last little drops of blood from his muzzle with his tongue and could now start to feel a very small effect of the alcohol his meal was drinking prior to dying.

Shadow hoisted the dead body up onto his shoulder then made a portal that would send the body into the lava of a volcano so no evidence was here to say someone died in a freaky way. Shadow grinned as he moved the body with little effort then threw it in. He watched the portal close fully before returning to his apartment and back to his mate.

Shadow jumped from wall to wall until he was back where he started, felling very glad the building next to the apartment building was the same height. Once on the roof, Shadow took one last look around in the night then he exited the roof through the access door and went back to his and Sonics apartment that was on the top floor.

He quietly unlocked their door, snuck inside and very gently closed and locked the door behind himself. The first thing Shadow did was took his trench coat off and hung it onto the nearest peg then he slipped his black boots off and neatly put them on the shoe rack.

It was extremely dark in the apartment without any of the lights on. Shadow didn't have any problems avoiding all the obstructions on the way to the sofa, thanks to his excellent night vision. He finally reached the sofa and plummeted down onto his belly, stretching his arms and legs then he extended his big bat like wings after making contact with the sofa.

After Shadow felt comfortable he folded his wings neatly back into there previous position and relaxed his muscles. He decided to stay on the sofa for an hour or two before joining his mate for the remainder of the night, who was fast asleep in their bedroom.

Just as Shadow found himself content and relaxed, taking at least ten minutes to do so, there was a loud thump, thump, thump at the door. The light in the hallway flicked on and Sonic slowly walked towards the door unaware that Shadow was home and on the sofa.

The door continued to be bashed upon as if whoever it was on the other side was desperate and in some sort of danger. Sonic gave a tired yarn as he approached the front door to the apartment, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he walked.

"Alright I'm coming…forgot your keys again Shads." Sonic said to himself and then getting a huge surprise when he heard his lover reply to him from the sofa.

"Erm nope not this time, you handed them to me just before I left remember!"

"Geez Shad's you know how to scare a guy don't ya…ok so if it isn't you then who the hell is bashing our door down at what…1o'clock in the morning?" Sonic asked his vampire lover once he got over the sudden surprise.

"Don't know maybe you should answer it before we have no door left." Was Shadow's reply and with a sly grin to go with his words.

The door was still knocked on and in an impatient way too. Sonic rolled his eyes at his boyfriends reply and unlocked the door, slowly opened it just in case it was someone out to kill.

Sonic was once again surprised for the second time tonight for the person on the other side of the door was unexpected especially at this time of night.

"Tails what are you doing here so early in the morning and what the hell happened to you bro?" Sonic questioned Tails in a shocked and worried tone as he let his little brother into the apartment, then closed and locked the door.

Sonic and Tails went into the living room with Sonic leading and Tails following. Shadow sat up to let Sonic sit next to him and Tails sat on the other sofa that was nearest to Sonic.

Tails did look a right state, he was covered in ash from head to toe and he had a hint of a burning smell. His fur was matted and singed, also he had a few cuts and bruises all over him.

"Well you know the other day I was working on my new project…it kind of went out of my control earlier and blew up. I don't know what caused it to blow up, I'm always extremely careful when it comes to chemicals and explosives. My workshop is pretty much gone and I'm sure there is nothing left." Tails explained to the two lovers with sad eyes.

Tails then looked over at Shadow who was covering his nose, the burning smell coming from Tails was giving him a sickening headache no thanks to his high sense of smell.

Tails looked apologetic towards Shadow knowing about his high sense of smell, in which Shadow uncovered his nose and decided to put up with the horrid smell, it would just mean no love making tonight with this headache that was forming fast.

"That's too bad Tails but I must say I am glad you made it out alive." Shadow said with a sympathetic tone while looking right at Tails and forcing a smile to try and mask his uncomfortable feeling head.

"Tails you should be more careful you might have been lucky this time but what if next time this happens and you're not so lucky, you would be dying under all that rubble and no one would ever know about it until it's to late." Sonic said to Tails in an upset tone of voice and wishing to all the gods in the universe that that will never happen.

"I know that Sonic I'm sorry that I've caused you to worry, it won't happen again I promise." Tails replied in an apologetic manner which earned him a calm and reassured smile from Sonic.

Shadow found himself closing his eyes and massaging his temples a little due to the throbbing headache, hoping it would ease the pain a bit. Sonic noticed his mate looking uncomfortable and in pain, having an inkling why he looked that way.

"Hey Shads what's the matter?" Sonic asked softly putting an arm around Shadow and pulling him in for a little cuddle.

"I don't mean to offend you Tails when I say the smell of your singed, burnt fur is giving me one hell of a headache. How about next time you decide to mix chemicals and blow something up, you could maybe not get caught up in it then come here and share the story please." Shadow said with a playful grin at the fox while opening his eyes half way, showing some discomfort in them.

"Yeah sure thing Shadow, I will do my best not to blow anything up." Tails faintly smiled for he was definitely going to make sure of that.

"Hey Tails why don't you have a shower and stuff then spend the rest of the night in the spare room. We'll sort this out in the morning, morning ok." Sonic smiled happily at his fox brother while talking in a soft tone.

Tails agreed and left to sort himself out in the bathroom before going to the spare room to get some sleep tonight.

Sonic and Shadow stayed on the sofa cuddling each other closely. Sonic started to twist his finger around Shadows white bit of chest fur in a soothing way.

"So Shads, do anything special while you were out?" Sonic asked in a soft velvety voice and still playing with Shadows white tuff of fur.

Shadow gave Sonic a seductive grin.

"You know the usual, my nights aren't that special unless they're with you my love." Shadow purred back as he moved his head closer to Sonics.

The two smiled at one another and shared a passionate kiss, getting a little touchy-feely with one another too. This only lasted a few minutes then they both settled for a cuddle to enjoy the quiet, well the somewhat quiet for Shadow as he can hear the shower going in the hallway.

An hour passed and Tails was now in the spare bedroom all cozy in the double bed. Shadows headache was slowly becoming non-existent and Sonic was dropping off to sleep unable to find the will to keep his eyes open. This was his body and mind saying to get back into bed.

"I'm going back to bed Shads, you coming?" Sonic said holding out his hand after he got up.

Shadow nodded as he took a hold of Sonics hand and Sonic pulled Shadow off the sofa. They both walked hand in hand towards their bedroom.

Once inside, Sonic climbed into the warm and cosy bed first followed closely by Shadow after Shadow removed his trousers. They snuggled up in the covers together with Sonic having Shadow within his embrace.

"Good night babe, love you." Sonic said softly then gave Shadow a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Love you too, sleep well my love." Shadow replied and also placing a kiss but on Sonic's lips instead.

Sonic fell asleep within minutes and Shadow remained awake within Sonic's embrace.

Shadow didn't mind laying awake doing nothing to pass the time all night, in fact he rather enjoyed this special time with Sonic. It was very rare that Shadow wouldn't join his mate in bed to cuddle up with during the remainder of the night and watch him sleep peacefully until dawn came.

Shadow sighed softly and couldn't help but feel contentment within himself and thinking how wonderful his life has become over the past few years with Sonic.

(Edited - 31st August 2019...)