Disclaimer: If you look at me under the right light, then close your eyes and imagine the author of Fairy Tail, I'm still not Hiro Mashima, so I don't technically own anything. Oh we'll, he's awesome!

*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*

Author's Rant: Ok, so I've been wanting to write a story like this for a while, but I always felt like I'd push myself too much. But I can't seem to write anything else because this story keeps sticking in my head, messing everything up! So please, enjoy this! R&R!

Summery: (AU) Fairy Tail banished Lucy from their guild before the S-class exam. Heartbroken and wanted by the Magic Council, she crosses paths with someone she thought was her enemy. Zeref. He trains her in the ways of dark magic, and 7 years pass...

I know it's not a brilliant summery, and may sound generic, but I'm never good with those when I write them, because I don't want to spoil things (well more like I haven't thought that far...) so please read it, I promise originality!

Oh yeah, check my other Fairy Tail Fanfics 'Forgotten Memories' and 'Never Meant to Be' (sad Oneshot), and even my Beelzebub one, 'Heat' (rated M so be warned)! You don't have to, just saying, you may like it...

~Nom Nom :3

PS: I apologise for any spelling mistakes or complete changes that sound stupid, but this was wrote on my iPad and it has a tendency to change words just to mess with me.

My Dark Queen - Part I : The Fall


The Start of a Nightmare

Looking back on it, she pinpointed the exact time where it all started, her third mission back from Edolas. It was a rather simple and easy mission, to obliterate a small dark guild called Terror Heel, who were just terrorising the villagers of Olive Town. Yet, how could it go so terribly wrong?

Lucy examined the job board intently. Her shoulder-length blonde hair cascaded elegantly down, and was held firmly in an off-centre ponytail. She wore a short blue miniskirt, and a white shirt that hugged her breasts, with a blue cross on it. She had a brown belt which held a black whip with a heart-shaped end, and had a key hoop on which held various gold and silver keys.

This would be the third mission this week. They'd just returned from Edolas two weeks ago, and partied a week straight for the return of Lisanna. At first, the entire guild was terrified for what many happen when she met Lucy. Would Natsu kick Lucy away for Lisanna? Or vice versa? Yet the two surprised everyone by becoming great friends. Lisanna joins Team Natsu while Lucy stayed in it. Then missions began, and Lucy was reminded of her dept to her landlady. She'd missed the last month's rent, and so she managed to somewhat force Team Natsu to help get the money, with Lisanna's support. Yet, like always, they got absolute minimum reward for destroying something. So she needed something bad.

'Find the missing heirloom, 92,000 Jewels' - no, too time consuming. 'Participate in magic show, 5,000 Jewels' - no, it would barely allow them any cut. 'Catch the "Phantom Phale", 5,000,000 Jewels' - wait, wasn't that something like an S-Class mission? She'd point it out to Mirajane later. Then a small flier caught her eye:

WANTED: Team of Mages to subdue Dark Guild Terror Heel.

LOCATION: Olive Town and surrounding area.

REWARD: 10,000 Jewels + Requip Stone: Sky Empress

Requip Stone? That confused Lucy. Normally to take out a Dark Guild, even the smallest and weakest ones, it would offer rewards of at least 100,000 Jewels, or anything equating to that. So was this stone valuable? Curious, she decided to ask Erza. Who else would know that the Requip Mage? They both were called Requip, so there might have something to do with one another.

"Hey Erza!" She called, ripping the job off the board and running to her. "Take a look at this."

Erza Scarlet. An S-Class Mage, the guilds disciplinarian. With long red hair that falls straight to her lower back, and her signature steel armour with a golden cross centring over her heart. With a sad history, she learned Requip magic at a young age, and when she joined Fairy Tail, became the youngest S-Class Mage at the age of 15. Lucy admired her greatly, and Erza was protective of Lucy, like a younger sister.

Lucy passed the flier to Erza. "What's a Requip Stone?" She asked.

"I know!" Shouted Natsu from behind Erza.

"No you wouldn't, flame brain idiot." Muttered Gray, next to him.

"Who are you calling an idiot, ice queen!"

"Flame sucker!"

"Ice licker!"

Even thought the insults were feeble, even by their standards, they began to fight. Natsu Dragneel was a fire Dragon Slayer, with pink hair that spiked up in all directions. He had a white-scaled scarf that never left his sight, and wore an open black vest with black shorts and sandals. Gray Fullbuster was a Ice Mage, with black hair that was more tame than Natsu's. Because of an unusual habit of stripping that he acquired, he normally never wore clothes. At the time, he had black and blue striped boxers, with his silver necklace and bracelet.

The two threw punches at one another, and began to escalate before they stopped. Erza hadn't done anything, not even shout at them, just stare at the flier. Other guild members were drawn to the Mage who was extremely out of character, and everyone had one single thought. What was on that paper?

"Erza, what's a Requip Stone?" Lucy repeated, breaking the uneasy silence that fell upon the guild members.

"A Requip Stone is a stone that holds a new Requip Armour information inside it. They're rare, and cannot be created without the knowledge that had been long lost. I've collected almost all of them but a few have evaded my grasp." She tapped the paper. "The Sky Empress Armour is one of them."

She turned to Natsu and Gray. "We're doing this job, and if you so much even trip, I will castrate you." She threatened, emitting an aura that was 10 times worse than usual, even causing Master Makarov to flinch. Noticing that not only their lives were endangered, but their future children's lives, they nodded obediently. Lucy giggled at that. Erza turned at the giggle, making everyone tense up. She looked at Lucy, then pulled her into a hug. "Thanks Lucy." She said softly. Even though she was quiet, the whole guild could hear what she said. Lucy on the other hand was struggling to breathe in the bear hug. Quickly letting to, she faced all of Team Natsu. "We leave the train station at 3pm, in an hour. Get ready." She didn't have to say it twice. Team Natsu all dispersed into separate directions to their own homes.

As usual, when Lucy arrived at the station with five minutes to spare, and met Erza, with her mountain of luggage. There was about thirty different suitcases, all different colours and shapes, form small red circular ones to large black rectangular ones. They were all tied together with ropes, and Erza held onto it like it was nothing. However, what was strange was that there was a space for Lucy's pink suitcase, and she even gestured for her to place it there.

"Thanks Erza." She smiled to her, and Erza smiled back. Somehow, it had brought them closer together. Lucy thought that it was funny that just a small mission could do that.

Next to arrive, with three minutes to spare, was Lisanna. Lisanna had short silver hair, like her brother and sister, and was about the same size as Lucy in all departments except her chest. She wore a green shirt and blue pants. Normally she and Lucy would arrive at the same time, but she was carrying extra luggage, a black and red case with her usual white one. It made Erza and Lucy smirk at one another with a knowing expression. And, as if on cue, Natsu appeared in the distance with no suitcase. He reached the three of them to see Lisanna looking slightly flustered, and Lucy and Erza smirking at one another.

"So, what's this?" Lucy finally asked, gesturing at Lisanna carrying the two suitcases. "Is there something you'd like to share?"

"N-Nothing!" Lisanna blurted, causing the two to snicker again. "No I mean... You see... What happened was..."

Lucy smiled. It looked like the poor girl was hyperventilating, and Natsu noticed so took over. "She helped me pack..."

"And~?" Erza drew out the sound to make Lisanna blush and Natsu slightly uncomfortable.

"And nothing. Much. Just, some... Kissing..." His voice quietened so that it was barely audible over the busy sound of the train station, but they heard it.

"I'm so sorry, Lucy!" Lisanna cried, rushing to her and bowing. "But can you please forget about this?"

"Why? It's great! You two are a perfect couple!" Lucy grinned, causing Lisanna to stop crying and look at her with bewilderment.

"But he's yours, right...?" It came out as a question, and the rest laughed at her. "What?"

"You thought we were dating?" Lucy howled. Natsu was red in the face, and even Erza was snickering. "No, we're not! Don't worry, he's yours." Lisanna beamed at that.

"It's going to leave." Gray said, as if appearing from nowhere. He was right, and the train began to close its doors. Lucy sighed inwardly. They hadn't even started, and yet they were running. Figures.

Olive Town was a quiet rural town. They passed fields of farms, which slowly turned to a forest as they got closer on the train. The train station itself was falling apart, and was a small shack on the outskirts of town. Other from them, no one entered or left the train. Natsu was incredibly pleased and was worshiping the ground, swearing that he would never leave it. Erza, however, felt troubled. Something big, something life changing was about to happen, and she feared not all of them would return...

"-za! Erza!" Lucy shouted, getting her attention. She was waving her hand in front of her face, trying to break her trance. "You ok? You've been just staring into the forest for about a minute. Gray and Natsu are fighting too, and they won't listen to me."

Stomping over to them, she whacked them both across their heads. It was harder than she normally would hit them, so they both collapsed on the spot. Erza internally cursed at herself. The day was fading, so it meant that when they woke up, it'd be too late to do the mission.

"Let's find a hotel or inn and wait until tomorrow." She sighed, and picked the two up. She dragged her luggage-mountain too, and the two girls eyed her up with different expressions: Lisanna completely in awe of her strength, while Lucy was bemused. This sort of thing happened too much for her liking, but it was always funny to watch, and see how people react to her monstrous strength.

Leading down the Main Street in the town (more like the only street in town) was Erza, with everyone giving her weird looks. Some sneered, while others just outright ignored them, making Lucy feel paranoid. What was with everyone in this town? She guessed it was something related with the Dark Guild Terror Heel.

Erza stopped outside a rather small building. It was falling apart, like the rest of the town was, but in better shape than most. It was painted a flaking red colour, with the word 'INN' barely visible in white across the front. Erza left everything outside and rented a room of an old woman, and proceeded to take everything up it. To Lisanna's and Lucy's surprise, when they finally reached the single room, everything, including the boys, were safely packed in the room while Erza drank a cup of tea.

"I never get used to how you do that." Lucy admired, earning a grin from Erza. "But why one room?" Normally Erza was strict on the 'No boys and girls in the same room' policy, but this time she smiled evilly.

"Well, I just wanted to see some progression between Lisanna and Natsu." She smirked. It was really because since she had to pay, because she was getting the reward, so lots of her money didn't go to waste before the imminent destruction that Natsu and Gray would cause.

Lisanna blushed a deep scarlet. "Don't forget Gray and Lucy!" She blurted out, passing the buck.

It was Lucy's turn to blush. "I-It's not like that..." She mumbled. Girl talk was now in complete flow.

The topics varied. Lisanna half convinced them that nothing's happened between her and Natsu, Lucy denied anything about liking Gray, and Erza blushed at any mention of Jellal. Then they talked about other relationships like Levy and Gajeel, Mirajane and Freed, and Laxis and Cana (which surprised everyone). Then it turned to music, with Erza liking pop, Lisanna liking classical, and Lucy (somewhat shocking the other two) liking sad songs from any genre. They were halfway debating about whether to play truth or dare when the boys woke up.

"You two have bonded, surprisingly." Natsu stated, gesturing at Lucy and Lisanna. "I thought you'd be at each others throats."

"That'd be stupid! Lisanna's a lovely girl!" Lucy argued.

"Yeah, so is Lucy! Even her Edolas version cared for me, and besides." She smiled at Lucy. "We'd only clash if we both liked you." She said, making Lucy snort with laughter. For being a (former) heiress, she acted very unladylike.

"Hey!" Natsu complained. "I'm quite desirable!"

"Yeah, but she desires Gray." Erza giggled, making her turn red. This comment and action didn't get missed.

"Oh, so you want a piece of this?" Gray said, draping his arm around her shoulders and wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Get off her, stripper!" Natsu yelled.

"Shut up, fire head, why do you care?" Gray countered.

"Because it's like you're making a move on my sister!"

Silence followed that remark. Lisanna was so pleased with the answer, but the rest were surprised. They knew they were close, but protective like an older brother? That was something. A tear escaped Lucy's eye.

"D-Did I say something wrong?" Natsu panicked. Lucy just shook her head, ran towards him and hugged him. "W-Wha...?"

"That's the nicest thing you've said to me..." She smiled. "If you were really my brother, I'd be really happy..." He smiled then hugged her. The other three felt like they were spying on a very private moment. Everyone at Fairy Tail was special to them, but these four had a bond that transcended that. They were family, even more so than the rest. Lisanna didn't feel left out, only pleased. She was glad her Dragon Slayer got a real family, more than just the guild.

A cough interrupted them. They all turned to see the old woman that owned the inn, with a tray of food. "It's not much, but please enjoy!" She said in a small voice, before placing the tray inside and shutting the door.

If Erza hadn't of been there, Gray and Natsu would've devoured it all. Thankfully she was, and they all got even portions. All five of them got a tray of lettuce, meat, and some sauce poured over it.

"What sauce is this?" Lucy asked, and Natsu tasted it.

"Vinegar, why?" He asked her as she sighed, pushing the plate away.

"I'm allergic to pure vinegar." She smiled. Natsu grinned and took her share.

"Hey, share!" Erza ordered him, then turned to Lucy. "Sorry, if I knew than-"

"Hey, no worries!" She smiled waving it away, and she watched them eat.

After they ate, they played games like ping pong (Erza had brought the table, paddles and balls in her luggage), chess (curtsy of Lisanna), charades (Natsu's idea), they talked, and then they went to bed. They all were extremely tired, and needed to get up early and strong the next day to fight Terror Heel.

Lucy couldn't sleep. She wasn't tired. Normally, they barely slept, and Lucy was always the first one asleep and the last one up. But the rest of them were unusually sleepy, and her body was still wired for a couple more hours. Sighing, she decided a walk might tire her out, and clear her head. So she stood up and got herself changed. Somehow, her clothes had scattered everywhere, like she was turning into Gray or something, and that could never happen. So once she had located all her clothes, she looked for her belt, and froze when she had found it. It was lying over the naked Gray's crotch, the only hiding him from her view. Yeah, she was sure nothing bad could happen, so she left her whip and keys in the room.

Before she left, she glanced over towards Natsu and Lisanna. Sometime through the night, they had crawled together and were now lying comfortably in Lisanna's futon. They were cute together, and Lucy gave them nothing but support for their relationship. She couldn't wait to see what their kids would look like! Now all she needed to do was work with Levy and Gajeel... She mentally slapped herself. Now she was acting like Mirajane, with the insistent coupling of people.

Quietly, she left the inn without making a sound. Sneaking was something she perfected in her mansion, because her father had a constant paranoia of her running away and never returning (it may be justified), so he constantly put security guards around her room and the grounds at all times. He should've gotten his money back, because she was never caught once.

Humming a nonsensical tune, she thought about Happy. The poor blue feline was sick, and hadn't been to the guild for a week. Charlie and Wendy were looking after him, and he was almost 100%. It would be only a matter of days until she would hear his famous "liiiiikes" with his tongue roll. Even though it was annoying, it was quiet without it.

She walked past the train station and into the forest. The moon was out, a full moon in all its glory, and it illuminated the forest to make it picturesque. Shimmering water droplets on the leaves, rays of lights moving due to the waving leaves, flowers glowing... It made her sigh in delight. If only she had a camera.


The twig snapping was like she got shoved into reality. The illusionary picturesque forest was replaced with a sinister and dark forest, with creatures lurking in the shadows. The rustling of the leaves now sounded like an ominous growl, and the glowing flowers more like prying eyes. This was not a safe place for her to be...


That time it was closer, and her hands flew to her keys. She'd summon Loke, and maybe Gemini to look like Erza, to intimidate them... She gasped in horror. She left them back at the inn. Hurriedly, she almost ran towards the town... But she doubted herself. Was she going in the right direction? She did walk in a straight line, but she wasn't positive. For all she knew, she was just getting herself lost.

A deep laughter made her pace quicken. Now she knew it wasn't just her imagination, but she was being followed. The laughter was too close for her liking, she guessed less than 10 meters away. And there was footsteps, many of them. Why of all days did she have to forget her keys today? She regretted choosing to be solely a Celestial Mage for the first time in her life. Who cared anyway? She was probably going to die. It was the Terror Heel, knowing her luck, and she probably was living the last moments of her life.

She saw the edge of the forest and hope began to bloom. If she made it, she could maybe survive this - a very small maybe, but still not a no. So she sped up. She was almost there... Just a couple more steps...

Someone grabbed her arm. "Where do you think you're going, princess?" A disgusting voice asked. She was pulled around to see a fat man with an ugly smirk on his face. "Ooh, you're even prettier from the front." He said, creepily licking his lips. "You'll fetch a great price... Of even may become my own..."

"Let go!" She shouted hitting him. He was the leader of Terror Heel, and the rest of his guild surrounded her. They all looked like perverts, which sent shivers down her spine. She managed to throw a punch at his face, but he caught it.

"A Fairy Tail wizard." His voice turned sour. "You were probably sent to get us, weren't you?" He sneered at her. "Well, you can't be sold like that. Lets make you an example. Troy! Demeka!" He shouted to two people, a man and a woman. "Kill her."

Tears stained her cheeks. She was going to die, cause pain for her friends and her guild. She didn't want Natsu, Erza and Gray hellbent in revenge. No, she deserved to live for their sake. She didn't want to die. Levy would cry, never being able to see the end of her novel. Lisanna and Natsu would probably break up, with Natsu on a revenge mission. Erza wouldn't be able to finally be with Jellal. She would never see Gray strip again, even if that sounded disturbing. Juvia, Wendy, Mirajane, Cana, Laxis, Gajeel, Elfman... Happy. They all would suffer, and she didn't want that. She'd do anything to survive.

Anything, you say?

Lucy snapped out of the daze. There was a voice, it came from somewhere. It was a man's, and she felt like she should know who it belonged to.

Are you willing to survive at any cost?

The voice... It was in her head! She could hear it inside, like a thought that she didn't own. She felt violated, but knew her answer.


Very well. I will borrow you some of my power, but be warned. There is a price. All you need to do is release your magic...

With that the thought-voice left her, and she felt something appear inside her. It was evil, dark, forbidden. It was something that humans shouldn't hold, yet they could. She wasn't able to think about what magic it was, and she didn't have the time. All she knew was that there would be dire consequences.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, causing the guild to look at her funny. They thought it was funny that she was apologising, not them. But they didn't have time to think that much about it. She released it from inside of her.

Magic seeped out of Lucy. It was like an invisible fog, slowly spreading in a perfect sphere around her. A couple of the guild members noticed it, but they were silenced by their leader, who couldn't. When it reached the fullest extent, which was about 50 meters, it stopped. Then, everything within the sphere died. It was like the life was just sucked away, every living thing collapsing and... Just dying. The trees inside the sphere sagged, the train station fell apart, even the grass withered.

The entire guild collapsed, instantly dead. Animals did the same, and... She gasped, turning around. A single house was caught within the sphere, and she felt the lives inside it slip away. Collapsing to the ground from fear, guilt and exhaustion, she cried...

Alerts were going off in the Magic Council Headquarters. The Commander in Chief studied the warnings and gasped. He ran to alert he Magic Council himself. Weaving through white corridors, he raced to the big wooden doors, barging past a guard who could react quick enough to stop him.

Inside the meeting, ten people stopped whatever they were doing to glare at the rude intruder. The guard tried to escort him away, but a member held up their hand as a motion to stop. "If it was so important for him to barge in during a meeting, lets hear it. However." His tone changed to a deep menacing tone. "If we deem it unimportant, you will suffer the consequences. Speak!" He commanded.

"We've got a 'Level 0' breach." He announced, in a weak voice.

After a moments silence, someone sighed annoyed. "The scale goes from 'Level 10' to 'Level 1'. A 'Level 0' doesn't exist." It was a woman's voice.

"Throw him out!" Another yelled.

"Wait!" The man who spoke first said, as he guard motioned to do so. He was the Council leader. "Are you sure the reading is right?" He asked in an extremely worried tone.

"I'm sure." He gave him the paper he held in his hand. It read:

Lost Magic Detector

Level 0 Breach

Code Name: Black Arts

The council member gasped. "Assemble the Rune Knights commanders and send them to this location through the Teleportation Device!"

"Wh-Which ones?" The man asked quietly.

"All of them."

Erza, Gray, Natsu and Lisanna awoke to the sound of marching. There were gasps, screams and orders to get back. Erza stood up straight, while the rest tried to fall back asleep, and peaked out the window, Requipping her usual armour.

"Hey, everyone, get up now. We've got problems."

They all, albeit rather reluctantly and slowly, made their way to the window to see what Erza was looking at. What they could see was the townsfolk crowding a wall or Rune Knights who stood near a grey line that ran across the street. Inside the circle, everything had died. Grass, plants, there were even some bodies lining the edge.

"What's happened?" Natsu breathed.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good." Erza turned to them. "We're leaving now. Gray, clothes. Lucy, up!" She shouted, but the figure didn't move. Lucy was a light sleeper, so the fact that she didn't even twitch made Erza approach her. "Lucy?" She asked, grabbing her shoulder. But what she grabbed wasn't her shoulder, but just a cushion. Lucy was missing.

"Do you think..." Lisanna let the question hover in the air. They didn't want to answer.

"Let's go." Erza whispered, leaving the inn. The walked to the townsfolk, who parted due to the aura she was emitting, and approached the Rune Knights. "Move." She snarled, making them jump and part. The rest of the group followed wordlessly. When they reached the line, she stopped the group, plucking a flower and tossing it into the circle. When nothing happened to it, she stepped over the boundary.

The Rune Knights were shocked to see Fairy Tail pass the 'Death Line' as they dubbed it, but it was Fairy Tail, so they also expected it.

In the direct centre was a girl with blonde hair. She had her head between her knees and sobbed loudly into them. It was Lucy.

"Lucy..." Erza breathed. Lucy's head shot up and she be gain to crawl away.

"No, no, no!" She shouted. "You c-c-cant come near me!"

"Erza, move." A voice from behind called. They turned to see Master Makarov standing with some Rune Knight commanders. He had a grim expression, and looked over to Lucy sadly.

"Ma-Master." Lucy breathed. "H-H-How are y-you here?"

"The Magic Council informed me that there was a... Breech here, and wanted me to come assist." He sighed. "But to think that it was one of my children..."

"Master, what do you mean?" Natsu asked, feeling something bad was going to happen.

"You casted Dark Magic, Lucy. You killed people, innocent people." He looked like he was about to cry. "They want to arrest you and..." He choked up.

"And what, old man!" Natsu growled.

"Execute you. This was magic that Zeref used, and they don't want to take any chances." He waved his hand, and a pain shot up Lucy's arm. When it stopped, she looked down and saw that the Fairy Tail guild mark was gone, just leaving behind sensitive red skin.

Her heart fell. She was nothing to them now. She wanted to spare them pain, but they just inflicted it onto her now. Because she was a lost cause, she was disowned. She felt betrayed. She felt angry. She felt like she didn't care about anything anymore.

That's the spirit!

The voice from last night, the one that saved her, had returned. In her time of need, it hadn't abandoned her, and she felt desperate.

I'll do anything! She thought. Just take me away from these backstabbers.

With pleasure.

She swore that she heard a smile in the voice, and she felt better. He was someone who wanted to help her. If only she knew who he was...

As if on cue, a black mist appeared from a black magic circle before them, and a man appeared. He had black hair, darker than Gray's, and black eyes. He wore an old red robes like he was from decades ago, and he smiled at her. "Hello."

It was him! The voice! He actually came to save her. She felt like she had some small hope. He was there, to save her in her darkest hour, where even her nakama from Fairy Tail won't.

"Who are you?" A Rune Knight commanded. He was wary of the newcomer, considering he just appeared from black mist, usually the sign of evil. And because Lucy was viewed as evil, he may be backup. He was right.

He gave a sly smirk. "I'm her knight in shining armour. But my name, you can call me Zeref." Just the use of his name made everyone take a couple steps back in horror. "Wow, it looks like it still has power. Well, we'll be going now." He offered Lucy his hand.

"Lucy, don't!" Makarov hissed at her. "If you take that hand, your fate is sealed. Fairy Tail won't be able to anything for you." He was desperate. If she left, the slim chance that they had to help her - which dramatically improved when Zeref appeared - would evaporate entirely.

Lucy was completely pissed. Not only did he just disown her from Fairy Tail, but he now wanted her to ignore the only person who wanted to help her. Now, she didn't want to cry. She wanted revenge. On Fairy Tail, even Erza, Natsu, Gray and the rest, albeit they weren't here, but they would follow Master Makarov to the death. And now they looked at her, with eyes begging her to listen to him. She wanted to destroy these people. It was like her hate was amplified.

She opened her mouth and smiled sweetly to them all. "I believe that you lost all rights to tell me what to do when you kicked me out of Fairy Tail." She said, bitterness flooding into her voice and tainting her words. Makarov's eyes widened at what she said, and opened his mouth to say something. But it was too late. She grabbed Zeref's hand and they both disappeared in the black mist he appeared in.

Wow, that went on really long... I think it's the longest chapter I've ever wrote... So I command you to have enjoyed it! It will be updated as I feel, but hopefully at least once every week, two at the very max. So please review and let me know if it's any good! R&R (don't know what it means, but when it's wrote, people review, so...)



~Nom Nom :3