The twelve quotes of Christmas

Here's my offering. Everyone will do this challenge differently, and I've taken snippets from Flack's life and written the quote around it. It's quite possibly AU and may contain OC's and probably OOC but it's all in the spirit of Christmas fun :) I'm going to do 4 quotes per chapter, so that's 3 chapters. Please leave a review!

Quote 1) The four stages of life 1) You believe in Santa 2) You don't believe in Santa 3)You are Santa 4) You look like Santa

Donald Flack Junior sat scratching his head, is 11 year old brain was struggling with the notion of 'The meaning of Christmas in life', the homework set from school. He knew what he wanted to write, but that would probably result in a resounding whack from a nun, and he earned himself enough of those already.

"You havin' trouble there son?"

Don looked up and sighed at his grandpa, putting his pen down.

"I have this homework pops" he huffed, pushing the paper across the table.

The old man read it and smiled, pushing the paper back.

"There's only one thing you need to know about that" he began "There's four stages of life. One, you believe in Santa, you remember that right?"

Don nodded sagely and his grandfather continued.

"Two, You don't believe in Santa, that's where you are now huh?"

"Yeah" Don shrugged "I know mom and dad get all the stuff"

"Then there's three, you are Santa, that's your mom and dad, and one day you. When you have kids"

Don wrinkled his nose, he doubted that a nun would let him get close enough to a girl for... that.

"And four, you look like Santa" the old man chuckled, rubbing at his own beard "Like me"

"Huh" Don bent his head and started to write.


Twenty something years later Don still remembered what his grandfather had told him. He remembered it well, along with the nuns reaction when he'd stood up and read out his answer aloud in class.

Quote 2) Christmas – the time of year where boyfriends and husbands can make up for being total idiots the rest of the year with an awesome gift.

"Don't you think it's a bit expensive?" his sister asked as she looked at the necklace "You don't earn that much"

"Yeah but it's nice right?" he asked urgently.

"It's amazing" she gushed "But you've only been with her a few months Donnie..."

"I know" he confirmed "But we kinda hooked up now and then for a few months before that, and well, I kinda been a jerk at times" he explained.

Sam looked at the necklace and then at her brother, he was a good looking kid, even more so in a uniform. He also had the bad boy vibe about him and a smart mouth that made women laugh. For as long as she could remember her friends had gushed about how gorgeous he was, and as he got older they'd had some tremendous fights when he'd taken advantage of that. But he seemed fired up about this girl, whoever she was and Sam didn't want to pour cold water on that, this was the first girlfriend to last more than a month.

She handed the box back "Christmas" she rolled her eyes but laughed "The time of year where boyfriends and husbands can make up for being total idiots the rest of the year with an awesome gift"

He grinned back at her "You got it" he nodded.

Quote 3) I'm not a morning person, but on December 25th, different story

Donald Flack senior and his wife looked at each other in surprise as they heard movement from upstairs, the only person still in bed was their teenage son Donnie, and unless he was at school, or off with the police cadets, he could usually be found in bed, or eating.

"Is Donnie going to open his presents now?" Samantha, younger and more innocent, pleaded wide eyed with her father.

"Now don't bother him" Her mother warned "You know what he's like when he's just got up"

"But I want to see what he got!" Sam was full of enthusiasm "And show him what I got!"

"What ch'ya got then kidda?" Don yawned at the door, ruffling her hair.

All three looked at him in surprise.

"What?!" he huffed, sitting in the vacant chair with a thud.

"You're rather jolly this morning" his father remarked.

"I'm not usually a morning person" he gave his father a direct look "But December the 25th – different story"

His mother smiled and bent over him, grabbing his face and kissing his cheek, much to his disgust.

"Mom!" he protested.

"Oh you're just as excited as you ever were" she said fondly "You're just too proud to show it"

He huffed and rolled his shoulders as she walked into the kitchen, but she knew a small smile lurked there somewhere.

Quote 4) I hope Santa brings my co-workers a clue this year

Detective Don Flack sighed as he surveyed the mess before him.

Why'd I always get the call when everyone else screws up?

"So what we got?" Danny asked him.

"Where do you want me to start?" Don grumbled "Simple bust, or so you'd think right? Ah no, they go and bust down the wrong door, and then they back track and go for the right door, to find the guy has rumbled them and taken off"

Danny rolled his eyes "So who's the DB?"

"Oh that's the perp" Don huffed "Granny down the hall heard a 'cuffuffle' – her words not mine, and tripped him with her stick as he ran, guy fell down four flights of stairs"

"He take some of ours with him?" Danny raised an eyebrow at the collection of officers sitting in the hallway, bleeding and bruised.

"Oh no" Don replied "Granny did that when they tried to arrest her"

"You're kidding" Danny tried and failed to control his laughter.

"I wish I were" Don sighed.

Danny looked at his watch "Best get started" he said "Merry Christmas by the way, it's after midnight"

Don scowled in response.

"Owww" Danny teased "Soon be home, I can't wait to unwrap what Santa's brought me this year"

"Montana cookin' your turkey huh?" Don quipped with a sneer.

"You're only jealous" Danny retorted "'Cos you're cookin' your own"

Don let it slide, there were things Danny didn't know... and he'd like it to stay that way right now.

"Right now" Don replied "I hope Santa brings my co-workers a clue this year"