Gabriel grinned as his grace finally felt the weak link, moving in its general direction. Lucifer made sure to keep himself the only piece of their rank in this game, every door and window of the building archangel-proofed- a small, inconspicuous symbol, visible only to the parties it had effect on. The main doors were the only non-proofed entrance, but every time he appeared close to them a fresh wave of demons attacked, followed by aliens, and while they couldn't harm him, they effectively stopped him from entering the building.
He finally found the un-proofed window- it was blown off, wall and everything- and flew in, finding himself in an abandoned, nicely decorated room.
He located Thor Odinson's life energy and appeared there, suddenly surrounded by darkness, the said demi-god lying at his feet.
"Uh-oh." He muttered, turning the lights on- the room was empty, but for the wounded superheroes, and some dozen projections of a tall, lean, pallid man with shockingly green eyes and equally shocking helmet.
The man looked up, taking him in, smirk playing on his lips. "Archangel Gabriel, I presume?"
Gabriel grinned. "The real Loki. Pleasure to meet you."
One of the multiple shapes walked towards him, others disappearing immediately. "Pleasure is all mine." He narrowed his eyes. "Although, you are a bit shorter than I've expected."
"Well," Gabriel sighed. "I'd probably look that way, to a Frost Giant."
The amusement on the trickster's face disappeared, replaced instantly by anger. Gabriel grinned wider.
"So, are you going to stick around to see the end of this apocalypse, or can we expect you to fake your death and visit a brothel by the end of the evening?" Loki went on.
"Do not speak so disapprovingly of brothels, my dear Norse friend." Gabriel pouted. "Knowing your history, you are no stranger to them either." He paused. "Well, not exactly brothel. But I can't imagine stables to be all that much different."
Loki laughed. "Does it alarm you, that me and my son, stuck in a shape of a horse, still have a better relationship than you and your father?"
"Well, I've never been ridden by my grandfather, so I'd say it's debatable." Gabriel noted. "And are you sure you want to bring daddy issues into this discussion?"
"Gabriel, I can see that you're having fun, but could we-" Steve spoke up from his spot. Gabriel hushed him.
"I propose a game." He exclaimed. Loki rose an eyebrow.
"A game?"
"Yeah." Gabriel shrugged. "You're a trickster, I'm a trickster, let's have a trickster show down!"
Loki took a step closer. "How do you propose this, eh, trickster showdown is to happen?"
Gabriel's grin grew to face-splitting proportions. "This room. No rules. The first one to get out wins."
"I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into." The Norse god noted. Gabriel just winked.
"Neither do you."
Moriarty wasn't here.
"He escaped?"
"He is probably in an angel proofed room." Balthazar shrugged, apology in his eyes. "I can't help."
Sherlock frowned. "Can you guess the location of an angel proofed room?"
Balthazar's eyes went distant for a second. "There isn't just one."
"Take me as close as you can to each of them."
Balthazar placed a hand on Sherlock's shoulder. "Ready?"
Sherlock shot him a glare. "Stop procrastinating."
A flutter of wings, and they were gone.
Adam was staring at the lifeless corpse, wishing for a thousandth time he had remembered to ask Balthazar to bring her back now, because, judging from the faith the Doctor had in her, she could be a great help in battling the apocalypse.
His train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the doors. His heart stopped, and then there was a familiar voice.
"It's Samandriel." The angel knocked again. "Adam, I can feel your presence."
Adam opened the doors, pulling Samandriel into a bone crushing hug. Samandriel smiled.
"What happened?"
"I killed Lucifer." Samandriel pulled away, eyes wide. "Balthazar and I. We killed him."
It seemed that it was just now that Samandriel noticed the burnt out shapes.
"It was you."
He looked back at the boy, and then kissed him, hard, for a short, wonderful moment. He pulled away, grinning.
"That's amazing."
Adam blushed, and then his thoughts went back to Rose Tyler. "You need to help me with something."
Dean had his gun drawn up, Tony's suit was ready to shoot, and still, the Time Lord's smile never faltered.
"You can't win." He stated.
"And you know this because?" Dean snarled. If it was up to him, their target would already be a lifeless extraterrestrial corpse, but Tony signalled him to wait.
"You can kill me, you can kill all of us." The Master grinned wider. "But your world is going to burn either way."
"You're really big on words-"
"Dean." Tony interrupted. "That thing. Over there."
Dean looked to his right- there it was, a large lever, connected to some sort of a machine.
"It's too complex to be of Earth." Tony went on. "Well, this Earth."
A smile flashed in the Master's eyes. "Clever."
"What does it do?" Tony fixed the weapon on the Master's smiling face. "I can hurt you without killing you, you know."
"Oh, I don't think my dear Doctor would approve of such threats." The Master frowned.
"What is it?" Dean barked. The Master laughed.
"It opens a portal." He explained, cracking his neck. "To the dimension we got Rose Tyler from. It will open by the end of the day- you can't stop it- and it will keep widening until both of your universes collide- and oh, it will be so much fun."
Dean glanced over to his comrade. "Is he making any sense?"
"He is." Another voice replied. Not lowering his gun, he looked over his shoulder.
"Lucifer is dead." He announced. Dean whistled.
"How is Rose?" The Master asked, grinning wildly. The Doctor ignored him.
"Why are you doing this?"
"I think we've been over this before." The Master's smile was genuinely mad.
"I can fix this." The Doctor told Dean, not taking his eyes of the second time lord. "And I can fix him."
"So, we don't shoot?" Dean looked uneasy. He met Tony's eyes.
"I'll put my faith in you." Tony stated. Dean nodded.
The Doctor stared at the Master. The latter smiled back.
"Don't." He finally replied. "We'll take him to the TARDIS."
Tony studied the alien. "How?"
"I can help." Samandriel appeared in the room. "He can't fight me."
"Adam is in the TARDIS." The Doctor frowned. "Adam and Rose."
A commotion at the doors. "Not really."
The grin that appeared on the Doctor's face was the happiest one Dean has ever seen. He spun around, and the blonde, seemingly unharmed, despite the blood soaked shirt, ran to his arms.
"Rose! " He muttered into her hair, picking her off the ground. "Rose, my Rose, my wonderful Rose."
"Doctor." She laughed, pulling away slightly. "I came back."
"You did." The Time Lord breathed. "I thought I've lost you for good."
"So, uh, angels." She studied the group. "Superheroes? The Devil? Norse Gods?" She pouted. "And I thought I've seen the world."
"Guess we have a lot more to explore, then." The Doctor grinned.
"Hate to ruin the moment," Tony's voice was slightly annoyed. "But we are kind of in the middle of an apocalypse.
The Time Lord was quiet for a moment. "Right." He spun around. "Samandriel! Samandriel, Samandriel, brilliant Samandriel!" He walked over to the angel, throwing an arm over his shoulder. "Brought her back, didn't you." The angel nodded. "Oh, I could kiss you! Later, maybe. Don't get your hopes up." He ran over to the machine. "Now, I am going to shut this down, and you-" He pointed to the Master. "Are grounded."
"I take him to the TARDIS?"
The Doctor threw his head back, thinking. "Yes. TARDIS. You and Adam watch over him." He winked at the youngest Winchester. "Now that you've killed the Devil, what can one little angry alien do to you?"
Adam managed a weak smile. "Yeah."
They were gone without a second word, and then the Time Lord turned to face the rest of the team.
"We need to take care of Moriarty." He said. "Gabriel is with Loki, I suppose?"
"Hopefully." Dean said. "Castiel went to help them."
Castiel found himself in a horridly bright, artificial looking world, with microphones hidden in the flowers, and bunnies making their way around him. The grass was green, the sky was blue, and that was about it.
"Castiel?" He spun around. Steve was there, looking a little worse for wear. Castiel pressed his fingers to the soldier's abdomen, and the latter sighed with relief.
"Thank you."
"You are welcome." Castiel replied. "What is this?"
"Gabriel." Thor appeared to his right. "He and Loki are in a middle of a duel."
Castiel looked around. It did scream Gabriel, at some level.
"We have a need of you." Castiel spoke up.
"Get us out of her." Steve seemed more than relieved. Castiel did as he was asked without a second word.
Rose kneeled next to him, grin not coming off her face.
"Onto something?"
The Doctor looked up at her. She was equal parts distracting and helpful.
"I can shut it off." He studied her face. "You are never going back there."
Her eyes were soft. "I made my choice long time ago."
Dean coughed. Doctor got back to work, sonic screwdriver making small noises as he studied the machine.
"Anybody knows where we can find Sherlock?" Tony asked. "I don't trust him alone with Moriarty."
"He's with Balthazar." Rose replied. "They left, once Lucifer was killed."
Dean studied her. "How are you feeling?"
She grinned. "Brilliant." She offered her hand, and Dean shook it. "Dean Winchester, I assume? Rose Tyler."
Dean smirked. "Pleasure."
It was then that Castiel returned, Steve and Thor in tow.
Thor was the first to notice her. "She-"
"Lucifer is dead, Samandriel brought her back." Tony said in a hurry. "How's the situation with Loki?"
"Gabriel is battling him." Steve replied. "Some sort of, uh, trickster show down?"
"It is very disturbing." Castiel added.
"Only one can get out alive." Thor added. "How good is Gabriel?"
"Very good." Castiel looked at the man, genuine distress in his eyes. "I am sorry."
Rose looked between them. "Loki will die?"
"We hope." Castiel's replied, and then turned back to the Norse god. "I am sorry."
"No, but he-" She looked to the Doctor. "He is mad, but he is not truly evil-"
"People rarely are." The Doctor sighed, looking up. "But he is mad and cruel and very dangerous." They were all looking at Thor now. "I am sorry."
Rose tried again. "You spared the Master!"
"I have means of restricting him." He replied, kicking the machine in frustration. "And it is quite obvious no one has means of keeping Loki in line!"
Rose bit into her lip. "We could send him through?"
The Doctor looked up. "Rose, there are innocent people there-"
"The portal, it's not like the last one." Rose hurried to explain. "I heard them speak about sending the angels through, because it would consume their grace- and Moriarty threatened to push Loki in, because it would take his powers away-" The entire room was now listening to her, and she turned around to face each of them individually. "He'd be a regular human there, and mum and dad and Mickey would find him-"
"He could still kill." The Doctor's voice was quiet. "Rose, think this through-"
"They could handle him." Rose's eyes were desperate. "Second chance. He deserves it."
Tony's voice was like ice. "He had plenty of those."
Rose shot him a glare. "Being locked away is hardly called a second chance."
"Doctor…" Thor took a step towards the alien. "If we could both go through- I'd take care of him-"
"Asgard needs you." The Doctor pressed his lips together. "Alright. We're sending him through." Another warning glance towards Thor. "Only him."
Rose's grin widened. "Thank you."
"Mickey's an idiot, but if he survived a childhood with you, he can handle an angry ex-trickster." He winked at Rose. "Somebody get them here before anybody else dies."
The scenery was now changed- they were on an island, and there was an insane amount of bright pink flamingos circling around them.
"Gabriel?" Castiel tried. There was a movement behind him, and he ducked just in time to miss a very painful hit to his temple. Loki snarled.
"Cassie!" Gabriel was there within a second. "I'm kind of busy right now, if you could join the flamingos-"
"The Doctor has a plan." Castiel said, keeping an eye on the Norse god. "End this and follow me."
"I'm afraid that won't do." Loki grinned, tilting his head.
"Oh come on, give my brother a chance." Gabriel pouted.
"Lucifer is dead, Master is taken care of." Castiel announced. "We are ready to give you a second chance."
Loki's face grew angry. "I don't need your chances."
"It is not an option." Castiel felt his wings spread.
And then, the flamingos, and the ocean, and the three of them, were gone.
And please review I live off your reviews
Your reviews and caffeine
Lots of caffeine
I might have had too much
Please review
You are all great and sexy bad ass motherfuckers