Anger. Fear. Pity. These were the emotions that came to my mind vividly as I was with them those last days. I knew their thoughts towards me, as if I have never been part of the family anymore. Ever since I have predicted that Mobile Suit attack so accurately for the past three days, I saw them moving away from me: friends and relatives alike. Even my own father could not look at me, for I am different than they were, and will always be. Only my mother comforted me in my loneliness, and always I clung to her warmth, listening to her sad lullaby the comfort was brief for I always think… I always knew ever since I was able to talk that I was very different from everyone, but never realized how it was to be so lonely like that.

            The men in uniforms came one night, for they were informed by the families of the children I play with, fearing for their sakes, as if I could infect them with it if I had stayed any longer. They told me that they can take care of me, that they can keep me safe. But I saw behind their words; their smiling faces and read what lies buried in their hearts. I knew that it will not be so. I knew what they will do to me…

            I clung to my mother for I do not want to go. But in my mind I could see what they will do to her, to all of them, if I had resisted. They will die, and their death will always be engraved in my mind. An image that I can never fight nor can I bear…

            I will not let anyone die for my sake.

            And so I left my mother and followed the men without any words. Without shedding any tears, even when I could hear her calling my name, begging them not to take me away from her. With these last words, I felt in my heart I was crying as if I will never see her again. But even that, I knew it was true: I will never see her again. It was nighttime when they have taken me away, when the moon was bright and full. During these nights my mother would spend the time away quieting my fears, singing her song, telling me that I will always be a special person, despite my power. It was strange that underneath the starlight where we shared so much time together was the witness of our absolute separation.

            Lately, I was beginning to forget what my mother had looked like, her sad smile and warm comfort. But I can never forget her lullaby lilting in the air, with the bright moon hanging over us.

            And ever since, I had never forgotten. And never will…