Hiccup walked through the forest one day after a hard day of dragon training. He sighed softly, it had not gone well. Everybody hated him. They wanted him gone. All those hateful words ran through his mind. He only wished that he could show them that there was much more to him.

He made it to the cove where his only friend, Toothless awaited him. As he entered the cove, the dragon bounded over to him happily, licking his face. Hiccup smiled, and wrapped his arms around his friend's neck, hugging him tightly. Toothless purred gently, immediately sensing his boy's sadness, and he nuzzled him.

"I'm fine buddy, I've just had a hard day," Hiccup said to him.

Toothless crooned, understanding the boy's feelings and nuzzled him again, lovingly. Hiccup smiled, hugging the dragon once agin. More of those hateful words rushed through his mind.

"You are useless weakling!"

"You are an embarrassment to us all."

"Stoick should just banish you now, and save himself the trouble!"

"Stop trying so hard to be something you're not."

"You'll never be a real viking."

Hiccup sighed softly, fighting back the tears. Toothless purred, gently and lovingly, nuzzling his boy. Hiccup just burried his face into the dragon's scales.

"Riff raff, street rat, I don't buy that. If only they'd look closer, would they see a poor boy? No siree."

Toothless nuzzled his human again, and he crooned softly. Hiccup gently petted his head, and smiled a little at his friend.

"They'd find out, there's so much more to me."

Hiccup sighed and hugged his friend. "Someday Toothless, things are gonna change. Someday, they'll love us. We'll show em buddy," he said to him.

Toothless smiled his famous toothless smile, and nuzzled him. No matter what, he promised that he would always be there for his boy. He would always protect him, and keep him safe.

The end...

Well this little one shot came in my head when I watched Aladdin the other day! XD! The song that he sang in the beginning really got to me, and it made me think of Hiccup and Toothless! I thought it really fit them so I hope you like this! R&R Plz!