The Passion of Spyro - Cameron (Cornys) Corns

Chapter 5

The morning felt like an eternity away from when I had laid down to sleep the previous night. Thoughts, emotions, expectations, and fears found a home within my brain and my soul and they seemed to be having a wild party there. Who were my parents? If I was a direct descendant of the "lineage of ancient power" then why wasn't I purple like Spyro? What exactly was the "lineage of ancient powers" anyways? Of course, these answers were not to be found within my knowledge, so nothing was solved the entire restless night. At last I had fallen asleep late in the evening.

I awoke to the sound of Terrador striking the wood door which guarded the entrance to my chamber. "Cynder?" he asked gently in contrast to the voice that he used the previous night.

"Yes, Terrador?" I returned groggily as I rolled out from beneath the warm covers of my bed.

"The sun has risen over Mouth Malefor, and the guardians and I are about to head out to the peak. We have been waiting for you to get up knowing that you are sure to be tired, but it's nearly midday and if we don't leave very soon we will have to return under night fall."

The air in my room felt cold in contrast with the heat my body had generated over night beneath my sheets. My scales stood on edge in reaction. "I'll be right there, Terrador." I listened to his feet walk away from the door of my room and I sighed once I knew that he was too far away to hear me. "This is going to just feel like another day of this searching for Spyro if it takes us that long to make it to the mountain and back."

I splashed some water over my body using my repaired wing. The water only served to make me colder. I shook my body free of the moisture, and with that it felt as though I had been regenerated. The scent of the sheets no longer mixed with my body at least.

I unlatched the door and stepped out into the hallway to find Terrador just exiting the hallways into the lobby of the hotel. I followed him and said "hello" to the mole behind the counter. After listening in to the guardian's discussion I had came back out and he had kindly shown me to my quarters just past where the hallway had branched off.

The mole looked up from his book and returned me a curtly nod before returning to his reading. Terrador had exited the building, and when I caught back up with him outside the other two guardians were with him. They were discussing something about the upper air currents which were going to make the trip there go quickly, but the return trip very difficult. Then the discussion turned to me abruptly.

"So, who will carry Cynder on this trip?" Cyril inquired. He evidently didn't want to be the one who would do it.

Thankfully nobody was going to have to carry me this time around, but before I could say anything Terrador spoke. "I'll carry her to and from as I have before. After all it is me who wanted her to come with us."

There was a brief pause afterwords and the generally talkative guardians left the air waves clear for me to speak, "Actually, my wing seems to have healed." The three older dragons looked at me in astonishment. "Over night it seemed to have healed. I think that's why I was so tired this morning. My body was busy repairing my wing."

"Well, great shards of ice!" Cyril exclaimed at last as I showed the guardians my wing.

"That's great, Cynder," Terrador said as Volteer babbled on for an eternity about how wonderful it was that it had been repaired. At least I thought that was what he was talking about. He was still babbling when we took off towards the mountain.

The conversations of the guardians were very boring. They spoke of how the current was changing, despite the fact that I couldn't feel anything different about the air on my little body. They debated about what they would find, but they spoke nothing further about the "lineage of ancient power" or the idea that Spyro had gotten rid of it. They spoke very little about Spyro too.

At last we arrived on the mountain. As my feet landed upon the grassy earth I realized that there were still fragments of shattered earth laying about the peak and that the large pieces of the floating islands had fallen violently from the sky and scrapped the side of the mound free of grass in long scars which went half way down the mountain. From a distance these markings were not as obvious.

"Well, the evident remains of the suspended earth are able to be found all about the mountain. This is evidently a result of the magic of Malefor suddenly being eradicated from this Earth by Spyro and Cynder." Volteer observed. It was the first thing that the guardians had said that reminded me of the conversations I had heard the previous night, but they were keeping those truths from me still. I could feel it. Was there more that they were keeping from me?

"Cynder," a whisper echoed in my head. The voice was very familiar. "Cynder," it came again. I couldn't reply to it in front of the guardians, so I walked a little ways down the mountain under the guise that I was going to look around some more.

I checked over my shoulder to make sure that I wasn't being followed, and once I realized that I wasn't I at last felt comfortable enough to respond in a whisper. "Spyro?"

"Yes, Cynder, it's me. Everything is going to be alright. Don't you worry one little bit." Spyro's voice returned. His figure was still no where to be discovered and the voice seemed to be equidistant as I moved. One other time I had conversed with another in such a manner. That conversation had been with Malefor.

"Spyro, where are you at?!" I exasperated in a whisper. "Why do you continue to come to me like this rather than for real? You know how I feel now, Spyro. You can't continue leading me on like this." The strain had finally taken it's toll, and the presence of his form allowed me to say the things that I hadn't been able to previously.

The response was not immediate, but it was laced with emotion, "Cynder, I know that there are many things that you really are not able to understand right now. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to do anything more than make them even more unclear for you. I was hoping that that conversation last night would have been more insightful for you than it was. I never wished to crowd your mind with more questions than answers like that, and I apologize to you for that, Cyn."

"Let's start at the start," I whispered in a lower voice than previously. "What happened after I lost you, Spyro?"

Again, there was a pause, but at least Spyro did speak, "I can answer that question with absolute certainty, Cynder. However, For your sake and understanding we can't start out there. It would be like trying to absorb crystals prior to breaking them down. Rather than leading you closer to your goal it would actually lead you deeper into confusion."

"Well, help me understand, Spyro!" I demanded a little louder than I would have liked to have. The guardians had every right to know everything that I did being that they were tasked with the future of dragonkind, but Spyro clearly didn't want them knowing anything even more so than me. He clearly hadn't visited with them yet.

"Cynder, when you lost control of me I was consumed by the Earth that we had just repaired..."

A/N: First of all I believe that I owe all of my readers a huge apology. I should have given some kind of update on my writing due to my extremely long absence, but my time has been completely consumed both by the end of high school, work, personal matters, and just about anything else you could imagine. I actually had the first 1,200 words of this chapter finished the night that I posted the last chapter and I just didn't have the time required to finish it until now.

There's only one or two chapters left. Please comment rather you liked it or not and as far as mechanics are concerned please feel free to point anything that catches your attention out. I hope that you have enjoyed and I most certainly hope that the next chapter won't take nearly as long to publish.

Remember that without you, the readers, this fan fiction would definitely not have been possible. Thank you all for the tremendous amount of support. I hope that I have in at least a small way been able to repay the favor.

Thank you for taking the time to read :),
Cameron (Cornys) Corns