Wow...this has taken pretty long, hasn't it? Sorry for the wait, y'all! Honestly...This story has been on hiatus...and I'm sorry. I'm going to try to write these chapters faster, and finish this thing soon, 'Kay? 'Kay!- ElementLegend

Meanwhile, at the 12th Precinct, Angela, Sweets, Cam, Esposito, Ryan, and Gates were all very worried about them.

"Brennan's never late to work, and she wouldn't sleep in, either," Angela said.

"Kate isn't usually late either," Gates muttered. "Where are they?"

Then, Hodgins comes running in.

"Guys, turn on the news," Hodgins says.

They quickly turned on the tv, and then, the news anchor was speaking.

"Famous forensic anthropologist, Temperance Brennan, was kidnapped last night, along with writer, Richard Castle and two others-" Gates paused the tv.

"Esposito, Ryan."

"Yeah?" Ryan asked.

"Send out a search team. Now."

"Ugh...this coffee tastes disgusting!" Castle complained.

"And that is why I don't drink instant coffee," Brennan said. "As I stated earlier."

"Right..." Castle sighed.

"I guess they can't afford the kind of coffee we can afford at the precinct," Beckett said, sitting on the bed.

"Hold on," Booth said. "In that one case, the one about the three girls. Didn't they get killed pretty quickly?"

"Not from what I remember, Booth. I believe their bodies slowly degenerated after being stuck in this room for a little over a month. They didn't have any food, so their bodies couldn't take it after a month," Brennan said. "I believe you're mixing up that case with the case we're supposed to be working on right now."

"Yeah. Now that I think about it, they are pretty similar. Three girls were killed, drugs were involved, and both took place over one month and maybe a couple days after," Beckett said.

"Wait...weren't the three women who were killed all people involved with the law?" Castle said.

"I believe so, yes," Brennan said.

"Are you about to come up with one of your crazy theories again?" Beckett asked.

"Yes, I am!" Castle retorted. "Now, what if the person who kidnapped the girls had an affiliate-"

"Whoa, hold it, hold it!" Booth said. "All of the people who were affiliated with the drug ring were already arrested."

"While that may be true, isn't it also true that the leader had a brother?" Castle said.

"Yes, but he's in prison," Booth said.

"Actually...he got released three months ago," Beckett said.

"I can't believe Beckett and Castle got kidnapped," Esposito sighed, as he was checking into all the leads he could find.

"The feeling's mutual, brother," Hodgens said. "We can't even work with the body right now because of Brennan not being here. That means the investigation has pretty much halted."

"Seriously? That's a little harsh," Esposito said, shaking his head. "Man, I hope they find everyone soon..."

Ryan walked over to the two men.

"Guys, you may want to look at this..." Ryan said, handing Esposito a letter. Esposito opened it, and Hodgens looked over his shoulder.

"'Let's get straight to the point here. If you want your cop, your FBI guy, your novelist, and your anthropologist back, you'll have to pay,'" Esposito read.

"Well, they certainly did get to the point..." Hodgens said. "I can't believe they sent us a ransom letter."

"That's not the worst of it. Look who sent it," Ryan said.

"Bryan Grain...great," Esposito said. "Why did we release that drug-ring murderer's brother, again?"

Well, this story is starting to go a little haywire, now isn't it? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this! - Element