
"So, I heard we're now working with a forensic anthropology team now," Richard Castle, a author who certainly tried to act like a goofball on a regular basis, commented.

"Yes, and apparently they're the best in the US. Which is why Gates gave you that entire 'Don't Mess Up' speech, Castle," Kate Beckett, a detective in the NYPD, responded, albeit a bit rudely. "And don't even think about mentioning our relationship, got it?"

"Riiiight. Castle wouldn't do that, would he?" Detective Espiato, another detective, smirked, elbowing Castle.

"Guys, as long as those guys are here, nobody talks about the two dating," Detective Ryan said.

"We are NOT dating!" Kate yelled.

"Yeah, uhuh..." the two men smirk, looking at each other.


"Well this is going to be fun," Angela sighed, plopping down on one of the chairs. The Jeffersonian had been able to have a trailer with everything they needed, even the Angelatron, so in that respect, they were lucky.

Then again, they were leaving the Jeffersonian and going to the NYPD and hauling two children with them so maybe they weren't so lucky.

"Come on Angie, cheer up!" Cam said, patting her on the back.

"Besides, you have me," Hogens said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, I guess..." Angela smiled, kissing him back.

"So, we're going to be working with a Detective Beckett, Captain Gates, Detective Ryan, Detective Espiato, and a Richard Castle..." Sweets said.

"Wait, Richard Castle?" Booth said, poking his head in.

"Yeah, sounds familiar?" Sweets mentioned.

"Familiar? FAMILIAR?! That's Richard Castle, one of the best new mystery writers around!" Booth exclaims,"And we're WORKING with him?"

"Booth, I don't know what you're so excited about," Brennan said, walking in.

"But Bones-"

"Let's just get on with it, shall we?" Dr. Brennan said. "We are here, after all."

"Right..." the rest of the group sighed. Then, they headed in.