Okay wow ugh well it's been awhile. Well I'm kinda shocked that some of you managed to find this story and read it. I guess I'm going to continue this story,maybe update this Friday for the fun of it. I'm going to be honest with you I didn't forget about this story and my excuse for not updating is that I was busy... Nah I'm gonna be honest was in deep sleep from 2013 to last month. All that matters is that I'm back and I'm going to write for your entertainment. My crazy self shall write because I have nothing better to do with myself. You are all such amazing people that deserve so much better to read my story but I promise that I will update and continue to update. I might update everyday or every few days just to make it up to you wonderful people that had to suffer reading his story but I know that I'm not updating on May 17 because I'm going to be an emotional wreck(some of you are probably laughing but I'm being so serious so serious). I totally forgot what I wrote in the last chapter but whatever. You guys get your story be happy :).

Only one question for some of you:

How on Earth did you find this story? And why did you choose to read this?