Chapter1:When we ALL meet

Summary:This will take place before the Titans ever met at a magical school called this is my first fanfic.

Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter or Teen Titans.

Raven's POV

I was done learnig with the monks of Azarath and now meditating far from where anyone can see me the strangest thing happens a grey owl is heading towards me with a with an envelope it drops the envelope in front of me .I decided to pick it up and is was addressed to me,It says...


We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and find enclosed a list of all necessary books and note that you will not be a first year but instead you'll be a fifth year.

Yours sincerely,

Headmaster Albus Dumbledor

I watched as the owl left and waited for my supplies 'This will be interesting' I mused.

Robin's POV

I was getting packed to leave Batman when a white owl with a note came and started tapping my window I opened the window and took the noteand noticed it was addressed to me,It says...


We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts Scholl of Witchcraft and find enclosed a list of all necessary books and note that you will not be a first tear but instead you'll be a fifth year.

Yours sincerely,

Headmaster Albus Dumbledor

'Well its better than staying here' I mused,I wrote to Albus since the owl didn't leave yet and asked him to have/give me the supplies I need.

Starfire's POV

The strangest creature flying towards me with a letter,it was in a language I couldn't understand the language so I took it to the royal translator(remember she's an alien PRINCESS).After he told me what it said I got so excited I went to pack all my clothes andheaded to the planet 'EARTH'.

Beastboy's POV

I was soooo bored i can't beat a level on All of my videogames,we haven't had a mission in two weeks,I finished all my comics,and there was nothing to watch on abrown owl came in my room 'I should have closed that window' but what caught me off guard it had a letter...FOR ME!?(it says the same thing as the others except it says'Dear ')'SSwweeeett' I thought I couldn't wait to tell the others.

Cyborg's POV

'Oh you think you can beat the Cy man huh huh well...'"BOOYAH!" my victory was short lived when an owl came pecking at my window,I went to open it and reached for the letter,the bird tried to peck my hand but fail miserably since it's made of metal.(the letter says the samething as the others but says 'Dear )'This will be AWESOME'I mused.

Author's Note

I'm going to skip the part about their supplies and go staight to the Hogwarts Express but they will have to be in normal clothes not in superhero costumesand how am I doing so far?