"Jack, as you know I called you here today..." North began, his hands behind his back while pacing in front of the boy.
"I need you to try something on for me.." Jack curiously stared at North.
"As silly as it may sound, I need you to try on some shoes." Jack could only stare at North. What?
"Uh.. why?" The winter spirit asked.
"Elves need new shoes, and it just so happens you have the same shoe size as-"
"No thanks.. really I appreciate the offer but.."
"Jack, please.." Jack bit his lip. He shrugged. After a long hesitant thought..
"Alright, but you owe me old man," Jack teased the old man, and he took the shoe box and took out the elf shoes. He was pretty surprised at the size, North was right...
He shivered. The teenager couldn't remember the last time he had shoes on. Did he even put on shoes when he was alive? His family was probably very poor and therefore could not afford shoes, not that he prefered them in the first place. Even when on the ice he didn't ever wear any footwear. Pippa was just lucky to have received those ice skates from Shelly Whinesburg, that rich kid from his class.
Jack snapped back to reality, and reluctantly put on the shoes. His usual cold feet immediately warmed into the slippers and the rough texture made him feel a little discomfort yet the sole felt like silk.
North can only watch amusingly at the guardian of fun now smiling, shaking the small bell on the tip. He walked around, for the first time wearing shoes. He unknowningly stepped onto a half-frozen part of the room. Jack lost his balance for a moment but quickly regained it with the help of his hands.
He never lost balance, never with bare feet. Jack carefully walked to the completely dry floor and quickly took off the shoes and handed them to North.
"So what do you think?" North asked the boy.
"Well.. I can't really judge since I haven't worn shoes since.. ever, really.." North's eyes widened.
"But they could be a little slip resistant."
"But that would take the fun out, eh?" And with that North and Jack laughed, taking the sadness and angst out of the fact that Jack has never worn shoes.
But apparently Jack hasn't done a lot of things.
So, I will take requests and OCs. I wonder who's gonna be the first to say "first true love" then insert an OC. But either way, I'll do it. One OC per chapter. ONE CHAPTER.
Kay, onto the stats.
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Words: 400
Date published: 12/13/12