Rule 91 – Credit to Violetrose25

Nobody is to shave Tony's beard – we're on to you Steve, Clint and Natasha

Rule 92 – Credit to Violetrose25

No, Tony is never going to 'hook up' with JARVIS, Clint. It really isn't as funny as you think

Rule 93 – Credit to Violetrose25

"Back in the USSR" by The Beatles is not to be played when Natasha enters the room

Rule 94 – Credit to CittyKat17

It is no longer acceptable to debate the nature of being alive with JARVIS – it ends up with hurt feelings on both sides

Rule 95 – Credit to SteveRogersRules

Never call in the other Avengers at an unnecessary time. Thor had lost his pop tarts at 1:00AM and, let's just say, Natasha is NOT a mornings person

Rule 96

Always remember to lock the door when you go to the bathroom. Bruce has walked in on Tony and Steve way too many times for his liking

Rule 97

Tie your shoelaces! Steve has been pestering S.H.E.I.D for ages about how it is a huge safety issue

Rule 98

No, Natasha does not keep a Swiss army knife stuffed down her cleavage. Stop feeling the need to check… Clint

Rule 99

No singing in the shower. Thor we know that you can really hit the bass notes in 'Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold' so do not feel the need to demonstrate it

Rule 100

No coffee after midnight. It makes Bruce WAY too over excited

So guys. This is it. The end of this fanfiction! I really hope you enjoyed all the rules and thanks to EVERYONE who sent me rules in the comments – you've all been a great help. This is by far my most successful fanfiction and I will be writing some other ones soon! Bye everyone. Until we meet again…

Please don't comment any more ideas for rules as they will not be used
