Rule 1

Please never lock Tony, Steve and Bruce in a room together and tell them to 'have fun'. This only results in two grouchy men and an especially angry hulk

Rule 2

No playing Gangnam Style in Stark Tower. Bruce gets over excited, and we all know where that leads

Rule 3

Please do not take Tony's Iron Man suit for a joyride. He's very protective about that hunk of metal

Rule 4

Please do not call Tony's suit a hunk of metal

Rule 5

The Kelly Clarkson song 'What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger' is not an excuse to torture new agents to the brink of death, Tony

Rule 6

Just Dance 1-4 is banned. Thor has made it quite clear that he and Loki are by far the champions

Rule 7

No, Tony, we are not building a community shower in Stark Tower. Some people have low self-esteem when it comes to their body (still not sure why Steve does)

Rule 8

Yes, a kiwi is a fruit AND an Australian bird. Can we please stop arguing about it?

Rule 9

Tasers are no longer permitted. Just because they won't get Bruce to hulk out doesn't mean you have electrocute every other person you see to make up for it

Rule 10

When you buy something do not send the bill to Steve, unsurprisingly he STILL doesn't have a credit card

Thanks for reading guys! Comment and fav and follow. Prompts are welcome! xx