A Venomed Existence

By, Velvet Masquerade

Author's Note: This chapter brings a rescue mission from a suspicious hospital. Romance is to come!

Read on, my people~

There are no new characters this chapter. :D

Rhett POV

I scrambled through the hospital, Skite on my heels. Footsteps approached, and Skite suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Excuse me?" she said, faking a British accent over her Boston one.

"Where would we find an elevator? I need to get to the operation room," I marveled at my friend's ability to cover up our identities.

The footsteps, who turned out to be a nurse in incredibly high heels, pointed down a winding flight of spiral stairs. "Come along, Anna," Skite smiled at me, tugging my arm lightly. I nodded, stumbling behind her.

Playing the part of a child. "Sorry for using your height against you, Rhett," Skite whispered as we flew down the stairs. "No biggie," I shrugged, stepping into the elevator and jamming the 'B' button. "B for basement, I guess," Skite laughed darkly.

I nodded, and nearly tore the elevator doors open because they seemed to open too slowly. We decided to check random doors, seeing wether or not they were locked. I body-slammed a cold stone door, and shot right into a wall.

A wall with a fireplace.

I soon noticed that Ski was on a table, strapped down. Whitecoats were prodding her with hot fireplace pokers, and I was surprised as to how I hadn't heard her screams earlier.

I grabbed a poker, lit it on fire, and dove into battle with one of the deranged scientists.


I screamed as a doctor stabbed me with something on fire. Waves of pain slammed down on my body, and I screeched for Rhett once more. I began to cry, the salty water going into my burns, causing me to sob again.

An endless cycle of pain. Pain.

Pain, pain, pain. It was all pain. Too much pain. I could see darkness in the corner of my vision. I let the darkness in, as it numbed the pain. Pain, pain. So much pain.

Too much pain.

Skite POV

I stood in between Fawn and a Whitecoat, who was brandishing a long needle. "Don't you fucking touch her," I snarled, hearing her whimper. Crow was by my side, threatening to push me out of the way so he could take the blow. Out of love, I guess. I nearly crashed into the wall as Crow slammed me into the wall. Now, he could be twice my size and height, and he could be madly in love with Fawn, but nobody got in my way. Ever.

The Whitecoat lunged, and I kicked Crow away from the sharp needle. I jumped into the air, holding my arms out to block Fawn.

A little prick can cause a huge explosion of pain, I realized. It's not like I could do anything about it, though, because I couldn't move my body. My vision blurred, and I closed my eyes. Where was Lai? Or Rhett? Aidan?


