Letter to Kyoko..one day after Reino's victory..

To my dearest and most favorite toy in the world…Kyoko,

I believe by now Ren Tsuruga is well on the path to recovery. And all thanks to whom? Your extremely useful, yet highly misunderstood manager of course! Or rather I should say, ex-manager? Because I have resigned from LME now. I can already imagine Lory Takarada's bewildered face as he slowly comes to his senses, wondering what my appointment and resignation letters are doing in his office!

I had so many plans Kyoko..Plans for my happiness and future..Our future actually. Everything would have gone according to plan if it hadn't been for that stupid ghost! But of course, you don't know yet who the little terrorist was! Well let me reveal how I, Reino, not only single-handedly captured that evil spirit, but also made the supreme sacrifice for your happiness..

The spirit was Mimori. She committed suicide a month ago, thanks to heart-break suffered in the hands of Sho Fuwa. She's in my custody now. I plan to disillusion her of her rainbow image of Fuwa and then she can join the rest of my women spirits. I have to admit, so far she was the best in bed.. ;)

I really wish you will one day regret that you spurned my advances honey, and realize that only you are fit to share a bed with me, rather than some spirit. But even I cannot convince myself that, that will truly happen. You are stupidly in love with that young beast..so much so, that I do not regret sending him to your apartment. My only regret is that Mimori failed to finish him off immediately..

Well, I managed to get hold off a tape that will ruin Fuwa..Oh yes..I still have my grudges against him. Mimori was a stupid young woman but she suffered too much. She was too young to die and she didn't deserve what Fuwa did to her. I intend to get her justice by sending that tape to the press( Deja-vu, anyone?), after a little editing of course. Watch out for the latest news on 'Tokyo Tabloid' tomorrow!

Speaking of grudges, I have enclosed your grudge spirit in the little box which came with this letter. Of course, it's no longer the same before you lost it. I had to give it some of my powers to defeat Mimori with it's help. You can have it now, though I would have loved to keep a cute little thing like that! Let's say, from now on, we'll share a spiritual connection.

I don't think you'll be hearing from me ever again. I'm on the run now! I went to the police station yesterday and beautifully confessed to having attacked Ren Tsuruga and framing you before that. I had to be a little more convincing, so I grabbed a gun from one of the guards and shot the officer in the leg! That should slow him down!

You'll probably find me in the news as well soon. I can already see the headlines-'Vie Ghoul's vocalist on the run for Ren Tsuruga's attempted murder.' Well, my life is a lot more exciting now than it was before. And I'm not alone! My spirits keep me company.

Au revoir my dear..hopefully? I asked myself a question before and I'll ask it again, only to you. My original intention of becoming your manager had been to steal you away..But saving you from that spirit..saving Ren Tsuruga..I only managed to bring you too back together. What the hell was I doing playing cupid?!

Be safe Kyoko-chan! You are a beautiful and famous young woman, dating Japan's most Desirable man. Be safe..and I hate to say this..remain in love..even though it will never be me..

I was, and will always remain,

The Bold, Bad Villain Of your Life,


Kyoko folded the paper with a sigh. "He really did love you..", Ren said gently, putting his arm around her waist and giving her a squeeze.

"But he was partly responsible for your injuries..", she mumbled, burying her face aginst his chest. "he may have saved me..but I can't forgive him ever..And I hate the fact that in a way, I owe him one.."

"Kyoko,", Ren said suddenly after a few moments of silence. "Next time someone hurts you, or threatens you, just remember I'll always be there for you okay? Don't hide it from me..Even if they threaten to hurt me. We're going to be married Kyoko. We're going to be sharing our lives. If you're going to get hurt, I'm getting hurt with you..If you were to..to die, then I'm dying with you."

Kyoko looked up at him, her eyes bright as she fought back the tears. She put her arms around him and kissed him with all the love and passion that burned for him in her heart. "I love you..", he murmured against her lips.

Kyoko smiled as she looked down at the ring that was back in her finger. The crack was gone..And so were the scars..

They were safe.

A/N: I finally finished this! My first, and probably last horror fanfic! I look forward to writing more fanfics! (never realized writing could be so addictive!) Anyway, please review and let me know what you think!