The Glee Club huddled together in the waiting room, everyone was holding hands and they all looked anxious. Puck kept glancing at the doors, waiting for the doctors to come and give them news. He looked at Rachel who seemed to be humming a song to herself and some of the others started to hum along too. Puck recognized it as REM's Everybody Hurts which had been a song they had started working on. He understood why Rachel started humming; to hopefully comfort everyone and make them all feel better, but really how could singing make this situation any better. Puck stood up, letting go of Tina and Mercedes' hands on his left and right. He couldn't take it; the uncertainty, the feeling of not knowing, it was just too much for him. He walked out of doors, glancing back at the Club that was not shattered. Only 7 of them sat there after he got up and no one knew what would happen to the other 4 that were beyond the doors of the hospital, in the hands of the doctor. Their once strong and thriving Glee Club had now been reduced to only 8 people out of 12 the size that it had started. It was true, everybody did hurt, but nobody deserved to be shattered like this. Puck sat down against the wall outside of the hospital and lit a cigarette. It was the only thing that would take his mind off of what was happening. Just after he took the first inhale he saw Mr. Shue walk up to him and he pulled the cigarette out of his hand.

"Now's not the time, Puck." Will told him, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it. "How are they?"

"No one will tell us, but it was pretty bad when we got here. I should have done more. I could have saved-"

"It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. Things like this happen sometimes and you know what we can do about it?" Will asked, sitting down next to Puck and putting a fatherly hand on his shoulder.

"What?" Puck asked edge on his voice. He hated life lessons; they were full of crap.

"We can move on and learn from what happened. Before you forgive other need to forgive yourself. There was nothing you could have done." Mr. Shue told him, "And I know it sounds like I'm just quoting from a book or something, but really Puck you need to go back in there and let yourself off the hook, okay?"

Puck looked at the ground and put his face in his hand. He wasn't crying he was just sort of hoping that if he closed his eyes for long enough all the pain and hurt would go away. "Okay." He muttered, standing up. Just as he did he saw the doors fling open and Kurt walked out.

"Have you guys seen Blaine? He just stormed out." Kurt said, sighing. "He looked upset, but I don't know where he went."

"Blaine looked upset? Are you kidding me? After all we've just been through Blaine is upset. He wasn't even there for most of it! Nothing even happened to him! He has no right to be upset after what happened to all of the others." Puck shook his head and turned around to see Blaine walking down the stairs.

Blaine looked at them. "I know, I know. I'm sorry for storming out. This whole thing is just so emotional for me. I can't take it." He said, sniffing. He had obviously not heard what Puck had just said and before anyone could stop him, Puck charged at Blaine with his eyes blazing. He brought his fist around to connect with Blaine's face and there was a sickening crack. Blaine fell to the ground and Puck winced, the crack had come from his hand; it throbbed painfully, but he didn't care. He got down on the ground and punched Blaine in the stomach with his left hand. It wasn't as strong, but it could still cause some damage. Mr. Shue rushed over and yanked Puck off of Blaine, pulling him inside the hospital. Puck pulled himself out of Mr. Shue's grasp and whipped around.

"What the hell?" Puck asked Mr. Shue. "I should have killed him! He has no idea what they're going through and he has no idea what happened."

"Puck I know, just calm down." Will looked Puck right in the eyes this time, trying to get through to him. He was unsuccessfull.

"No you don't know! Nobody knows what happened except for us." Puck looked past Will and at his fellow Glee Clubbers who fell silent under his yelling. They all stared at the ground as if suddenly interesting in the tacky carpeting that always covered hospital floors.

"Then help me to understand. What happened?"

Kurt walked into school, smiling brightly at some friends that he knew. He was glad that he could finally come to this school and be safe. He was wearing a silver sequin blazer and some nice black pants. He couldn't overdo it so he balanced out the sequins with the normal black pants. The quiff in his hair was perfectly sticking up in the right way and as he looked at himself in the mirror in his locker he smiled. Looking good today, Kurt Hummel. He thought, smiling to himself. He looked around for his boyfriend, hopefully but he was nowhere to be seen. A distance down the hallway he saw Rachel talking to an irritated looking Quinn. And in front of a locker across the hall he saw Mike and Tina who were kissing each other gently. It was nice to see that a couple could be strong enough to last for as long as they have. Asians do everything better, even relationships. He smiled at Tina as she pulledaway and gave her a quick wink and a thumbs up before they started again. Kurt jumped a little bit when Mercedes walked up behind him.

"Good morning!" She cooed, smiling.

"Mercedes." Kurt smiled, putting his arm around her. "It's going to be a great day, I can feel it. Can't you?" he chuckled.

"Of course." Mercedes smiled down the hallway at Sam, half-listening to Kurt.

"Somebody's got eyes for Ken." Kurt smiled; they'd always called Sam Ken and Quinn Barbie.

"Stop calling him Ken. That makes it seem they're still dating." Mercedes rolled her eyes, talking about Sam and Quinn.

"You do like him! I thought you turned him down." Kurt was receiving mixed signals from her, he wasn't sure where she was headed.

"Well…he sang with me."

"How charming." Kurt smiled, "So are you thinking about snatching him up again or…just having something fun to look at."

"I don't know. I'm just afraid that Quinn will be mad." Mercedes bit her lip. "You know how crazy she gets about her ex-boyfriends. I just don't feel like smacking down any white girls today." She smiled a little bit at her own comment, realizing how easy it would be to take town the thin blonde girl.

"You did not just say that you were afraid of Quinn Fabray. Come on, you're strong woman, Mercedes. Whitney Houston didn't just stand there and wait for Bobby Brown to come to her, she went to Bobby Brown. Sam's your Bobby, Mercedes, take him." Kurt told her.

"You're right." Mercedes nodded. "If I want Sam, I can have Sam no matter what anyone says. Thanks Kurt. I'm gonna go talk to him right now." She said, walking down the hall and walking to the other side of the school where she knew Sam's locker was. She had no idea why it was so much farther away then everyone else's. Probably because he came late in the school year, but she wasn't sure.

Kurt watched her go and smiled as Blaine walked up to him. "Hey, I love the blazer." Blaine told Kurt with a huge grin on his face.

Kurt smiled back, "I like the bowtie. I've never seen this one before; music notes…I like it." He smiled, "Just in time for sectionals too."

Blaine nodded and started walking down the hall. "So I was thinking we could ditch first period and go grab some coffee. I mean, I'll only be missing French."

"Okay. Gosh you're such a bad influence." Kurt joked lightly. "Come on." He took Blaine's hand and led him out of the school. They made sure to walk extra slow so that they would miss as much of first period as they could. It was already starting by the time they got to their car. They got inside and drove down to their favorite coffee shop, hoping no one would see them and get them into trouble. They bought their coffee and sat down at a table across from each other.

"So Mercedes is getting back together with Sam. She was eyeing him in the hallway like he was a piece of meat so I told her she should go for it." Kurt started, he loved talking about drama with Blaine.

"What about Quinn, won't she be mad? I really don't want to go all crazy psycho again. It was just scary and it didn't help us win sectionals either." Blaine pointed out, remembering the way she had gotten when Puck had dated Rachel's mom.

"I don't know, but Mercedes deserves to be happy and so does Sam. So Quinn really just needs to back off and let them be." Kurt agreed, shaking his head.

An hour passed and they were still sitting in the coffee shop together. They had decided that they would go back for third period instead of second. It was too late to go to second anyway. Kurt smiled, watching Blaine who was up ordering a cinnamon roll for him. He was so sweet. Kurt felt his phone buzz and he pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and looked at the messages. He'd just gotten one from Rachel, it was very sloppy and hard to read.

KURT. Wehere ae u? Are u koay? If you r please txt em bbk.

Kurt read it and was immediately confused, but he assumed that the text was supposed to read: KURT. Where are you? Are you okay? If you are please text me back. It wasn't that hard to figure out, he just wondered why she was asking him so suddenly.

At the coffee shop w/ Blaine. What's wrong?

Kurt texted her back and shrugged. It was probably some urgent thing about how she needed him to get sheet music with her. He sighed, smirking. Rachel could be so annoying sometimes, but her voice could make a grown man burst into tears. Just as Kurt was putting his phone away it buzzed again. He was expected to get a text from Rachel, but instead it was from Quinn.

Kurt where are you?

This really confused Kurt because sure, Quinn had given her number to him but only because they were all exchanging numbers in Glee Club. They weren't close friends and they'd never texted each other before.

What's going on?

He texted her back, getting really worried. Blaine came and sat down across from him. "What's wrong Kurt?" he asked, tilting his head.

Kurt lifted his phone to show Blaine the messages.

He looked puzzled, but shook his head. "It's probably nothing Kurt, you always think of the worst thing that could be happening and never as bad as you think so calm down. Everything's fine."

Kurt nodded and put his phone on the table. A couple minutes went by and it didn't buzz. This made the urgency of the situation subside to make Kurt feel better. Just as he started to pick off the cinnamon roll his phone buzzed again. He had gotten another text from Quinn.

Have you seen Puck or Finn? I can't get a hold of them! Where are you? I'm alone right now in the Geometry room and I don't know what to do. I don't think he's over here so I'm gonna go find Puck.

Kurt read the text and then showed it to Blaine. "There's definitely something wrong Blaine, but I don't know what it is."

"Well text her back! Let her know you're there. I'll go see if the coffee shop can put the news on one of the TVs." Blaine stood up and walked back up to the counter.

Quinn. What's going on? Don't move, stay where you are. Okay? I'm at a coffee shop with Blaine. We skipped.

Kurt texted her back hoping she would stay safe. He looked up when one of the TV stations changed and Blaine came back and sat down. There was a lady standing in front of their school which looked pretty large from the outside for a school in Ohio.

"Today at McKinley two young students opened fire in a Spanish class full of students. Police aren't sure who the suspects are yet and are working diligently to get students out. Right now the policy is that nobody goes in and nobody gets out and once SWAT gets here from Cincinnati they'll start evacuating. Police don't know where the suspects are, but students are still finding their way out on their own. Unfortunately, there have already been 4 deaths confirmed from the Spanish class and there may be more. The police ask that only parents come down to the school so that the parking lot isn't too crowded for SWAT to get in." The woman looked into the camera, "Please Ohio keep your thoughts and prayers with the students and families of McKinley and don't lose hope." It cut to commercials.

Kurt cupped his hand over his mouth. "Oh my god." He said, gasping. Quinn was still inside texting him. He couldn't even believe it; he thought he was scared now he couldn't even imagine how scared Quinn must be in the geometry room all alone, if she was still there.

I haven't moved, but I hear footsteps. Don't text me unless I text you first

Kurt read the text and shook his head. "That's it. Come on Blaine. We have to get down there." He got up, grabbed his bag and jogged towards the car. Blaine followed, they both wondered what would happen to their friends.