Oh goodness, you would not believe how incredibly stupid I feel right now.

I just so happen to be browsing around on my phone, looking for things to do and I end up stumbling upon my email and decided, 'eh, why not?'

So I look through and see I have emails from Fanfiction and I'm just like, 'what?'

Then I remember that I was writing a story (this one) and I had the most ultimate face-palm ever.

I am unbelievably sorry. It's just that, what with family vacationing and trying to get my license, I haven't been able to completely focus on anything else.

But, your kind and lovely reviews(except you Mirrored. You can go out and buy some really expensive 'Be Nicer' pills) has caused me to feel so warm and fuzzy inside, i just had to get it out by writing you this chapter.

And to the kind person that nicely pointed out my mistakes (and the fact I have been spelling Megan wrong the entire time. Ugh, Stupid friend with that spelling!), thank you very much. Much obliged:)

Oh, and if this chapter sounds incredibly awful it's because I'm sick. So yah, I'm germy!;) (I have no idea if that's a word, but I'm feeling it)

When Bruce had changed out of his Batman attire and made his way upstairs, it was almost 7 o'clock.

Now Alfred, knowing that his charge couldn't make toast if his life depended on it, had thankfully made them dinner that only had to be heated up.

The man needed a raise, he decided.

"And you need a bath." He sighed, looking over at the spaghetti covered little bird who just cutely looked up at him, shoving another fistful of pasta into his mouth.

He gathered up the messy little baby and made his way upstairs to give him a much needed cleansing.

As he made his way to the bathroom, he looked out the window to see dark storm clouds rolling over Gotham.

Same old Gotham, he thought.

Once he was done washing the squirming baby- clad in a dark blue onesie- the city was already in a heavy downpour.

"How about a movie, buddy?" He bounced the baby in his arms and got a delighted cheer.

He filed his way through a hefty stack of DVDs, trying to find some movie acceptable for baby's, not exactly feeling like getting flayed alive by his merciful (yah, right) butler for picking something inappropriate.

"Du'mo!" Richard squealed, hugging the plastic case.

Bruce smiled. He should have known. "You want to watch Dumbo, buddy?"

Dick eagerly nodded his head yes, chanting Du'mo, Du'mo, Du'mo as he put in the movie. He picked up the wiggling cherub before settling on the couch, Dick soon finding himself comfortable by laying on his chest. He folded his arms across the small back, pressing him closer.

By the time Dumbo was stoned with a tiny mouse, Dick had already dozed off on his chest, sucking his little thumb.

He turned the television off before making his way upstairs, feeling himself being pulled into the land of dreams as well.

Once in his bedroom, he carefully placed the lightly snoring baby on the mattress before changing into some sweats and a t-shirt. He came back and laid himself down beside the peacefully slumbering babe, drawing him near and cuddling him close to his chest- one hand under his tiny back and the other thrown across his chest with his hand cradling his head, letting his face nuzzle into his neck easily.

Richard was like his own personal teddy bear while Bruce himself was his own personal mama bear.

It worked beautifully.

It seemed like only moments later he was woken to a clap of thunder and a terrified whine. He tried to blink the grogginess from his eyes, but goodness, what time was it? He only accomplished in opening his eyes when he heard a -thunk- and a helpless little wail of pain.

He was out of his bed in an instant when the wail dragged on and another clap of lightning sounded.

He quickly gathered the sobbing baby into his arms, trying to get the poor little bird to settle down.

"Shh, shh, it's alright Dickie. Daddy's got you, I've got you." the man soothed, rocking the tiny cherub. Slowly, the baby bird descended into just faint whimpers and the occasional tear.

Better, he sighed, kissing the spot on top of his head where he had fallen on it.

Dick still clung to him, though, shaking like a leaf. Thunder boomed outside again and he let out a heartbreaking whimper.

"Scawy, Da'dy." he whined.

Bruce winced. "I know, baby, I know, but I've got you now. It's not gonna hurt you." he soothed.

Stupid Mother Nature, he griped.

The only thing he could do now, though, was hold him till he fell asleep and hope that the thunder wouldn't wake him once more.

Minutes passed by with the only sound being the occasional sniffle from the bundle in his arms and the light pitter-patter of rain. He presumed the storm had more or less passed and sighed in relief. No more disturbances.

He laid back down in his earlier position, intent on falling back asleep when a soft little voice spoke.

"Thing." He looked down and saw pleading blue eyes staring back at him.

"Huh?" His eyebrows furrowed curiously, "What thing?"

The child huffed and his bottom lip jutted out, adorable in his frustration. "La, la, la. Thing." He stressed.

"Oh," Bruce said, eyes widening in realization and apprehension, "Sing."

It wasn't like he'd never sung to him before, but it was never something he was particularly fond of. Of course, looking at those wide blue eyes, it never really mattered if he was fond of it or not, he'd do anything for him.

"Spoiled." He sighed and settled down, a pleased giggle coming from his collar. He hummed for a little, his mind coming up blank on what to actually sing.

Dick, as if reading his mind, sleepily hummed, "Wain-bow."

Rainbow, his eyebrows furrowed. What was rainbow?

His hesitation must have shown because Dick gave another one of those little huffs and restated, "Ower Wain-bow."

Ah, his eyes widened, Over the Rainbow. He almost face-palmed but decided against it and instead hummed the beginning, feeling his tiny bird relax in his arms, giving a content little sigh.

The still lingering sound of rain splattering against the sides of the house gave a relaxing atmosphere, and caused a perfect background melody.

"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
Once in a lullaby...

Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dream that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true."

Dick didn't seem to mind the way his voice wavered the slightest bit or how husky it sounded. If anything, he seemed to love it and relaxed contently to the sound of his voice. With newfound confidence, he began again.

"Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds
Are far behind me

Where troubles melt like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops
That's where
You'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dream that you dare to
So why, oh why, can't I?"

A sleepy little humming came from the bundle in his arms and caused a small smile to form on his face. He passed over a couple of versus, content he wouldn't notice.

"I hear babies cry and I
Watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.

Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds
Are far behind me
Where troubles melts like lemons drop
High above the chimney tops
That's where
You'll find me."

He heard as the soft humming slowly got softer until soon quiet snores had filled its space. The fight to keep his eyes open soon became a battle he was losing, but he continued the song in quiet murmur.

"Oh, somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dream that you dare to
So why, oh why, can't I?..."

Combined with the comforting heat of the small body on his chest and the sound of the soft tinkling of the rain and even softer snores, he fell asleep and dreamed of small birds and some place where the clouds were far behind him.

Can I get an award for most cheesy ending, please? Either way, super pleased that I finally finished a chapter. Even more pleased that I had an excuse to finally use that song. It's just... one of the best, you know? I could die happy listening to that song.

Anyways, thanks to those who have sticking with this story even though it's been, like, two years. Hope I made your day just a little bit more joyful with this update.