Zoids:X.: The Battle For Planet Zi :Prologue Part I
Hi, LeeV3 here, this is my first FanFic so please R&R. I will be accepting OCs, I ask that you please PM them to me, the char sheet is at the end. Some of you will notice that I have borrowed a few tools from Spiralgamer, I like it so I'm using it. Anything else PM me and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.
Disclaimer-I do not own Zoids, but pretty much everything else you will read.
*Desert on the Western Continent*
Double The Ligers Double The Trouble
Its midday in the Elemia Desert and two Liger Zeros and there pilots are lost. The pilots are brothers, though not by birth and are as different as there Ligers. The elder brother is Li Ukami an 18 year old with short spiky hair with green tips, he has a purple Zi mark under his left eye. He has strange long canine teeth, earning him the nickname "Fang". He wears a black leather vest with a purple under shirt, black cargo pants and black boots. He is the pilot of the black Liger Zero, which he has named Shadow, and has green gear joints and eyes.
The younger brother is Daisuke Takamori a sixteen year old with messy, spiky, red hair and bangs that frame his face and half hide his blue Zi mark on his forehead. He wears a black leather jacket with red streaks and a blue undershirt, red jeans, and red and white sneakers. He is the pilot of the blue Liger Zero that he has named Frost, Frost has a blue body, but has the original white Zero armor with dull gold claws, teeth, and eyes.
Man it's hot! I have to find a way out of this heat. I wonder how Daisuke is doing. I can't even remember how we got into this desert.
"Hey Daisuke how are you two holding up?" "Huh, oh, Frost and I are fine" Daisuke said almost bragging. "Yea lucky you" you little punk.
"Hey, Li I see some buildings up ahead, they look like ruins" "Yea, I see'em, let's go and get in the shade" Man I hope we can find some food or at least some water.
"Hey bro, how about we race to the ruins?" said Daisuke, sounding a lot more cheerful than I did. " "You're on! Let's show those two beginners how it's done Shadow!" "You wish, Frost and I are gonna put you to shame" Daisuke said with a smile that seemed huge on my communicator screen.
"GO!" we both shouted as our Ligers started to sprint and then break into full runs, both roar loudly as they ran to the finish line of what now looked like a rotting military base. After almost a mile, I notice that my brother and I are neck and neck and that the ruins were a lot closer.
"See ya bro" Daisuke says right before he engages the boosters on his liger's back and they rocket past me and Shadow, kicking up a sand cloud as they rocketed past us towards the old buildings.
"Oh yeah! We totally beat you!" My little brother said triumphantly after Shadow made it to the ruins. "You just got lucky Daisuke, don't let it go to your head, it's not like you can beat me and Shadow in a fight." I said trying to put my kid brother back in his place. "Not yet, but we will, right Frost?" The large metal cat roared in agreement.
As my little brother started getting pumped up and talking to his Liger about having a battle, I noticed that the sand started to move. "Hey Daisuke, watch-out behind you!"
"Huh, what Li?" Just then, Guysacks burst from the sand and started firing lasers at us. Our ligers roared in pain and anger as they were hit with the barrage of purple-blue beams, pining them to the ground.
"Come on Shadow we have to get the hell out of here, we have to help Daisuke and Frost!" He roared loudly and got to his feet. "Let's show'em what we can do buddy, STRIKE LASER CLAW!" Shadow charged for one of the scorpion shaped zoids with laser cannons on the tips of their tails; he managed to jump over it and used his claw to sever its tail, which caused its weapons system to shut down, taking it out of the fight. This caused the other Guysacks to turn at me and Shadow, "Let's move, I don't think they're happy about what we did to their friend."
We started running around, trying to doge as many of the lasers as we could while taking them out of the fight and then I saw Daisuke and Frost getting up. "Hey! What took you so long?" I asked Daisuke more pissed off than anything.
"Come on Li, it's not like I planned this or anything!" "Just shut up and help me finish these things off! There are six left of them left, now come on!" "Ok, ok! Let's show these overgrown bugs what we can do Frost." The large liger growled, "Yea that's more like it, now Frost, Laser Fang Attack!" Frost charged the nearest Guysack and used his fangs to rip it to shreds, and then he turned on the next zoid in his path. That's more like, I said to myself as my little brother and I tore through the last of our attackers.
*Desert Base*
We decided to check out the base sense we were already there, we found a large hanger that was open and decided to start the search there.
"Hey now that we're done can we rest a bit?" Daisuke ask while he was climbing down from Frost's cockpit. "What do you mean rest, Shadow and I took care of most of them!" I said after we were standing next to each other in the huge hanger, which looked like it was used to store Zoids and weapons when the base was operational and a few seemed to still be there( a blue Pteras and a white Command Wolf with a long range rifle on its back) . "Ok, let's get to snooping." My little brother said with a mischievous smile that rather worried me.
"Ok then kid you look over there for a light switch or something, it's going to get dark soon and we're gonna need some light." "Alright, but then can we go look for the kitchen Li? I haven't eaten all day!" My younger brother whined, as if he was the only one that was hungry" Yea sure" I said while I was running my hand over a wall looking for a switch. "I found it!" Daisuke said as he flipped on the switch and illuminated the hanger.
"Whoa!" Daisuke said in shock and disbelief" this place is bigger than we thought!" "Yea and look at the Ligers" I said to draw my brother's attention to our sand covered Zoids. "Oh No Frost!" He said as he ran to his mostly brown Liger. "Don't worry we'll clean them both in the morning" I said to reassure my brother and both our zoids.
We eventually found the kitchen, which was stocked with grub; and we ate until we were full. I decided to make a fire in the hanger and me and Daisuke slept next to our sand covered friends.
"Hey Li, did you notice all of these posters and that huge sign painted in big black and pink paint?" I looked to the wall where Daisuke was pointing and I saw it.
To Be Continued…
Voice Cast
Eric Vale Li Ukami
Peter Doyle Daisuke Takamori
Daisuke: Oh, crap man we're gonna die!
Li: No we aren't it's gonna be ok.
Daisuke: You don't know that, oh man we are screwed!
Li: Calm down, that could have been here for years.
Daisuke: But, what if its not, huh?
Li: Well I guess we'll find out in the morning.
Next Time on ZoidsX.: The Battle For Planet Zi- Sister Slash
Daisuke: We are so screwed!
Li: Shut up and go to sleep already!
Char Sheet
Character Name:
Age and Gender(14/21):
Job[ Military(add rank), Zoid Pilot, Bandit,Mechanic, Transporter,etc.](optional):
Hometown or Continent:
Voice Actor: