Hello there! If you've never seen one of my stories before, nice to meet you! If you're on my alerts and made this face ( o. O ) when you saw what I was posting, I can explain.

I really really love this movie, and despite my utter dislike of OC, there really is no other option, and I seriously cannot get this story out of my head.

So I really hope you enjoy it! (Please let me know if you enjoy it, this is waaaay out of my territory) Also, I've only seen the movie, so this is set after the movie and in my own little unique world of imagination.

Disclaimer: Not owned by me!

"talking" thinking ((scenechange/me)) ((Sidebar: Did you know you can spell Wintery/Wintry two ways?))

Of Soft Breezes and Wintry Nights

Chapter One: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire…

~Jack Frost nipping at your nose…~

Jack Frost sighed as he leaned back on his tree branch, absentmindedly causing the branches to frost over as he watched the sun rise. I'm really starting to hate that song.

Ever since Jack had become a Guardian, he was introduced to a few unique "gifts" that only Guardians were "blessed" with. Every time someone mentioned his name, he heard them in his head, like his own personal thought bubbles. The more people that believed in him, the more he heard. The benefit to this was that should someone ever need him (need him? He wondered, he made it snow for heaven's sake) he would be able to find them easily. Unfortunately, because he was not too well known outside of his small town yet, he only had the occasional interruption to his thought processes. However, because his name was mentioned oh so casually in The Christmas Song, now that it was the Christmas season he heard that particular lyric multiple times a day.

North said I would get used to this, he thought darkly as he stood, stretching, but it's really just annoying. Maybe once more kids hear of me, I'll get some cries for Snow Days—

His thoughts were derailed by a new 'message.'

Dammit Jack Frost, now I'm going to be late for class! Idiot…

Jack raised an eyebrow. That was new. He'd never heard a voice that sounded so mature before that wasn't singing The Christmas Song. What's this…? He wondered, jumping into the wind to fly in the direction of the voice.

-((to the voice!))-

Claire Archer continued to mutter choice expletives about a certain wintry being as she tried in vain to scrape the frost off of her car. The wind also blew her brown hair into her eyes, adding to her frustration.

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit! I'm never going to get to class now! Stupid teaching observation, stupid school that's a half hour away, stupid Jack Frost…Her parents had raised her to believe in the impossible, including Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Jack Frost. Most children stopped believing at some point, but Claire had a better use for her beliefs—mainly cracking jokes at the mythical legends and blaming them for her troubles…

…which currently consisted of her running late to observe a high school Spanish class for one of her college courses.

"I can't drive if I can't see, Jack," she muttered darkly, continuing to curse as she finally carved a small porthole out of the frost on the windshield. Grateful that she could at least drive now, she hurriedly got in the car and took off towards the school.


"Interesting," Jack muttered to himself as he watched the scene unfold from a far off tree near the parking lot. "She…believes in me?" His curiosity only grew as he listened, watching her drive off into the growing light.

A gleam of mischief in his eye, Jack was already creating plans for the next morning.

-((the next morning))-

"Oh come on!" Jack heard the girl exclaim when she saw her car covered in frost the next morning. He grinned, watching from a tree again as she hurriedly reached into her car for her scraper before furiously working at her windshield.

"I bet you think this is funny Jack," she murmured as she cleaned off the car, "but frost is nothing but an inconvenience! Why don't you make it snow? I can brush snow off my car in two seconds, but frost!" She continued her early morning rant as she got into the car and drove away.

Jack felt slightly guilty as he watched her drive away. He didn't know why, such shenanigans were his calling card—but as he listened to the girl, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Then again, he thought, resolve hardening, I'm Jack Frost! Frost is in my name! We can't go a winter day without frost! He considered his options. On one hand, he could go a day without frosting her car, which was unacceptable in his opinion.

I guess I could let her know I have her best interests at heart, he decided before flying off to cause more mischief.

-((the next morning))-

Claire made sure to wake up early this time. She carefully pulled her brown hair back underneath her hat and buttoned her coat before setting out into the harsh winter chill.

"I really wish it would just snow already," she thought, walking out to her (surprise!) frosted car. Sighing, she reached into her car to grab the scraper…

….Before promptly dropping it and squealing in surprise at the sight of the word 'SORRY' carved into the frost on the front of her car.

-((To be continued!))-

What do you think? Interesting start? Because I don't normally do chapter fics, I plan to rock this out and fast over break. I didn't mean to start it until then, but I just couldn't help it anymore. So I don't think I'll be able to get to this until the weekend, but I greatly value your opinion.

Please let me know what you think!
