**** I'm so sorry, I have to upload everything on my Ipad and it messed everything up. Hopefully it's fixed!

"Keep staring at the ground. Don't look up, don't stop for anything. Just look down, keep your hands in your pockets. Am I still breathing? Nope. Okay just calm down and take a deep breath..." Reid followed his own orders and exhaled, suddenly becoming aware that he had been holding his breath for at least 30 seconds.

"31.4 seconds."His mind corrected him. Reid felt a prick of irritation. Was he that annoying in real life? He kept walking as the thugs on the street stared at him. All he had to do was get back to the car. It was only a block away, he was so close.

He knew he shouldn't have gone off without Morgan. What was he thinking? How could he ever think he could survive in the slums of Detroit by himself? Maybe it was to prove to his team and himself that he didn't need protecting.

He could really go for it right now.

There was yelling in the distance. A woman. The voice got closer as Reid walked faster, and he eventually was close enough to realize she was crying. Despite his best interest, he wasn't armed, and was certainly in no condition to be on a rescue. The woman started begging; it sounded like a robbery.

"How can you walk away from this? She might die!" His mind yelled. Reid stopped; he hadn't thought of that. He was still a ways behind where the woman's cries were coming from, and he sped up, breaking his rule by looking up and around him.

He was too preoccupied looking into alleyways to notice the figure sprinting toward him. He managed to catch her just before she fell to the ground as she ran into him. Her clothes were ripped and her cheeks were stained with tears, but she was very beautiful.

She also had really big boobs, Reid was slightly embarrassed to notice. Her shirt was ripped in such away as to give him an unobstructed view, which he promptly avoided.

"Let me go, he's going to come back!" She yelled, fighting as Reid held her wrists.

"Who?" He asked, still holding her. She looked up at him and narrowed her eyes.

"I have no idea," she said as if it was the obvious answer, "Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does," Reid said matter-of-factly, "Knowing who he is and what he looks like could really help us find him. I mean, if you don't know then you can tell me how he acted. That's actually my job, I'm-"

He was cut off as his skull was bashed in by someone behind him. The woman stood and rubbed her wrists as she smiled and took in the unconscious man at her feet..

"Dr. Spencer Reid, profiler for the BAU," the woman finished his sentence, "At last we meet."