December 14: Unwrapped

Nothing had ever been normal at Anubis House.

Christmas was no exception.

The never-ending mysteries lurking around Anubis house didn't go leave on holidays.

For only a moment, it seemed as if Anubis house was normal, exactly like a school should be. The boring, perhaps even an uneventful term was graciously welcomed after the events of last year.

It had been a lovely break from Egyptian artifacts, villains, and chaos that normally occurred at the creepy boarding school you called home.

But of course, the peace would have to end. What else would you expect from a house that old?

Maybe you would kid yourself that things had permanently calmed down.

That you would never again find yourself racing the clock to save someone or something.

That you would never again have to deal with psychotic people who fantasized of eternal life.

That you would never again lose or hurt your loved ones.

Unfortunately, you were wrong.

I mean, come on.

This is Anubis House.

What did you expect?

Miss Valentine's last class of the day watched the clock eagerly. In only a few minutes it would be time for the Holidays, or as the Americans called it, Christmas Break! Everybody was ready to quit learning, start partying, start gorging themselves on holiday treats, and finally be seeing their families once again. Being the mellow teacher she was, Miss Valentineagreed to let her class chat to pass the time until the final bell rang.

Amber Millington was talking with her boyfriend, Alfie Lewis, to make time go by faster, "So what did you get me for Christmas, beau?"

"Something…amazeballs!" Alfie excitedly made an imaginary rainbow with his hands.

She eyed him suspiciously, "No cactuses? No raspberries?"

"Oh come on Ambs I've matured!"

Amber patted his back, "Aw sure you have."

Meanwhile, Eddie and Patricia were arguing.

"It's Merry Christmas, Yacker, not happy Christmas!"

"You are so America it's not even funny, and it's happy Christmas."

"It's not my fault you Brits say holiday greetings wrong!" Eddie shrugged.

"Okay doofus, Great Britain originally owned American, therefore we have more rights."

"Happy Christmas, how can you know that it will be a happy Christmas? What if they have a crappy Christmas, are you going to change your saying?" Eddie sneered.

"Well the politically correct term is…" Mara began. Everybody let out a groan, but Jerome listened with an interest that you could tell was genuine. Mara and Jerome's relationship was interesting. Everyone had found Mick and Mara together cute but they were not idiots and had obviously noticed Jerome and Mara hanging out a lot. But Jerome was really protective of Mara and their relationship was undoubtedly adorable. The house was just trying to get used to them holding hands, kissing, and doing "couply" things.

"Jerome is so sweet with Mara!" Nina observed, turning to smile at her boyfriend, Fabian.

Fabian felt his heart skip a beat. Ever since they had found the mask, things had been going smoothly between him and Nina. They were best friends, but at the same time, in a relationship. He was happy with the way things were going. Things were not awkward between them now and their relationship was more relaxed. Fabian even surprised himself with romantic dates, surprise kisses, and other things he would normally be too shy to do. But he found himself so comfortable and happy with Nina. Right now he could not help but love everything about her, her smile, her accent, and her eyes made her overwhelmingly beautiful. But he also loved her personality and she was and always would be his best friend. Right now he just had to take a moment to appreciate her familiar and heartwarming smile.

"But I'm sweeter, right?"

"Of course you are," she grinned at him and reached under the table to hold his hand, "So where are you going again for Holiday Break?"

"Nothing special, just another insane Rutter family gathering."

"Fun, I don't think much will be happening at Gran's so you need to make you sure text me a lot," she grinned.

"Of course," Fabian squeezed her hand.

"Aw you two are so sweet; I might be getting a cavity!" Patricia muttered from behind them, rolling her eyes.

"Ignore her, you two are adorable together!" Amber beamed at them, because she felt that she had personally gotten them back together.

"Thanks Amber. So guys I was thinking we should have one last Sibuna meeting before we leave for the holidays?" Nina suggested quietly.

"We can reminisce about the good old times of almost getting ourselves killed," joked Patricia.

Alfie piped in, "Will there be food?"

"Alfie there's already going to be mounds of food at the Christmas party," Fabian shook his head, somehow still surprised at Alfie's hunger.

"I'll sneak in some leftovers?" Joy suggested.

"I love you Joy," Alfie sighed happily then covered his mouth in panic.

Everyone looked at Amber, ready for an explosion. She wasn't exploding but she was sure acting weird. She was clenching her jaw and standing there with her fists clenched, looking like she was about to blow up but could not.

"Are you constipated Amber?" Jerome chortled.

"No...I'm…trying…to…be…a…better…person…" Amber said through clenched teeth.

"Who are you and what have you done with Amber?" Eddie asked and ran up to her to check her temperature, "Are you feeling ill?"

Amber slapped Eddie's wrist away from her forehead and scowled at him.

"Amber promised Alfie that she would not get jealous of anyone, be mean to him, or be too conceited," Mara explained to the confused crowd.

Everyone's jaw dropped, for this was very unlike Amber.

"You must like Alfie a lot," Joy deduced.

Amber nodded without saying a word for fear she would scream.

Alfie laughed and put his arm around Amber, "Aw I love you Ambs!"

"Love you too beau," she muttered, still clearly refraining from lashing out on Alfie.

Nina laughed at Amber and Alfie. Perhaps Amber was really changing for him.

Things were going great right now. No mysteries, no evil spirits, and no creepy men were trying to kill her! Sibuna had added three new members; Joy, Eddie, and Jerome. She made a mental note to remind herself to tell Jerome about the Sibuna meeting. They could not talk to him about it now, because Mara would overhear. Jerome had specifically told them all that Mara was not to be told about anything involving Sibuna, for her own safety.

"So it's settled then, Sibuna party in the library at nine, for old time's sake."

At last, the final bell rang and it was time to end school for a few weeks. Everyone began to get up out of their seats but Miss Valentine stopped them, "Remember everybody to at least look into your family history and do a bit of research! I'll even do some of my own. Be prepared for our next unit when school starts back up again!"

"Can I get extra credit for being related to some Egyptian guy that was connected to some descendant of Nina's?" Eddie mumbled under his breath and Patricia suppressed a laugh.

"Now go and enjoy the break!" Miss Valentine announced and the class nearly ran out the door, eager to get started on the long holiday.

Everybody was outside, heading back to Anubis house, and to their great delight it had begun to snow.

"We're going to have a white Christmas!" Joy shrieked gleefully, twirling around through the flurries with her arms spread wide open.

"I love the snow," Mara gushed, lacing her arm through Jerome's.

"So Yacker, now that school's over I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my dad's place over the holidays?" inquired Eddie hopefully.

"Permanently?" Patricia scoffed, "And here I was thinking that you were afraid of commitment."

Eddie wiggled his eyebrows and smirked, "I meant temporarily but if you wanted a permanent residence in the Sweet household you could always stay in my bed."

Patricia gaped at him for a moment then started laughing, "Not likely you pervert!" She playfully shoved Eddie but he caught her wrist sending them both tumbling onto the snow-covered ground.

Patricia had landed on top of Eddie with a thump and she caught a glimpse of his smirk.

"Wipe the smile, weasel."

"This is so cliché Yacker. You have to kiss me now."

Eddie had been yearning for a good kiss with Patricia for a while now. It had been too long since their last real kiss and he craved something more than just a simple peck on the cheek.

Patricia had dragged Eddie to a private place after the ordeal with Senkhara and Rufus in the library.

"Okay so you got kidnapped and I was worried about you and I know we were fighting about Piper and I'm sorry I was a jerk but you were an idiot and…"

Eddie grabbed Patricia and kissed her.

The kiss was long and to an American teenage boy like himself, it was glorious.

"You slimeball, I wasn't even done talking!"

He kissed her one more time.

"Sometimes you need to shut up Yacker," he said.

For once, she said nothing and just kissed him back.

Eddie didn't want to be one of those typical teenage boys who was constantly looking for opportunities to smack lips with his girlfriend but quite frankly they hadn't kissed in a long time

Patricia closed her eyes and leaned down slowly, with her lips only inches from his. He too, closed his eyes and waited for her sweet lips to collide with his.

But instead of Patricia's warm lips his mouth was full of bitter cold snow. Patricia stood above him, sneering and brushing the snow from her hands.

Spitting the snow out of his mouth Eddie grumbled, "Real mature."

She laughed, and then to his surprise her smile softened and she kneeled down on the ground beside him.

Giving him a light kiss on the mouth she leaned into him and whispered in his ear, "Slimeball."

Closing his eyes, he grinned, "Yacker."

"Please get a room or I might just vomit," Jerome groaned.

The two looked up to see their housemates awkwardly surrounding them. Standing up, Eddie sent a glare in Jerome's direction. Patricia, on the other hand, sent a snowball in Jerome's direction. It hit him squarely in the face.

"You are so going down Williamson!" Jerome shouted, wiping slush from his forehead and picking up handfuls of snow.

Soon, snowballs were flying and it had developed into a full-out snowball fight.

Amidst the chaos, Alfie launched a snowball at Fabian, who swiftly ducked and it smacked Amber.

"I'm going to kill you!" Amber cried, reading to lash out at her boyfriend, "You got my hair wet!"

"Live a little Ambs!"

"ALFIE LEWIS I'M GOING TO KI-" began Amber angrily, but noticed Mara's disapproving frown and refrained from yelling.

"I'm calm," she reassured herself and everyone else.

But Alfie's playful behavior gave her an idea; through the chaos of soaring snowballs, she quickly gathered up a bunch of snow. After she threw a snowball into the mess she caught his smile and felt better, even though she hadn't gotten angry at him.

After the fight the kids hiked back to the house, each dripping with melted snow and just positively grinning. They spotted a figure in the living room, lounging on the couch munching on a banana. This was odd because the house was supposed to be empty, Trudy and Victor were out running errands.

"G'day mates!" cried a familiar meathead who stole the fruit bowl, loved food, and was supposed to be in Australia.

A chorus of "Mick!" ran through the halls and everyone ran to welcome and hug him…except for Jerome and Mara. Mara had never quite really broken up with Mick but Mick had spotted Jerome and Mara kissing and Mara had made a point of avoiding Mick, which was not hard seeing that he lived in Australia, but now that he was back at Anubis houses for a visit he was determined to talk to her. Jerome and Mara stood awkwardly, each mumbled a feeble "hello" and scurried back to Mara's room.

Mick's face fell when he saw Mara leaving but Fabian distracted him, "Welcome back mate!"

"What are you doing here anyways?" snapped Patricia.

"Oh how I've missed your welcoming smile Williamson!" Mick grabbed Patricia and playfully messed up her hair, "I thought I'd pop in for a visit because my mum wanted to see some old friends who lived here."

Actually, Joy had called Mick a while back to see if he wanted to come to England for the Anubis Christmas party and he had agreed, since his mum was itching to come back anyways to see some of her old friends. Trudy had arranged for him to stay in the spare bedroom.

"Well you haven't changed a bit have you Campbell" laughed Patricia. "Oh and this is Eddie, the guy who's been living in your room."

Eddie glowered at Mick with the look of get-your-paws-off-my-girlfriend and Mick realized that he was being very impolite, "We've never met, I'm Mick!" The two shook hands. "So you're Sweet's kid and the she-beast's boyfriend?"

"That's me," Eddie smiled, realizing that Mick meant no harm. "So you're the Australian who likes food?"

"Likes food is stretching it, he loves food," laughed Fabian.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody loves food more than me," Eddie smirked and folded his arms.

"You wanna bet?" Mick challenged.

"Oh yeah, but be prepared to lose, my Australian friend!" cried Eddie and the two went to the kitchen to try and see who really loved food the most.

"I think Mick just stole my boyfriend," commented Patricia and everyone laughed.

Joy, who organized the party, announced that everyone should make sure their presents were ready. She wanted to have an Anubis Christmas before everyone left for their respective homes, and decided that they would first have a party and then they would do a gift exchange. The idea was approved and Joy was (to her delight) put in charge.

Eddie and Mick had come back with various sorts of foods all over their faces and had decided that they were equal when it came to loving food. Joy felt proud of herself for establishing their friendship, inviting Mick had turned out to be a fantastic idea.

Jerome and Mara had come down, still avoiding Mick, but despite that everyone was enjoying the party. Music, food, and just talking with friends made the party a hit and all was going well.

Alfie was practically sucking up the sugar cookies like a vacuum.

"Alfie can you please try to be at least a little civil?" Amber remarked in a disgusted tone.

"But der too dasty for der own good," Alfie attempted to say as crumbs fell out of his mouth.

He offered her one but Amber declined.

"More for me!" Alfie snatched another cookie, "Joy you are like the mini Trudy."

"I'm guessing that's a compliment?" Joy said uncertainly.

All were dancing and singing to festive Christmas music. It was so nice to finally be free from the worries of school and other things. It was a cheery night at Anubis house for once.

After a while a slower Christmas song came on and all of the couples were dancing. Fabian and Nina were dancing very close to each other, slowly swaying and talking, but conversation was in hushed tones. Eddie, who had been forced by his mother to take ballroom dance back in America, used his skills to waltz Patricia around. Despite the two's dislike for dancing they looked almost blissful. Even Amber and Alfie were dancing. Alfie was a horrible dancer but Amber was keeping her promise and ignored his awful dancing. She actually seemed to be enjoying herself.

But all Mick could focus on was Jerome twirling Mara around. He despised Jerome for making Mara giggle and smile. That was supposed to be his job. Mick was furiously eating a cupcake in the kitchen, observing the two with extreme distaste. He felt a mixture of sadness, anger, and jealousy.

Joy, who didn't have a dance partner either, saw Mick scowling at the dancing couples and decided to engage him in conversation.

"You okay Mick?"

"No Joy, I'm not. I can't believe that creep is dancing with her," he replied bitterly. "She used to dance with me and look at me like that but now she's just avoiding me!"

"Believe it or not, I know exactly how you feel."

"What do you mean?"

"I used to be crazy about Fabian last term. I would watch him with Nina and feel how you do now. I would hate myself for loving him so much even when he was clearly crazy about someone else," said Joy, surprising herself by telling this to Mick.

Normally Mick would make a blunt comment or shrug something like this off, but he actually listened because realized this was exactly what he needed to hear.

Joy found herself telling everything between her and Fabian to Mick. She poured her heart out to Mick, of all people about the study buddy nights, the stolen kiss, the awkward movie date, the forgetting of her name, the almost kiss, and eventually getting over Fabian and realizing she was just happy to be his friend again.

"Wow," spoke Mick, who was trying to soak up Joy's wise words.

"Uh-huh," Joy leaned back against the counter and nibbled on a cookie.

"So you're over him now?"

"Completely and…rutterly over him," Joy giggled at her pun.

Mick grinned, "So you think I'll be able to get over Mara?"

"Not win her back?"

"Well…" Mick stared at Mara longily, "That options sounds nice too."

"Pick one," Joy demanded, crossing her arms.

"I know I'll be happier if I get over her," he added miserably, "But…I still miss her, Joy. I really do miss her."

"But does she miss you?" The oven beeped and Joy pulled her attention away from Mick to retrieve the cupcakes.

"It's just that…I don't know if she loves me back. How do you know if someone still loves you?"

Joy smiled sadly at Mick, remembering how she had felt those exact same feelings.

"If they kiss back," she answered.

It was the same advice she had given Alfie last year. Later, she would realize that she should've applied the advice to her situation. Fabian had never kissed her back; he thought he was kissing Nina. But Fabian immediately let go of the kiss when he saw that it was Joy. The two had never experienced a true kiss, and though Joy denied it, she eventually succumbed to the idea that Fabian would never kiss her back willingly.

"If I kissed Mara she would never talk to me again and Jerome would slaughter me."

"Well don't mean really kiss her. Just talk to her, see if she loves you back."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Then move one and get over her."

"You make it sound so simple," sighed Mick.

"It's not. Believe me, nobody wants to accept the fact that they are alone in loving someone. It's excruciating to even think that they will never love you back. It took me months to even look at him normally. Sometimes, I couldn't even bear to be with him sometimes because I knew he wasn't and would never be mine," Joy recalled.

"But is it possible for me to get over Mara?"

"Yes," she nodded vigorously.

Mick gave Joy a crooked, hopeful smile.

"Just talk to her first, make sure she has no lingering feelings for you. Get closure and then you can start getting over her."

Mick nodded but his smile became a sad one, "Missing her…it just makes my heart hurt," he said softly.

"I know," Joy placed her hand over his sympathetically, "But it gets better, I promise. I'll help you get through it."

"Er, thanks," Mick awkwardly slid his hand out from under Joy's, both surprised by and unsure of how to react to her gesture.

After what seemed like an eternal moment later, Joy spotted Mick eyeing the cupcakes.

"No!" She pointed her finger at him warningly, "You're going to eat all of them!"

But Mick still snatched a cupcake and stuffed in into his mouth, "Wese are dewicious!" he cried with a mouthful of cupcake.

Joy smiled and pretended to be grossed out by the glob of cupcake mush in his mouth, "Disgusting! But it's good to know my food is appreciated."

He licked his fingers, "You made this? I didn't know you knew how to cook so well!"

"I learned back last term; when I was stuck at home. I had way too much time on my hands."

"Why did you leave anyways?" Mick asked casually, stuffing more cupcakes into his mouth.

"Problems at my dad's work," she responded vaguely, not keen to tell him the real answer.

"Well we missed you, or at least I did," Mick finished off the last of the cupcakes.

"Mick you ate all of them and we've only been talking for a few minutes!" she playfully wacked him, "Now I'm going to have to make some more!"

"We've got plenty of food Mercer, just enjoy your party," Mick commanded, handed Joy a cup filled with pink lemonade.

"Don't mind if I do," Joy mused, taking a sip from the cup.

"How about this, since there's no time like the present and we're the only ones not dancing let's-"

"Presents! I nearly forgot, thanks for reminding me Mick!" Joy exclaimed suddenly, cutting Mick off.

"Everybody go get your presents!" Joy announced and everyone went to their rooms to get their gifts. It was a rather informal gift exchange because you didn't have to buy a gift for a certain person but Joy had checked with everybody to make sure that everyone was receiving at least one gift.

Mick chuckled at Joy's enthusiasm for her party, she had changed a lot over the last year, and he didn't mind the new Joy at all. She was bold and took charge in situations like this and he admired that about her. While everyone was in their rooms Mick headed up to his room, zipping up his backpack, he observed the gifts he had brought; a book containing thousands of facts about Australia and a stuffed animal kangaroo. Originally he had decided upon giving them to Mara but the conversation with Joy had changed his mind. Mick thought Fabian might like the book and Joy had that bunny animal so the kangaroo would suit her.

As he came back down the stairs Mick caught Joy's eye and she gave him a huge smile, "More cupcakes are coming, but go slow this time!"

Mick laughed and decided that he was definitely giving the kangaroo plush to Joy.

Everyone was back from their rooms with gifts in hand and grins all around. Joy turned on some Christmas music and everybody began to exchange presents. Fabian was the first person she saw and she headed in his general direction.

She presented him with a neatly wrapped box, "Truth be told, Alfie actually suggested it."

"Alfie?" he asked suspiciously, "Do I dare open this?"

"Don't worry," giggled Joy.

Fabian's present was a new calculator watch; he used to have one but the "Amazing Alfredo" had smashed his old one as a magic trick.

"I've needed one of these!" Fabian exclaimed, hugging Joy and handing her a present.

"A cookbook? Aw Fabes, it's exactly what I wanted."

Meanwhile, Amber handed Mick a soccer ball that was signed by his favorite team, "How did you get this?"

"Daddy bought the team," Amber said simply.

"This is really something Amber, thank you," Mick said distractedly, staring at Mara and Jerome who were exchanging gifts, smiling, and kissing.

"Hey it's good to have you back Mick, how long are you staying for?" Fabian joined the two, doing his signature handshake and with Mick.

"Just for a couple of days…or until you guys run out of food."

Fabian laughed, "We're a little bit better prepared now, but happy Christmas!"

He gave Fabian the book about Australia, "Cheers mate."

Fabian tore away the wrappings and grinned at the book. He called Nina over and they became absorbed in the book.

When Joy was done handing Patricia a new set of romantic comedies Mick told her, "I have a present for you!"

She grinned. "Is it a wombat or a vegemite sandwich?"

He shook his head and gave her the kangaroo plushie, "I thought Bunsie Buns might need a friend."

She screamed, grabbed it, and hugged Mick. "Thank you!" The truth was that she didn't have Bunsie Buns anymore. Victor had burned her Bunsie Buns so that it would not raise any suspicious, but Patricia being the amazing friend she was somehow managed to find another stuffed bunny rabbit that looked just like Bunsie Buns. Sadly, A=after the ordeal with the mask Amber wanted everybody properly initiated into Sibuna and had made Eddie, Jerome, and Joy sacrifice something in a fire to prove themselves worthy. Joy had argued that she had jumped in front a ball of fire for Fabian and that should count but Amber had disagreed and made her sacrifice Bunsie Buns. At first she was unwilling, but Joy had desperately wanted to stay in Sibuna, so she had given in to Amber's demands.

Joy hugged the stuffed animal close to her chest. Before she hadn't been very good friends with Mick but now he was being so great to her. Things had changed a lot from the first of the year. She and Fabian had fallen back into their friendship again, Amber had apologized and they were friends once again, her friendship with Patricia grew stronger, she had apologized to Mara and they had made up, Alfie was a great pal, Jerome was hanging out with her ever since he had joined Sibuna, Eddie was still willingly helping with the Jackal, and surprisingly enough she and Nina had become friends. They had both apologized to each other and Joy had even encouraged what Amber liked to call, "Fabina". She no longer hated Nina for being with Fabian and even thought they were cute together. She was free and joyful once again. Life was easier not longing over someone who didn't want you. She had found herself enjoying life and being friends with everybody in the house was a relief. They were no more sides to choose and no more drama to keep her apart from her friends. Things were incredible.

Mick grinned back at Joy and he was glad that she liked the present. He had felt oddly happy about their hug. Then she gave him one last smile and ran off to make sure the party was going according to plan.

Patricia halted her and held out a gift. Joy opened it up. It was a pillow case with her favorite Hunger Games character, Peeta Mellark. She grabbed Patricia in a tight hug, "This is perfect, now I can sleep with Josh Hutcherson every night!"

Patricia giggled, "That doesn't sound wrong at all!" The two friends shared a laugh and went off to give their other friends gifts.

Joy came across Nina and Amber who were laughing at something Alfie had done.

"Hey Sibuna buddies, how's the party coming?" Joy asked.

"I give it an A, you're really awesome at planning stuff!" said Amber as she handed Joy a shopping bag.

Joy held up the clothes and admired Amber's keen fashion sense.

"These are so cute Amber!"

"Honestly, I think you need to give me some tips on fashion," Nina admitted to Joy and Amber.

"Aw you're not that bad," Joy patted Nina's shoulder supportively.

"Yes I am, don't lie to me!" joked Nina as she handed Joy her present, "Thanks for all of the help in Sibuna last term; we couldn't have done it without you."

Joy beamed and gave Nina a gift as well.

Nina ripped it open and inspected it, "It's a CD, thanks Joy! Ed Sheeran? I've heard about him, he's from England, right?"

"Yup, and his songs are to die for! Also, your present from Fabian is amazing! He put a lot of work into it and you're going to love it!"

Fabian heard mention of his name and popped into their conversation, "I sure hope you didn't spoil it

"Of course not, good luck!" Joy gave Fabian an encouraging thumbs up and left to give the others their presents.

"So what's this present everyone's been telling me about?" questioned Nina.

"Close your eyes," Fabian reached into his pocket and pulled out her present.

Nina opened her eyes and after his approval, she opened her eyes. In Fabian's hand was a beautiful necklace. It was one of the amulets they had used to access the tunnels underneath Anubis house. But there was something different about it. Before, it had just been a dull clay amulet and it now looked smooth and glossy. Where the animal's eye was there was a small but beautiful emerald gem.

"It's green..because ya know, erm the color of your eyes and..yeah you can turn it over," Fabian mumbled, blushing slightly.

On the other side of the amulet was a miniscule engraving.

To Nina,

My Chosen One

With all my love, Fabian.

"Is it okay? It's kind of cheesy, I know-" but Nina cut him off with a kiss.

"It's the best! You're the best!" she squeezed his hand and beamed at him.

"I'm glad you like it, shall I put it on you?"

Nina nodded and pulled back her hair as Fabian placed the necklace around her neck.

"It looks beautiful on you," he smiled in that way that made Nina's heart race and her heart swell.

Nina blushed, "I don't know what I did to deserve you but here's your gift," she handed him an unwrapped book.

"Another signed copy of The Solar System is Your Friend?" Fabian said, "You remembered?"

"It was your favorite book next to the Harry Potter series, how could I forget that?"

Fabian threw his arms around Nina, thinking that this was probably the best Christmas he'd had so far.

Amber raced over to them, "Aww you two are adorable!" she cried, joining the two of them and creating a group hug.

"Amber we were in kind of in the middle of something," Fabian said in an exasperated tone.

"I know it was such a cute moment! Anyways, here's your first gift as a couple" Amber presented them with a pink scrapbook labeled "Fabina memories".

Nina could not help but smile. Last year when Sibuna was just forming, she and Fabian had been sneaking down into the attic together and Amber had caught them. Instead of telling her that they were searching for an ancient, Egyptian treasure they told her the two of them were going on secret dates. But Amber had made them a scrapbook and had told Mick, so they gave in and told her the truth. Funny enough, that started Sibuna, in a way. Could such a small, insignificant thing create a lifetime of memories?

"Is this the same one from last year?" laughed Fabian, opening it up.

Nina glanced down at the book and was surprised to see that the pages were not empty.

The first page held two flattened chunks of a golden looking item, "Part of the crowns you two won from being Prom King and Queen last year," Amber explained.

Nina flipped the page to scraps of paper with writing on them and looked at Amber uncertainly, "Old riddles from finding the Cup of Ankh. I mean, that's when you two fell in love!" Amber cried.

Fabian and Nina thanked Amber for the wonderful present, just as she was about to say something Alfie walked in with her present.

Amber let out a shriek, "Alfie you did not!"

Alfie was holding a tiny black kitten with that had a pink Christmas around its neck.

Amber screamed and ran up to Alfie to snatch the kitten out of his hands, "This is the most adorable thing, I Amber Millington, have ever seen!"

"Victor's going to throw a fit when he sees that," Jerome smirked, "And he's going to throw it in the streets."

Amber gasped and clutched the kitten even harder.

"Nope, he gave me permission," Alfie told everyone smugly.

Everyone gasped.

"That is so not Victor!" said a baffled Amber.

Alfie shrugged, "Guess he's changed."

"Well that's good because I love my present, thank you beau!" Amber hugged Alfie and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Ow ow!" teased Eddie.

Alfie merely stood, blushing and speechless.

Mara and Jerome walked over to Nina and placed a stack of DVDs in her arms.

"We thought it was time you got a taste of quality British telly," said Mara.

"Over the summer you can watch this instead of that American crap like Jersey Shore," Jerome laughed.

"Doctor Who?" Nina questioned, examining the cases.

"You'll be addicted, just give it a few days," Jerome said confidently.

"I think I'll watch some of it over break while I'm at Grans," Nina grinned at the two of them, "Thanks guys! Oh and Mara here's your present…"

Mara grabbed the present from Nina, and as she unwrapped it a huge grin spread across her face, "A Ravenclaw scarf and socks? You know me too well!" they gave each other a quick hug.

As Mara began to walk away Nina grabbed Jerome's arm and whispered into his ear, "Sibuna meeting tonight at nine in the library."

"What for?" Jerome asked.

"Just a Sibuna dinner together before the holidays, I mean who knows? We might learn of another ancient Egyptian artifact we have to find to save our lives!"

Jerome chuckled, "Alright, I'll be there."

"So what did you get me for Christmas, slimeball?" Patricia crossed her arms, staring at Eddie with one eyebrow raised.

"Nothing," Eddie shrugged, popping a sugar cookie into his mouth.

Patricia stared at him incredulously.

Eddie laughed, "Just kidding, calm yourself Yacker!" he handed her a small silver box.

"This better not be one of your childish pranks," snapped Patricia, opening the box.

But when she opened it up the box she was quiet. It was the letter P, in an elegant manner on the end of a necklace.

"This is beautiful," Patricia whispered, awed.

"It's real silver," Eddie beamed proudly.

"You didn't have to spend this much money on me," she thrust the box back into Eddie's hands but he wouldn't take it.

"But I wanted to," he smiled, unusually sweet.

"Maybe you're not too bad after all Slimeball," Patricia put on the necklace and gave Eddie just the slightest of smiles.

"So what'd you get me then?"

"It's not as expensive as yours, but I hope you like it," Patricia hesitantly handed him a rather large box.

Opening it up, Eddie cried out happily, "A new skateboard! Victor threw away my last one and you got me a new one! Yacker you're the best!"

He grabbed Patricia and twirled her around, but almost hesitantly put her down, unsure of how she would react.

But then Patricia surprised everyone by cupping Eddie's face and kissing him.

Everyone in the room clapped because they had been a bit worried about Patricia and Eddie not acting like a proper couple. The two were always bickering and it seemed as if their prolonged fights were masking another problem.

"You can stop kissing now," Amber hissed, disgusted.

Finally the two broke away and Patricia turned to Amber, "I'll do what I like, thank you very much," she retorted snarky tone, promptly kissing the already surprised Eddie one last time and exiting the dramatic scene.

Now that everyone had their gifts Joy decided to end the party, "Thanks everybody, I hope you can all agree that this is the best Christmas Party Anubis house has ever seen!"

Anubis house cheered and whooped.

"It wouldn't be so great without our party planning queen, how about a round of applause for our own…Joy Mercer!" Alfie shouted and the house enthusiastically clapped for her.

"Aw thanks guys," Joy blushed, "Now everybody clean up, get ready for bed, and have a happy Christmas wherever you're going!"

But Victor, their house caretaker, stood in the doorway menacingly, with a wild look in his eyes, "Nobody here is going anywhere."

Victor is always ruining Christmas parties. I'm really excited to write this Christmas fic. I plan on keeping this story running until around Christmas. What do you think? Constructive criticism is always welcomed! My friend pointed out that I do long author's notes but it's fun talking to you guys! Sorry about all of the fluffy present giving, the plot and such will be introduced next chapter. PLEASE REVIEW OR THE NEXT CHAPTER WON'T BE POSTED! 5 reviews would be lovely, and more would be presents under the tree! And don't stop reviewing, reviews are the best! I love hearing from my readers! If you want a small prequel to this check out my House of Halloween story. Don't forget, REVIEW FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! Thanks!