A/N: I feel like I have come to what will be the last chapter of this story. And at 13,500 words, it is my longest chapter yet. I hope you all have enjoyed this story. And I can't say enough thanks to the reviewers that became the very first to review and support this story. Every time I checked my computer, or checked my phone to see that I had gotten reviews from you, it made my day and just inspired me to get the next chapter completed as fast as I could for you. Thank you, all of you, for taking the short amount of time just to say something or comment on the parts you loved. I've been thrilled by it and have appreciated it. KK
PS: On a side note, I need to warn that there will be slight BDSM elements in this chapter and that spanking will be mentioned. So, please skip or skim if it will bother you.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Penelope glanced repeatedly at her phone as she got ready for bed. It had been three days. Three days since The Fight. And that was how she thought about it. As The Fight. She knew things got difficult when people got involved. She knew that. Why did she think this between her and David was going to be different?
Settling to the bed. She brought her laptop to the bed beside her, sinking herself into the networld. When her phone played its little tune, she looked at the message.
"We're in. Goodnight."
With brief taps, she sent back, "Goodnight." Finally feeling sleepy – and, no, it had nothing to do with finally knowing her wolf was safe, nope, nothing at all – she set her laptop aside, turned out the lamp and dozed off to sleep.
Arriving at work, Penelope sat her coffee down. Turning on all her babies, she got ready to start her day. With a chirpy sound, her phone rang briefly upon receiving a text.
Staring at her phone for a moment, she responded, "Morning. At office." After pressing send on the text, she sat a few moments.
She didn't want things to keep going like this. Why wouldn't he just leave it alone? Why did he keep texting her? It just kept reminding her of all the conversations her and Dave would have late at night and in the mornings while he was away at work. It kept reminding her of him. But, then, a lot of things did now. Curling up on her couch reminded her of sitting next to Dave and watching old movies. Even trying to escape to the networld was tainted with the memory of distractions David would instigate – foot rubs, cooking, and she was trying valiantly to forget the times that he would send her sexy instant messages. It was unfair. Things weren't supposed to become this serious.
When her office phone rang, she rallied her usual perky self, "You have reached the Realm of Relentless Wisdom. Ask and be recognized."
"Good Morning, Beautiful." Derek Morgan's voice pulled a real smile to her face for the first time in two days. "I need those unstoppable skills of yours this morning."
"Oh, my love, if only you would let me show you my skills, I would show you what a 'Good Morning', really was." Her voice rumbled at a sexy lower pitch.
"Behave, woman." Morgan smiled. He knew something was up since Rossi had become virtually closed off on this trip, so he was glad to hear a semblance of his baby girl's normal wittiness. Relating the search Hotch wanted run, he paused as he moved from the room with the others to the more semi-private hallway. "Now, baby girl, tell me what's going on."
"Nothing's going on, Honey Bear." Penelope tried to keep her voice from going small as she replied.
"Don't give me any of that, Mama." Derek leaned back against the wall behind him. "If you don't talk to me about it now, we will talk about it tonight when I get back to my room and call you. Why don't you give me the short version now?"
Penelope propped her elbows on her desk in front of her. Trying to think of a way to shorten the hellacious argument she and David had toppled into a week ago.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (flashback) ~~~~~~~~~~~
Arriving at her support group meeting her usual fifteen minutes early to set up, she stopped in confusion at seeing the other facilitator, her friend Sharon, coming in as well. "Did I misunderstand the day I was supposed to be here?"
"No." Sharon went to the large room across from Penelope's and turned on the light. Having already started heating water for tea in her room and laying out cookies, Penelope followed her in. "I got a call saying that we needed to plan our meetings so that we could hold two meetings at the same time and only use Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of our four days a week. Said he spoke to the owner donating the building and that the owner was encouraged about only having to donate the rooms and utilities for only two nights a week instead of four." Sharon finished her preparations and looked to Penelope.
"Well, I guess that makes more sense." Penelope shrugged, still a little perplexed by the changes as she hadn't heard anything. Seeing some of her support group making their way in, she shrugged her shoulders and moved off to her room. With a cheery greeting and welcoming smile, she fell back into her comfort zone, deciding to worry about the rapid changes later.
Once everyone was seated, she began her greeting, going over the basic rules for the group, what they spoke about here, and what was needed to make a safe place for so many varying people, backgrounds, and experiences. And though all those present were regular members, sometimes it was relaxing to have it repeated, to be reminded why this was a safe place for airing those things that couldn't be told elsewhere.
When her newest member, a young woman whom had lost her sister a year ago, began speaking, Penelope raised her head when she heard the door to their room opening and shutting quietly. No one else was disturbed as a figure made its silent way over to the corner, sitting in a chair that was sitting to the side. Penelope felt her mouth tighten temporarily as she wondered what David Rossi was doing sitting in on her support group. Her phone hadn't rung saying they had a case. And she would have heard if something was wrong or there was an emergency with any of their BAU family. But, what was he doing here, sitting in on something that was supposed to be a private, safe place for these people?
As the hour passed, he never left and only shifted once. Some of the group looked over at him when they noticed him, but as he never drew attention to himself or made moves to be social, they soon went back to paying attention to the group and what was being spoken. Penelope forced herself to keep her attention on those that needed her in her group as she listened and provided guidance to bring everyone back to the rules and structure of the group.
Everyone began standing up to leave after she spoke in closing, encouraging everyone to come back next week. Cleaning up the remaining cups and setting everything to rights, she looked over as Rossi stood up and came over to finish helping put the chairs back where they belonged. When Sharon looked in, Penelope waved to let her know it was she was fine. Sharon smiled and called goodbye as she left, leaving a troubled Penelope and David Rossi in the suddenly quiet room as they both finished their tasks.
"Dave, what are you doing here at group?" Penelope walked over towards the door and Rossi as she finally asked her question.
"I was coming to talk to you. And I wanted to see where your group was meeting now." Dave could see that something had Penelope upset. Whenever he moved in her direction, she would always ease to the side and keep him in her sight. After one half circle, he stood in place, not wanting to press her. His first moment of apprehension started then. "I spoke with the owner of the building about what safety issues your groups were doing earlier and I wanted to talk to you about some ideas."
Penelope's form froze for only a moment. "You already spoke to someone else before coming to me?" She twisted her hands around the bag in her hand. "Is this the reason that Sharon came in tonight? The reason that we're only going to be doing this two days a week now?"
His form stilling, Dave silently cursed his luck. The owner had said he would take care of the changes before the next meeting, unfortunately he had assumed that meant next week, not before the Thursday night meeting. He had wanted to talk to Penelope before the owner did anything to let her know of his suggestions. "Yes?" Dave volunteered the word with determined hesitance. His mistake, he wasn't going to avoid the issue now that it was out in the open.
Beginning to pace, taking three quick steps forward, twirling in place and then taking three brisk steps back, she started two separate sentences at the same time before halting speech and muttering to herself for a minute. Finally coming to a stop, she began again, finding herself becoming louder and surer of herself as she continued.
"And what gives you the right to make changes in my life?" Penelope came to a halt before Rossi.
"I care about you, dammit!" David had felt himself flinching in the face of her upset, but, his absolute belief in trying to protect the woman he found himself spending most of his focus on lately kept him firmly believing that her safety overrode any smaller concerns. "I understand that this is important to you, Penelope. But, this makes you and anyone else that does this safer. You're not leaving on your own anymore. There's safety in numbers. And this gives each of you a partner next door to help if something goes wrong in either of your groups."
"So, you just go over my head and make changes in my life? What can I expect next, David. Are you going to go and tell Hotch what jobs I'm going to be allowed to go on?" Penelope hated changes. Especially ones that affected her life or decisions made by others about her life. And having David go behind her back this way, felt like an ultimate betrayal. "You don't even have any contact with the other team I work with. Are you going to suddenly start meeting Agent Cooper and reviewing what cases he's going to be allowed to call me for assistance on?"
Dave ran his hands through his hair before sticking them deep in the pockets of his pants with his frustration. He could feel every rule of negotiation he had going out the window. She was safer this way! Couldn't she see that? "Don't be ridiculous, Penelope."
Self righteousness flooded her and Penelope seethed. More words were exchanged between them, flying quick and fast as they argued back and forth. With a wave of his hands, Rossi finally demanded, "Penelope, lets table this for tonight. Let me walk you out to your car and we can talk about this more when we both calm down."
Treading with strong, angry steps to the door, Penelope passed the chair Rossi had sat in against the wall and was reminded of another irritant, "And you can't come to a support group and just watch everyone!" Stopping again, she continued, "People are talking about their most private and emotional moments here, David."
"I know, Penelope." Dave stood still by the door. "It's why I didn't walk up and sit with the group. I didn't want you to have to introduce a stranger if you had a closed group."
Waving an arm back towards the empty space behind them, Penelope stressed her concerns, "It's not a closed group, but, it's supposed to be a safe place of like minded people. No one wants some stranger coming in that doesn't share their same experiences. Someone that's just sitting and watching and possibly judging them."
Dave felt himself getting more aggravated. This was getting beyond his control. "I wanted to see what your support group was like."
"Why, David? Why did you need to see this?" Penelope's voice hovered between confusions and accusation.
Propping one hand on the doorframe and running his hand over his face again, Dave answered, "Maybe I was thinking about coming, Penelope."
Penelope couldn't help but laugh a bit, "Dave, you don't talk about personal matters to anyone. I haven't ever seen you speak with anyone. Not even Hotch and he's one of the closest friends you have. What the hell are you going to say to my group? And if you were going to join the group, you should have introduced yourself today!"
Finally reaching his limit, Dave pulled away from the door. "I haven't ever really talked about Carolyn to anyone. Not the whole story." With brutal honesty he added, "And I wasn't going to share something with a group of strangers before sharing it with you first! I've only been back two days from our last case and we haven't had a really quiet moment since then."
Stepping into the hallway, he turned one last time to a shocked Penelope. "I'm going to the vehicle. I'll watch till you get to your car and I'll follow you to your apartment before I go home." Looking at his feet, he raised his eyes once again to her, "Maybe. Maybe we should wait a few days and talk again."
Turning, he left with long strides down the hallway.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (flashback ends) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finishing in the briefest way possible trying to make Derek understand how trying to get Rossi to understand he needed to talk to her before taking over different areas of her life became a rolling emotional mess, she paused, "And, you know how I am about changes in my life that I don't know about. Why, Derek? Why would he just try to take over and dictate things that way?" Penelope dropped her head in her hands as she finished.
"Well, baby girl. It sounds like he just got tired of sitting outside in his vehicle waiting for you to head home. I know I did." Derek looked back in to see if they needed him only to find that most of the team still wasn't back.
"…." A short silence greeted his statement. "Derek Morgan, tell me what you mean about 'sitting outside my group'."
"You know. Hey, Rossi must have told you. Every since all that trouble with Battle and then the woman getting kidnapped from your group, I always drove by and made sure you got home okay." Morgan chuckled, "When I told Rossi about it, he said he'd take over and if he couldn't be there, he'd call me."
"You followed me from group. Every night. And never thought to talk to me. Or tell me." the tight, controlled voice came across the line to him and he pulled the phone away from his ear for a moment to be sure it was still Penelope he was talking to.
"Now, Mama. I love you. And don't tell me you wouldn't cyber stalk me if you thought I was getting in over my head about something." Derek banged his head against the wall behind him as he realized that Rossi hadn't spilled the beans about Derek's hidden quest to protect Penelope.
"Derek Morgan, don't you try to sweet talk me. I have always told you when I thought you were getting in over your head. At great arguments from you, I might add." Penelope's voice grew a touch sadder as she murmured to herself, "Messy. Messy, messy, messy. Relationships are so confusing and, and, cluttered. Things fall apart. I should learn. Especially after, Kevin. I'm not made for this."
Derek interrupted before she could talk herself any deeper into emotional depths, "Now, baby girl, slow down. In any type of relationship, whether family, friends, affairs of the heart, even the bond we have is tested every now and then. How many times have we been mad at each other, taken a few days, and been fine afterwards? 'Messy' is the name of the game when dealing with other people in any situation. Mamacita, you have to realize that."
"What if I've screwed this up, Derek?" Penelope spoke faintly.
"Now, Goddess of my heart, no matter what the outcome is, you will always have all of us at the BAU, even Rossi, as friends. And, me and you, baby girl, well, we're just like the blood that pumps through my heart. Not going to be separated without killing me first." Derek nodded at Rossi as he headed back into the conference room past him.
"Ah, sugar, you know just how to make me feel better." Watery sounds and sniffles came across the line and Derek smiled.
"Sweetness, dry your eyes, retouch that sparkling lipstick for me, take a breath and get to feeling better." Derek smiled, "You told me Rossi was still texting you to check in. I feel he'll be coming to talk to you once this case is over with. So, you just hold yourself together, cause no matter what happens, your family is going to be there, and I'll always be there. You'll be okay, Penelope."
Gurgling a slight laugh over her sniffles, Penelope smiled back through the line, "Kinda loving you, Derek Morgan. Go get your bad guy." /click/
Morgan closed his phone and walked into the conference room, looking at where Rossi was standing before the glass board with what notes they had there. "So, Rossi, you didn't tell her about my watching her at her group meetings?"
Rossi sighed. He had hoped not to have to bring anything about this relationship into their work lives. At least not this way. "Why drag you into our argument. She was upset with me, Morgan." With a stern look indicating he wanted to end this discussion, he added, "And, she shouldn't feel like she can't talk to you about her life. You're her closest friend and I'm not going to take that away from her just because we argue."
"You're an okay man, Rossi." Derek moved to the table, picking up a folder before sitting down. As he moved the chair out, and before anyone else could step inside to hear their conversation, he added, "She wants to talk to you. Needs to talk to you when you get back."
Penelope finished getting ready for bed. The team was getting back tonight and she wanted to try and get some sleep before talking to Dave. He had texted to let her know they had landed the jet and the team was back. His text had come before even Morgan's. Hope that she and Rossi would be able to talk this out was fluttering in her chest. Fighting against her need to put her head in the sand and pretend nothing had ever happened. Jerking at the knock on the door, she checked before opening the locks, taking a deep breath before opening the door to David Rossi.
For a few seconds, they both stared at each other before he broke the silence.
"Can I come in?" Dave's voice rumbled quietly and Penelope felt her heart do that weird fluttering thing again.
"Yeah." Stepping back, she shut the door behind him.
He had his go bag thrown over his shoulder and he came to a stop in the middle of her apartment. He didn't move, not even to sit down his go bag and for a moment, Penelope felt lost, not knowing what to do. Walking to stand in front of him, she couldn't sit down while he was still standing. And she was beginning to feel uncomfortable in her pajama bottoms and shirt with him still dressed from coming off a case.
"I thought we might talk tomorrow." There was a question in her tone as she shot a rapid glance towards him before looking back down at her hands. Rossi's silence felt like a knife as he didn't reply. "You know, if that's okay?" When there was still silence. She stepped backwards, just wanting to go curl up under her covers and clutch her pillow close. "Unless, you don't want to talk. If you don't, that's okay, too. We can just go back to the way it was." Rambling to try and cover the fast blinking of her eyes and the uncomfortable hardness lodged in her throat that was making it impossible to swallow, she twisted her hands together even tighter, refusing to look at him again.
So, she was startled when Rossi reached out to clasp her hands in his, stilling their repetitive winding together.
"Penelope." Dave paused before continuing, "Kitten, I want to talk. We need to talk. Tomorrow would be fine. But, I found myself driving over here when I should have been driving home. I-" finally meeting her eyes, Dave added, "I can't spend another night like the last two weeks. I need to hold you tonight. To know that you're still here."
Watching as Penelope froze and her lips parted, he rushed to add, "Nothing sexual tonight. Just, Cara, I need to hold you."
Closing her eyes, Penelope became honest with herself, that she needed this to. Without saying a word, she nodded. Pulling one hand free but leaving one with fingers laced into Dave's, she led him through the doorway into her bedroom. Motioning him towards the bathroom, she pulled back the covers and got in, laying down facing the wall of her bedroom. Listening calmly, she heard Dave drop his bag onto the floor and walk to the bathroom. The shower ran quickly and other normal sounds emerged before he opened the door and turned out the light. Only the small blue and purple nightlight from the corner lit his form, throwing a shadow that Penelope watched as it moved across her room. Her bed dipped behind her as Dave slid beneath her covers. Waiting a moment, she tensed briefly at the first touch of his arm pushing under her pillow and the other wrapping around her waist. Feeling the movement of material behind her, she realized that Dave had put on pajama bottoms himself and was curled up against her.
Warmth surrounded her and for the first time, Penelope felt like she was actually fully home, where she was supposed to be. With a fast hushed sound, she squeezed her eyes shut tight as she felt tears escape to travel slowly down her cheeks. Joy and anguish and fear and caring all surged inside her along with everything else she had battled against this past time period, but more overwhelming than anything was the feeling of serenity.
"Sh-sh-sh-sh." Dave's voice came to her with the sound of quiet thunder, rumbling against her back, and he held her tighter. "We'll work it out. Tomorrow, Cara. Tomorrow. Just, sleep for now."
Giving up the fight to hold back the tears, Penelope relaxed, crying silently as Dave held her, unconsciously noting the few drops of wetness that seemed to fall against her neck behind her. Letting the comfort of Dave wrapped around her and the safety of her home seep into her and provide her with a sense of peace, she let herself slip into sleep.
Dave bends his arm and leans against the wall. He had promised Penelope that this wasn't going to be about sex. And he was going to keep his promise. With a look down, he grimaces. A whole week away from his Kitten. And before that, four days separated by an argument. An argument that could more than likely have been avoided. Being right was not worth this. And if this was the result of being right, then maybe he wasn't as 'right' as he thought he was. Letting his forehead fall against his arm with a groan, he listens briefly to the sound of water hitting the ceramic tiles around him.
Sliding his right hand down over his stomach, gathering lather and suds as he does so, he wraps his hand around his hard cock. With a gasp, he takes a few slick strokes, letting his fingers slide over the head. His heart is now beating faster and suddenly the steam in the shower seems to make it harder for him to catch his breath. His whole body is wound tight. Has been since he first brought Penelope's curves back against his body last night. Cupping himself, he let his soapy fingers play as shivers rushed in small waves over his skin. Even here in the shower, her scent surrounded him. There was no escaping his need of her.
The hot water from the shower beats against his spine and with a sigh; he enjoyed the slow heat that crept up his spine. With a thumb curled around the base of his cock, he ran his fingers back again and released another groan back into the air. Unable to stop, his hips roll forward and back as his thighs tense and his hand closes as it runs up and down his cock. With a deep breath he drags in a lung full of steam. Even here, in the shower, his nostrils flare as he takes in the scent of soap and the underlying perfume that is uniquely Penelope's.
The rhythm keeps pleasure building throughout his body and he lets out a gasp that echoes around the bathroom. With a twist of his wrist, his fingers tease the tip before sliding to the base again. Desire is flowing through him and his patience is gone. The pause to lather up his hands again seems too long. All his concentration is focused on the practiced stroke he returns to. His hips snap forward and back with his movements. Closing his eyes, he wishes with every fiber of his being that Penelope was here with him. Her curves all slick and pressed against him. Spread open and accepting him, wet heat surrounding him. "Penn." The groan of her name is released into the room involuntarily and he grits his teeth to keep from calling out to her.
Roughly he murmurs, "Yeah." His hips are rolling in a quick rhythm and Dave's arm tenses further where his head rests against it. Turning to his side, he moves his weight onto one shoulder, keeping that hand moving over his cock. Now, with the other free hand, he slides it over his stomach. Coming up, he slides fingers over his nipples. With a quick inhale, he feels almost like choking on the steamy air thinking of Penelope's lips and tongue sliding over them instead. "Good, so good," Dave can't help it. Words and groans are rising from him to echo around the room. It's been to long without any type of release. He had wanted to settle this disagreement between them and then lose himself in his Kitten. But, maybe he needed to take the edge of his need off. And, here, surrounded by her scent, coming warm from her bed, nestled against her curves, is the best place.
The hand that was drifting over his chest, tweaking his nipples, he lazily slid down his chest and over his stomach. In a quick motion, he slides his hand around to cup his ass. With a tight squeeze he let his fingers flicker through the cleft there. Unable to fully reach around without releasing his stroking grip on his cock, Dave let his fingers massage over his cheeks. With short slow motions, he let the tips of his fingers rub around, stimulating nerves he hadn't touched in ages as they darted in. Now, now, his body is on fire as it dances between his hands. He can't believe it's been so long since he's done this as his fingers cup and caress his cheeks behind him. But, he's let himself revisit many things with Penelope that he hasn't done in years.
Teasing fingertips behind him, tight slick grasp in front, and his hips powers between them. Dave shudders with need and he's lost control of any sounds he may be making, only able to keep from shouting his cries. His hips snap forward and Dave comes hard with a cry "Penn!" that he struggles to bite back. Coming in hard spurts over the wall and shower floor, his breathing is echoing with sharp rasps. Dazed, he leans against the wall with all his weight as he pauses to regain control. Heat is still pulsing through his veins as he drops his hands. Standing there for minutes till he regains control, he turns off the water, and leans back against the wall briefly before standing back up.
Pulling the curtain back, he steps out and takes a towel from over the toilet. Drying his face before moving on to rub the rest of his sensitive skin down, he finds his eyes focusing on the sink in front of him. Water was still lying in the sink and toothpaste and brush had been moved. With an unabashed grin he wondered at what point she had come in and at what point she had left. He had nothing to hide from her. Feeling a twitch from down below, he acknowledged that knowing she had been there to watch him, was a turn on. With a quick flip, he wrapped the towel around him and moved into the bedroom to get dressed.
Penelope's absence from the bedroom was conspicuous. Pulling jeans and a shirt from his go bag on the floor where he had dropped it last night, he dressed and stepped into the living room.
"Penelope?" He found her standing in the kitchen. Walking to meet her, he looked down at the coffee cup she pressed into his hands before he got too close. "Do you want to talk?"
She raised her eyes from the cup she was slowly blowing on to cool off. Penelope stared at him a moment before walking around him to the living room area. Taking an afghan off the back of her chair, she wrapped it around her as she sat. She had pulled on a pair of stretch leggings and a large comfortable shirt. Unwilling to spend much time on her hair as all her brushes and bows were in the bathroom, she had pulled her hair into two separate ponytails at the base of her neck and a little to each side, letting her hair fall down over her chest. She could still feel the arousal from watching Dave in the shower spiking through her veins and she did not trust herself to sit on the couch beside him.
"I, well, really, I don't want to talk. I want this to be all over and behind us. I miss you. But, I can't just let this go." Penelope shrugged. There were two separate things they needed to talk about and she chose the easiest one first. "And, Dave, you have to know I didn't mean all that stuff I said about group and you having to share. Group is a safe place. It's the place we come to that lets us know that there are other people feeling the same way we do. It's a place that holds no judgment. And I did all those things. Dave, you are welcome at any time at group." More confident now, this is what she did as a facilitator for the group, talk to new members, she became more positive and encouraging. "Dave, I'm sorry I put pressure on you to talk. Whatever is shared in the group, stays in the group. It's a place you can share your experiences, your feelings, without anyone making judgments and just have someone listen. It calls for honesty." Looking to the side, she added, "I apologize, Dave-"
"Penelope, I know. I know group was your safe place. I shouldn't have just showed up without talking to you first. You don't have to apologize about your anger over me intruding on your group." Dave's voice was steady as she sat facing her on the couch.
Penelope leaned forward, wrapping a hand around his wrist. "Dave, you missed what I was saying. It wasn't that you intruded on my safe place." With a shrug, she allowed, "It is a safe place, but not my only safe place. The members of my group all know everyone there. They know they are all there for the same reason. It's a common bond for all of us. And, you shouldn't have walked in unless you had the intention of being an equal with them. It's their safe place, Dave. If you want to join, participate, you are welcome to attend. I would never tell you not to do something that you needed to do."
"If you really mean that. Let's talk about why you were so upset with me." Turning his hand, Dave clasped Penelope's hand in his. "If you weren't upset about me showing up at group, what had you so upset?"
Tugging on her hand at being reminded of her ire, Penelope finally looked at Dave, renewed fire flickering to life inside her at the memory. "I showed up to group that night to have my coworker tell me that you had called and arranged for meetings to only be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays if her group was also able to show up in a separate room. That you had called the owner who was donating the space and cleared that he had no problem allowing use of another room for a separate group so that there would be more safety for the facilitators and members as they left."
"Penn." Dave was interrupted.
"I'm not arguing against it being safer. But, Dave, all you had to do was discuss it with me. Talk to me about it before you started rearranging my life." On a roll now as the memory and embarrassment of not knowing what her friend was talking about when she had shown up filled her again. "I mean, it's not like we weren't talking to each other daily when you were doing all this. From what I understand, when you first contacted my coworker to ask about it, it was the day before you came to pick me up for our date. All you had to do was talk to me about it. Not make decisions that affect my life without my say in it."
Dave shook his head, "I thought I was helping, Kitten. I just wanted to make sure you were safe. Well, safer."
"If you're worried about me, talk to me. If we're going to be together, then we need to work together, Dave." Penelope looked away briefly. "It's going to be as hard for me to do that as you. I'm not used to thinking about how my actions are going to affect someone else. You did all this trying to take care of me. Messing around in my life. But, it's just as likely I would change something in my own life not even thinking about how it would affect you or what you might think. It's going to be hard for me, too."
Dave eased over closer to the edge of the couch and closer to Penelope. Sitting his coffee on the coffee table in front of him, he took both of her hands. "I'm good at my job. Using every skill I've acquired throughout the years at work. Somehow though, I can never transfer those over into my personal life. You would think as a negotiator I would be better at talking with people. Especially those important to me." Taking a deep breath, Dave began, "I know this is late, but, let me share with you this thought I had one night while you were at your meeting."
He went over what he had been thinking and how he had come up with a possible solution. He even went so far as to express his fears for her safety that led him to calling the owner of the building they met in on weeknights. Penelope listened, adding some comments here and there about how the support group had gotten started, what the rules were for each meeting. Penelope got up at one point and refilled both their coffee cups. When she came back, she paused for a moment, before handing him his cup and slowly sitting down next to him. With halting words, she began to share the story of her parents with him and why she felt compelled to start this group.
Only her heart sibling, her chocolate obsession, Derek Morgan, had gotten the full story outside of group. Going over it again was painful, like always. An ache inside that she could never make go away. Dave's arm coming around her shoulders gently, giving her the chance to pull away, was comforting. Finding herself leaning against him, she explained about her family and her life. Giving Dave insights into her character, her whole being, and her issues with rapid changes taken from out of her control. Coming to a stumbling stop, she just relaxed against Dave.
Over the past months, they had talked with absolute honesty about many private things. And while she had mentioned her parents' death, she had not fully shared the overwhelming responsibility she still felt for it. Instead of trying to reason away her feelings of guilt, Dave just hugged her close. Turning so that his back was wedged between the arm and the back of the chair, he settled Penelope's back against his front. Once she was settled the way he wanted, he wrapped his arms around her. Penelope sighed as she laid her arms along his, taking comfort from him. Dave nuzzled his chin onto her shoulder.
"Let me tell you about Carolyn, my first wife. But, first, to explain what Carolyn meant to me, I need to tell you about a girl I met when I was young. Her name was Emma Taylor and she liked reading Oscar Wilde….."
It had been a full month since their argument and they were finally starting to get back to their original closeness. Dave seemed to still be trying to hold part of himself in check. Even though Penelope did not regret their fight, she wished that Dave hadn't pulled back. Fights between couples was something that happened. Derek had helped her see that. Whether the couple was dating or friends or coworkers, she couldn't hide herself from problems. No matter how much she wanted life to be uninterrupted by disagreements, conflict was going to happen. She couldn't avoid it.
And now she was facing how to bring Dave back to her. He seemed to be extra gentle and affectionate every time they were together. It was nice and touching and moving. But, she missed her dark wolf. The man that had stalked her through his cabin the first weekend they were together. Sex was loving and brought her to new heights. But the dominance that had so turned her on those first two days and that had graced different moments of their relationship seemed to be gone. She wanted it back. She wanted all of her Mon Loup. Not just this side of him.
Now, she was the one making plans. She and Dave were both off this weekend. She had gone out of her way to make sure that everyone knew they were going to be incognito starting Friday through till Monday morning. Finishing her work, she tidied up before taking the letter she had painstakingly written out the night before. Picking up her completed files, she dropped them out in outgoing and walked up to Dave's office. Stepping inside, she placed the envelope on his desk and left for the day. She had told Dave she wanted to spend their days up at his cabin with him and he had agreed. With a shiver, she hoped her plan worked out. Leaving the office, she rode down the elevator and headed for her vehicle, planning what she had to pack and what time to leave to arrive before Dave at the cabin.
Coming back in to be sure no other files had been added to his list; Dave found the letter sitting at his desk. Taking a seat, he slit the envelope before slowly opening it. He knew it was from Penelope, she had texted him that she had left a letter for him on his desk so he wouldn't send it down to be checked before he read it. He was a little wary. They had slowly been returning to a close relationship that he wanted over the past month. Being careful not to push, Dave had restrained a lot of his natural persona, not wanting to force Penelope into a decision she wasn't ready for. He had caught the glances she had darted at him during certain moments. Something was bothering her. But she had not brought it up yet.
Opening the letter, he caught the length of black ribbon as it fell out. Letting out a breath after coming to the conclusion that nothing bad could really begin with a length of ribbon in an envelope, Dave began to read the letter.
"Mon Loup,
I have missed you. The complete you. We will argue. And considering both of our attitudes, we will disagree again one day. As long as you try to listen and understand my view, I will promise to try and not run and hide from problems as well. I want you back. All of you.
So, David Rossi, I promised you time alone. Time with no interruptions where I will only be yours.
I am heading for your cabin to cook for you. And I'm offering you complete control over this weekend. We've talked before about likes and dislikes when dealing with control. Well, it's time to play. If you want to. If you agree, I have safe words I've decided on. Red means stop immediately. Yellow means ease up. Green means everything's fine, don't stop. And Purple means I'm emotional about this and we need to stop and talk.
The black ribbon is a way for you to let me know when you get here if you are agreeable to my plan or not. If not, just keep the ribbon put away when you get here and our weekend will just be us two together. If you want to play, tie the ribbon around me and I'll know that for this weekend, I'm yours in all ways.
Dave, we'll be fine either decision you make. But, I did not want to put pressure on you if you didn't want to go this far yet. Plus, I don't want to have a whole discussion about it before we relax with each other. Whatever you decide, I plan for us to have a weekend where we can relax and enjoy each other. This weekend is ours.
I miss you, Mon Loup.
Penelope flitted around the kitchen in the cabin. Unable to be still and smoothing her hands down once again over her grey flouncy skirt. With a smile, she looked down over her outfit. With a last glance at the way her skirt swayed around her thighs, then the black ankle boots she was wearing. Her top was a mix of blues with an attached grey vest that cinched over her chest. She had reapplied the blue streaks into her hair with a grin. It was the reason she had left early at lunch today. She wanted this weekend to be a good one. Whether Dave took her up on her invitation to play or not, it truly did not matter. She just wanted time with him.
Stepping to the sink to wash the few dishes that she had set aside while she cooked, she froze momentarily at the sound of a vehicle pulling up. Hearing a key in the lock, she relaxed and continued rinsing the bowl in her hand. The door shut and the sound of shoes being toed off and falling to the floor came to her. Drying her hands, she turned and faced David Rossi, letting her eyes travel over him. Damn, the man was attractive. She watched as he took off his jacket and loosened his tie. Walking over to her, he drew her in for a hug before leaning back. Staring down at her seriously, he only asked one question, "Are you sure you want to play?"
"Yes." Swallowing after the answer, Penelope leaned up to brush her lips across his. When she went to deepen the kiss, he pulled back.
Removing his hands from her, he reached into his pocket and drew out the black ribbon she had sent to him earlier. With a quiet, "Lift your hair," Rossi turned her so that her back was to him. Pulling the ribbon around her neck, he stroked fingers over it making sure it was all flat and even before tying it in a bow at the back of her neck, letting the ends of the ribbon trail down her back.
Penelope felt her heart flutter as Dave's fingers lingered along her neck. He stepped back with a brief squeeze of her shoulders. "What are we having?"
Taking a breath, Penelope began talking, "Well, my Super Sexy Agent, you have arrived at the Restaurant of the Divine." Dave smiled as she moved around his kitchen. He stepped to her side and began helping her with dinner. They picked up their conversation from earlier, relaxing into each other.
And if Penelope found herself reaching up to brush her fingertips over her throat every now and then, when she met Dave's eyes, she smiled a secretive, happy smile. One that Dave always returned with a quirk of his lips as he let his eyes drift down to follow the faint sweep of her fingers and linger on the black ribbon that graced her throat.
Finishing dinner, Penelope cleaned up as Dave went to put music on for dessert. Placing a red velvet cake on the bar, she sat out small plates. Coming around the bar, she sliced a portion for her and David both. Turning to see if Dave wanted to sit in the living area, she gasped as she found him standing right behind her.
With a hand on her waist, he took a step into her. One step at a time he herded her backwards, almost dancing her backwards with barely a touch. Penelope only stopped when her back came up against the wall and her breath stuttered with awareness. David's hands started at her waist and he looked down into her eyes as he slid them up to her shoulders. Taking a step into her, he pinned her in place against the wall with his hips. He moved slowly, never removing his gaze from her face. Penelope's heart raced as he dropped his hands to grasp her wrists. With slow movements, almost as if he was giving her a chance to protest, he pulled both arms up over her head. She could tell from where he was pressed tight against her stomach that he was aroused. As he crossed her wrists over her head and encircled them with one hand, he trailed on hand through her hair, smiling as the blue strands of her hair trailed from between his fingers. Leaning down, he placed his hand at her throat, tilting her chin up for a kiss with his thumb.
Dave nipped her bottom lip as he drug his lips away from hers, whispering deliberately, "Don't move." Penelope felt her heart race even as she held her position. Bending his knees, Dave reached and slid his hands under her skirt. Flexing them briefly in her thighs, he took the edge of her skirt and brought it up, standing and nudging his leg between hers. Watching closely, he stepped into the cradle of her body, pressing his thigh up against her. With a whimper, her eyes closed briefly as he rocked against her. They flickered open and met Dave's. Not shying away, she watched as Dave's eyes darkened as they roamed over her.
Stepping back, he hooked his hands into the black lace that graced her hips and pulled them down over her hips. Crouched before her, he lifted first one foot and then the other, finishing removing her underwear before standing back up. Dave brought them to his face, inhaling before sliding them into his pocket. Now that she was bare, he raised her skirt again, rolling it up so he could see her. Stepping back into her, Dave ground his hips roughly into Penelope, letting her feel the extent of his excitement.
"I won't be gentle tonight." Dave smiled, slowly. Leaning down he kissed the ribbon that was snug against her neck, listening to her breathing as he did so. Feeling her shudder underneath him, his tone got darker at the effect his actions and words had on her. Dampness against his thigh from her center telling him what he needed to know. Dragging a tongue along the edge of the black ribbon, he pressed a kiss behind her ear. "If you let me do this, I will take you however I want to." His breath stirred curls and she moaned as he licked up and suckled on her earlobe gently. "So, I will ask you one more time, Penelope Garcia." Standing back, but keeping the pressure against her with his thigh, Dave continued, "Do you trust me, Cara?"
She could feel each pulse of her heart pushing blood through her system. "David Rossi, I'm saying yes. Yes, Mon Loup." His eyes became blown, the black pupils of his eyes expanding till only a thin ring of color was left surrounding them. This, this was what she wanted back in her man. His eyes had turned dark with need and she writhed against his leg. Her body was trembling and Dave made a sound deep in his throat.
"I won't be able to let you go after this, Cara. This won't be some little office affair that leaves us friends afterwards. I plan on keeping you for as long as you will let me." He let his eyes roam from where her hands were still being held above her head, down over the blonde hair with blue highlights, her bright eyes behind her frames. Rolling his hips against her, he smiled at the sound she made. With a growl, Dave added, "I won't just make love with you, Penelope. I will fuck you. You will give me pleasure and you will thank me for it." Dave pulled away from her, clenching his fingers in her hips at her whimper of need. Breathing deeply, he spoke normally as he let her go. "Go sit down. I'll bring you your piece of cake and we'll talk."
Penelope walked slowly to the couch. Her eyes tracked Dave's movements as he picked up two plates and walked over to sit beside her. Normally red velvet cake was her favorite dessert, but watching Dave, she knew there were other things she wanted to taste tonight. She was throbbing, sitting on the couch. She squeezed her bare thighs together and shivered. Taking her plate from Dave, she followed his lead, letting him start their conversation where he chose. Once they were finished, he took her plate from her hand and walked to the kitchen area to set them down.
Coming back, Dave sat on the coffee table in front of her. Penelope swallowed hard. Dave's eyes wandered over her form and he nodded. With a tap on her knee and a murmured command to lift, he helped her place her foot between his legs on the coffee table. They both paused as her skirt slid back. Gentle motions were all he used to remove her shoe and lacey socks. A firm pressure briefly under her toes caused her to arch her back in pleasure before he released her leg and let her place it back flat against the floor. Another tap on her other knee and her other foot was in his hands. Removing her shoe and sock, he ran curled his fingers around her calf and ran them up her leg as he placed it back to the floor.
Reaching out, he clenched his fingers once again in her hips, slanting her to encourage her to recline back against the couch she was sitting on. With a tilt of his body, Dave slid hands into her hair, spreading her blonde hair out around her. Keeping one hand on her shoulder to press her against the couch, he drug his other hand down over her chest. Penelope arched and felt Dave's fingers pressing her back, the fingertips pressing into her chest feeling like drops of molten wax. With his feet, he pressed on the inside of her ankles. Without a word, she spread her legs farther apart and Dave slipped to the edge of the thick wooden coffee table. His palms came to lay flat on her thighs, the heat from them soaking into her skin. His words were low as he lazily viewed the woman laid out before him, "So beautiful, my Cara."
Placed between her spread legs, Dave came forward onto one knee on the couch. The material of his pants rubbing against the secret moistness between her thighs as he hovers over her and cups her cheek. "Penelope, you can say no at any time. Red means stop and release. Yellow means slow down. Green means keep going. Purple means stop and let's talk this out. I read your note; I will remember your safe words. Even though I plan on having you dance to my pleasure, I have no desire to see you pushed beyond the limits we have talked about." Stroking his thumb along her jaw line, he gave her one more chance to put a slow this evening down. "Do you trust me to do this?"
"Dave." His name came from her lips on a breath. Placing her hand over Dave's where he was holding her cheek; she slowly nodded up and down three times, wanting to be sure that Dave understood her agreement with no misunderstanding.
One of Dave's hands drug down to her side while his other hand clenched in her hair. Coming to a crouch over her, Dave put more weight on the knee between her legs on the couch as he tipped her head back. His mouth fastened on hers and there was nothing chaste or hesitant about his touch now. As he played with her lips and tongue, his other hand came up to her nipples. His fingers pinched and rubbed with passionate greed over her nipples under her shirt and she gasped into his mouth.
Releasing her lips, he looked down at her, spread out beneath him, her legs spread around his knee on the couch, her skirt working its way up to show her glistening bounty to him. "Unfasten your blouse." His voice was rough as he gave his command. "Open it for me."
Penelope raised her hands from her sides and shakily undone the buttons on her blouse. Pulling the material free from the waist of her skirt, she spread her shirt wide. She watched his eyes as she curled her hands around the black lace that held her breasts. Raising them for his view, she could see his approval of her actions reflected in the look in his eyes. When Dave once again claimed her lips, this time one of his hands came up to roll her nipples while the other tightened in her hair. He pulled back and stared down into her eyes as he leaned down, trailing his fingers down her stomach and under her skirt. When he slipped his fingers into her wetness, she let out a quiet cry and spread her legs wide. He smiled and approval rumbled in his throat as he watched her body twist. Her voice was a keening cry, "Dave. Mon Loup. Please." Seeing her dance below him, against him, for him, with his name upon her lips, was such an enchanting sight. Dave's whole body hardened with a surge of need and his cock held in restraint by his slacks starts throbbing with every beat of his heart now. Penelope was so close to coming that she cried out with need when he removed his fingers.
Rising from the couch, Dave tugged on Penelope's fingers to pull her to her feet. Stepping away towards the far wall, he went to change the music. Penelope stood on shaky legs, watching the movement of Dave's slacks over his thighs and backside as he walked away. Swallowing, she watched as Dave reset the turntable with another record and turned back towards her. Putting more of a sashay in her step, she walked towards him.
"Caramellino, you have me here for you all of this fabulous weekend. What plans might you have for your darling Kitten?" Reaching her sexy dark wolf, she drug her bright colorful nails over his shirt, enjoying the feel of his hair roughened skin beneath the material.
Taking her back into his arms, Dave's slow sensuality was driving her crazy. "Now, why spoil the surprise?" With a twirling motion, Dave enjoyed keeping Penelope off balance. He could see the hairs rising on her arms each time he caressed her gently, hear her breathing in and out, feel the weight she rested on him as she became more and more turned on, pressing her heated skin against his. He loved seeing her like this. Having her flirt and tease with him was wonderful. But, it wasn't often that he was able to see the undefended gentle heart of his Dolce. And after the recent month they had had, it moved him that she had this trust in him, to let him see her without her usual safeguards. Making these times infinitely precious to him. As they bantered back and forth, he could feel Penelope relaxing into his hands.
With an admiring noise, Dave stopped his motions as the record came to a halt. Releasing his hold on Penelope and easing back, he kept his eyes focused on her as he loosened his tie. Moving over to stand by the couch, he dangled the tie from one hand as he beckoned to her with the other. "Come here, Penelope." His voice sounded impossibly deeper to her ears. One halting step followed the next till she stood before him. He caught her hands, wrapping his tie around her wrists. Automatically checking the knot, she smiled up at him. Dave smiled at her, emotions deep in his eyes as he raised one eyebrow, "Safe word, Cara?"
"Green, Mon Loup." Penelope swayed towards him, loving the knowledge that being with her could do this for him. He stood before her, strong and sure. His form was so masculine. And her eyes sharpened down to where his pants were strained over his erection. Swallowing, wanting more, she added, "All green."
"You are such a dazzling, passionate, and exquisite woman." With a quirk to his lips, David kissed her deeply. "I must thank you."
She swayed at being released from his kiss. "Thank me? For what?"
"Why, for calling me 'little'." This time a grin spread across his face as an intense spark flared in his eyes. "Come here, Dolce. I warned you what would happen if you continued calling me 'little'.
Dave took Penelope and turned her to face the back of the couch. With one hand between her shoulders and one curled around her stomach, he firmly guided her into leaning over the back of it. For only a few seconds, he kept her cradled against the hardness of his cock, enjoying the closeness. Nudging apart her legs, Dave slowly raised the back of her skirt.
Talking to her as he soothed his hands over her backside, Dave kept her attention on him, "We're going to start slow, Cara. Last time we tried this, we went to ten. Let's see if you can again."
Penelope nodded into the cushion she was resting against, looking down at where her bound wrists and hands were sinking into the seat of the couch. A small movement only and she had laced her fingers together, liking the way they looked, Dave's tie securely wrapped around them.
Dave struck the first time with a sharp quick motion.
"One, Sir!" Penelope arched at the first sting.
Dave kept his hand between her shoulder blades, fingers splayed wide, feeling her receptivity to each action as they proceeded.
"Five, Sir!"
With a hand caressing her, Dave ran his fingers over each cheek, "Kitten, you are doing beautiful."
Beginning again, Dave listened as Penelope kept count, appreciating each response.
"Ten, Sir!" Penelope's voice was breathless.
"How are you doing, Kitten?" Dave's voice was inquiring. This was as far as they had come before in their play and he did not want to go any further than she wanted.
"Green, Mon Loup. I'm fine." Taking a breath, Penelope looked over her shoulder, back at where Dave was gazing down at her. His hand between her shoulder blades hadn't let up but his other hand was drawing light patterns over her skin where it was now hot and tingling. Watching for a moment, she came to a decision. "I – I can do a few more. Sir."
Dave's head came up quickly to meet her look. "You can?" Sinking his fingers lower, Dave asked, "Kitten, are you wet for me?"
Penelope purred as his fingers lightly circled her opening, only dipping one finger inside. Her bottom was warm. Throbbing. And each pulse seems to be linked to her clit. The only thing keeping her from squirming with need was the desire to keep Dave's teasing fingers right where they were.
"You are so wet. So slick and nice." Pulling his fingers free, Dave looked back down at her. "Fifteen. Continue the count for me, Cara."
With a firm hand, Rossi began again, watching Penelope intensely. His eyes were drawn repeatedly to the surface of her skin where he could see blood flushing her body pink. Running his fingertips over the dark pink and warm area, Rossi let his hands caress on down the sides of her upturned bottom. He could feel the heated skin where his hand connected, but, all the skin of her body was attaining a gorgeous glowing and flushed look. Damn, she was so perfect.
"Fifteen, Sir!" Penelope felt herself pulse, wet and hot.
"Come here, Cara." Wrapping his arm around Penelope, Dave drew her to a standing position, but kept her braced against his body. Dragging one hand up her body, he held her to his chest, his hand keeping her face turned so that he had access to her neck and behind. He held her chin in his hand, his fingers lying across her cheek. His other hand travelled lower, slipping fingers between her thighs and rubbing down through her curls. Penelope shut her eyes as she moved gently, unable to keep from riding his hand where it was on her. Each motion brought her up against the hard shaft that prodded into her backside. Easing two more fingers into her, Dave kept brushing her folds, spreading them apart, opening her. "You did so well. I can feel the heat of you, pressed against me, Penelope. I think you deserve a reward, Dolce." Finding her little hood that hid her moist secrets, he stiffened his fingers and began stroking. Her hips bucked back into him and he held on tight, not letting his fingers move from her wet center.
Penelope arched in his arms, unable to control the sounds that came forth from her throat. She wasn't sure if she was trying to get away from the intensity of the sensations that Dave was drawing from her or push back harder into them. All she knew, was that she needed – needed something. Whimpering into Dave's shoulder, she pressed her face into the feel of his hardness and the scrape of his shirt into her cheek, "Sir, please." Her voice was strained with want. "Dave…"
Unable to keep from tasting her, Dave lowered his head, tonguing the skin behind her ear before dragging his lips and tongue down her neck. The sound from Penelope's throat as his beard grazed her skin was feverish as she twisted in his grip. Pressing between her legs more firmly, he settled his teeth against her hairline and issued a guttural command, "Come."
Whiteness blanked her vision as she obeyed and Penelope lost minutes in time as she cried out, "Dave!" Her skin was on fire and she swayed in his grasp, only the strength of the man hard at her back keeping her upright. With decreasing shudders, she slowly regained her equilibrium as David alleviated his stroking between her legs, almost petting her. Wrapping both arms around her waist, Rossi hugged her close to him till she started putting weight back on her legs again.
Slowly releasing her, Dave stepped back. He threaded his fingers through hers and with deliberate action, walked to the chair across from the couch. A sharp tug ad she was tumbled into his lap. Still feeling a lassitude in her muscles, Penelope moved to his commands till she was positioned across his legs with her head on the arm of the chair and her legs propped on the arm of the other side. Reaching beneath her, Dave unhooked the few clasps of her bra. Using a careful touch, he ran fingers along the cups of her bra before pushing it up her chest. Her nipples were already hard and she shivered as the lace brushed roughly over them. Now her shirt was parted and brushing her sides, her bra was up above her breasts and Dave was slowly rolling her gray skirt up to her waist.
Dave looked down at the woman gracing his lap. "If I was less of a possessive man, I would put you display." With long fingers he began smoothing rough fingertips over her breasts, rolling her nipples and Penelope closed her eyes as sensations surged throughout her body. Her body felt tight and swollen, blood pumping sluggishly with each beat of her heart, heavy and hot through her veins. "Every man who saw you would be envious. And women would be jealous of how your body would sing beneath my fingers. You would be glorious." Resting one hand against her throat, he watched her face as he brushed the black ribbon that snuggled against her white skin. His other hand cupped one of her breasts and his thumb played with her nipple. Dragging his thumb around the red and aching nipple, he thrummed the edge of his thumb over her before rolling her nipple between his thumb and index finger. "I'll never be able to display you though. I'm too possessive of you. Of our time together." He almost seemed to be sunk in memories. "You laugh and I smile. You twirl through the pen and I want to take you dancing." Gazing back down at her, the earthy tone of his voice had her dripping.
"Yes." Penelope never wanted to be put on display before others, but she swore she could feel the hot perusal of Dave's eyes on her sprawled body, "Yours, David." He had her so excited. Stretching before him, she lifted her bound hands over her head and draped them behind her over the arm of the chair. For moments, all that was heard in the room was the sounds of music, David's murmuring commands, and Penelope's soft whimpers and cries.
Moments later, Penelope found herself straddling Dave's thighs, her arms around Dave's neck and still bound with his tie. Dave had rolled her skirt up around her waist and semi-tucked it out of the way in her waistband. Her head was thrown back and Dave was currently working his tongue at her breast, as well as using nipping bites and rough caresses from his bearded cheek to turn her skin red. Whimpers were coming from her throat as she rocked ardently against him. One of his hands cradled her bottom and he was helping her to rock against the hard thick ridge only separated from her by the material of his pants. With one last tight pinch and roll to her nipple, he moved his other hand down and forced them between their tight bodies, letting Penelope rock herself frantically against the added stimulus. When Dave pulled away and removed his hands, Penelope gave a short, sharp scream of need. "Dave, I want to come. Please!"
Dave let a lazy smile flow across his face and with a smart brisk slap, brought her eyes open and focused on him, "Not yet. Behave for me." Tipping her back, he removed her arms from around his neck and unknotted his tie from her wrists. Maneuvering her from his lap in defiance of her protests, he rose from the chair. He straightened his clothes slowly; aware of her pleading eyes begging him. "Upstairs for me." With a firm hand, Dave led her to the base of the stairs. "Upstairs, strip, and brace yourself over the end of the bed for me." Penelope stopped at the first step at his last words. Feeling her pause, Dave's eyes met hers. "Is there where you're going to use your safe word, Cara?" Dave's dark eyes questioned her.
"Green, Mon Loup." Penelope raised her head, unable to keep her body from listing towards the heat of Dave's physique. "Please, David."
A firm slap to one still pink cheek and Dave was encouraging her back up the stairs. "Then, be ready for me, Cara."
Dave paused at the top of his stairs, staring at the sight before him. With short strides he came up behind Penelope and pushed his hips against the pink curves of her ass. She stretched up on her toes, till his hard cock was centered between her cheeks. "Stay." Dave pressed her head down so that her hair brushed his bed. Penelope shut her eyes as he moved away, listening for where he was. He was still fully clothed and the soft 'shushing' noise of material seemed heightened in the quiet room.
David undid his pants, letting them fall open and loose at his waist. Bringing out his hard length, he slowly encircled his length, stroking himself to the vision she made before him. A few steps forward and with a brief bend of his knees; his cock was between her legs and nestled up into the center of her. Without pressing inside, with short brief movements he rocked till he was cradled between her lower lips, lying hot against her clit. Dave began rocking his hips, pushing his arousal with smooth motions through Penelope's slick wet flesh, never entering her body. With his hands on her hips, he controlled the twisting of her body.
With moaning complaints, Penelope could feel the hairs on her arms rising and shudders flowing throughout her body. With her head pushed down, she could see the head of his cock nestled against her every time he rubbed across her clit as he pushed up against her, the hair roughened skin of his lower stomach tickling the sensitive skin of her bottom. She could see him growing slick with her own moisture and her eyes fastened on him, hunger flowing strong at the few drops of pre-come that covered the head of his cock.
When he suddenly stopped, Penelope couldn't help but keen his name. "Dave…."
"No." Dave's jaw was clenched. The need was stronger in him and it was taking all his control not to end this moment. "You'll come when I'm ready for you to come, Kitten."
Penelope almost fell onto the bed as Dave turned her around to face her and pushed her to sit upon the cover. She wanted him. Wanted him with ever fiber of her being. Wanted him with such great desire that she would gladly drop to her knees to suck his aroused flesh till he was so hard he'd have to take her. Take her in all the ways her body craved. Feeling her hands creeping toward her center, she tucked them beneath her thighs, not wanting to disappoint her wolf. She unknowingly leaned towards him and with a dark look, Dave let her, only cupping the back of her neck with one hand thrust through her hair. "Go ahead, Cara. Taste me." Reaching down with one hand, he stroked himself, letting his hand come up with a twist at the end and catching the few drops of pre-come with his thumb. Pressing down on her lower lip, his eyes grew impossibly hot and seductive as she sucked in his thumb, "Taste us."
Removing his thumb, he brought her head closer to him, letting her take control of her motions as she braced her hands on each of his hips and began licking over his length. When she moved to swallow the head of his shaft, his hand tightened in her hair and for a few seconds, she was unable to move. "Tongue only, Dolce." She sat before him, clenching her thighs together vainly as she worked over his hardness. With loving commitment, she swathed his length with her hot tongue, probing areas that she knew made Dave hot. When he raised his other hand to her cheek and pulled her away, she could only breathe heavily as she looked up through her lashes at his ruddy features. His thumb moved to rub across her friction swollen lips. "Perfect. My perfect Penelope. So beautiful."
Using his hands, he had her lay back on the bed, her knees bent and her feet still planted on the floor. Bending over, he placed both hands beside her hips, looking up at her, "You're not allowed to come. You will wait for my permission, Penelope. And watch."
She could only nod. David went to his knees between her thighs. Penelope's eyes were wide open and she could not pull her head away from the sight of David Rossi's head bowing down toward her. With the first swipe of his tongue through her curls, every muscle in her body locked to attention. Her nipples ached. Her whole body felt like it was going to fly from the bed. A hiss of indrawn breath and she was fighting not to slam her eyes shut as she watched the top of his head sway with small motions as he licked long and deep through her. Pausing to suckle the edges of her dampness before swiping at the deeper wet heat within. Finding the small bundle of nerves at the apex, he paid special attention to it, rubbing over it roughly with the flatness of his tongue before tonguing lower. A low wanton cry was pulled from deep inside her before she could stop it as she got closer to release. She struggled to suppress the need, wanting to please him. His eyes flickered up to catch her gaze and she struggled to hold on. Wanting to please him. Knowing how much he was enjoying himself right now. When he dipped two fingers into her, her mouth dropped open, gasping for breath. With a strangled scream, she felt her whole body tense up and pulse one huge wave flowing from her. "DAVE!" She screamed, her muscles knotting with the strain of holding of the decree her body was calling for. Want and lust rolled through her.
Coming back to herself enough to realize she had held – held to his command – she opened her eyes, unaware that she had even closed them. Looking down, she could see Dave's eyes staring at her from where his head was laying against her thigh. His pupils were blown, so wide that no color was left in them. With a growl, Dave rose over her, curling his hands under her arms, he drug her farther up the bed, kneeing his way between her thighs. Hauling back, he thrust in hard and to the hilt. Penelope raised her hands back over her head, slapping against the headboard and holding on tightly. "David." She shuddered at the feel of his shirt scraping against her aching nipples, not realizing he was still fully dressed until that moment. Each motion heightened her sensations, the material of his pants and his shirt causing sparks from her nerve endings from all over her body, everywhere her skin came into contact with her wolf. Arching into the feeling, she thumped her head into the bed.
"You're so wet, Penelope." Dave's voice in her ear as he powered into her, taking her hard and deep. His satisfaction echoed in his voice. He licked the sweat from her skin, kissing her neck and raised his head to growl in her ear. Penelope's legs shook as she tightened the around his hips and her nails scratched against the headboard as she tightened her hold.
Reaching up, he took her hands from the headboard only to press them above her head and into the bed, holding them there with one hand. The other ran down her side, lifting a breast up, he latched his lips around it, sucking and laving it with his tongue. Releasing it with a soft pop, he looked down at her, keeping a steady driving thrust between her thighs, the molten heart of her swallowing his cock with each lunge.
"David." Penelope's head lolled on the bed. "Please. Dave, I want-" with a shudder she finally opened her eyes and stared up into his, "David, I need you."
Dave's control was starting to slip. She was like liquid gold in his arms. She had obeyed every order. She had trembled on the edge of orgasm and hung on just because of the pleasure he took from her body. She had surrendered total control of her body to him. And every time she cried out for more, it had been his name that fell from her lips. His she had called for. He was fast loosing the last of his control now that her legs were wrapped around him and her wet heat was welcoming him. Hooking his arm under one of the legs clenched around him, he spread her open and impaled her. Her scream of need in his ear only added to the breaking of his control.
With a growl he flicked his tongue along her neck, commanding, "Now, Care. Come." Surging within her, he ground his hips, and Penelope lost all as an explosion of heat shook her entire body. Orgasm ripped through her and she flung her head back in a scream of tumultuous want and need, flying at his command.
"Cara," David called against her skin as his hips jerked erratically against hers, all that mattered was being surrounded by her, her want, her need, her love. His thrusts became uneven, "Fuck….Penn. So fucking sweet, so wet and tight. Hold me, Penelope. Take me, Cara." Dave became lost at the glorious feeling of her inner muscles clenching down on him and he came on a hoarse groan, grinding into her with his muscles in paroxysms as he came, long and hard.
Still joined together, Dave released the hold he had on her leg, letting it come to rest back on his hip as he turned them to their sides. Both of them shuddered at the rearrangement as he slipped from her depths. Without the tight hold on her wrists, Penelope let her one of her arms drape down over David's shoulders and her leg curl across his hip. Both of them drifted for a brief time as their breathing slowed down.
Finally moving, Dave stood up and walked to the bathroom. Penelope rolled to her back, still feeling weak. Looking as Dave came back out, she saw that he had removed the rest of his clothes. Her eyes drifted over his handsome face and completely male muscled chest. Seeing the hair of his chest narrow down to a dark trail that came down his stomach and bisected his hips, she watched as his legs strode towards her, caught up by the smooth ripple of muscles there. When he leaned over with a damp washcloth to clean her gently, she raised a hand to press against his chest, over his heart.
Dave paused in his ministrations, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I love you, ya' know." Penelope spoke the words softly and slowly, so that he would know that she meant them. "And it scares me to death sometimes, David Rossi."
Dropping the washcloth beside the bed to remove later, Dave crawled into bed beside her. Lying down without jostling her hand from his chest, he cradled her close, pressing his forehead against hers, "Then let's be terrified together, Cara. Cause, I love you too, Penelope Garcia."
Letting go of their worries for the evening, both tightened their hold, drawing comfort from the other as they drifted to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A/N: Well. I don't know what to say. I've completed two or three other stories since I once started this story, but this has been my baby, nearest and dearest to my heart. And, now I don't know what to say.
I hope you all have enjoyed the story. And I hope you all, if you've continued reading to this point, have fallen in love with the Penelope and David pairing as much as I have.
Thank you all for reading and reviewing. Each comment has meant a lot to me since this is the first story I have written. I hope you all have enjoyed it and continue to find others that will bring you a sense of satisfaction as much as writing this one has given me.
Thank you all! KK