So this wasn't exactly what Kaldur had expected when he made a Tumblr with his teammates. He had seen the weird parts of it, sure. But there were pleasant people out there, looking up to his Team. The very Team which, by using Tumblr, were now going public. But not too public to answer some of the ridiculous questions they received.

The Team was gathered around their usual blogging spot. Everyday after training, they had surrounded the "Boy with the Laptop" and went through Tumblr. God it was so addicting. All of them had to admit it was. Even Conner, who originally so opposed this idea.

"What are we even going to blog about?" Conner had delved into so many questions in an attempt to stop the new blog from proceeding any further.
"Ourselves I guess." Robin was surely creative.
"Seriously dude?" A certain ginger paused from fiddling with his goggles to glare at Robin. "You couldn't think of anything better to blog about?"
"People seem to find us interesting. I see what he means." As before, M'gann came to Robin's rescue.

Wally shrugged and had proceeded to play with his lightly opaqued goggles. It was decided then that they'd make a blog similar to what many people on Tumblr had done before them. They'd make a blog about Young Justice, themselves. However, when their bios weren't enough to fulfill the fan crazed girls- and boys, they began to receive disturbing questions.

As the daily routine went, they checked the inbox. Reading some of the questions, they asked themselves for the sixteenth time since they made the account why exactly they had done it in the first place.

"Robin, what color is your underwear? :D"
"omfg your faces are so damn attractive i want to carress it"
"can we see ur nudes"
"-stabs self in knee and cries- I love you guys so much sobbing"

Skip. Skip. Nope. Skip. To imagine these were simply a sample of the oddities they frequently received. Not to mention the disturbing fan art which none of them wanted to discuss, much less view. Still, they had the normal people who asked normal things.

"To Aqualad, what's your favorite food on land?"

Kaldur smiled. He could answer this.
"Since adjusting to living on the surface world, I found myself to enjoy clam chowder. In Atlantis we have not thought to put clams and chowder as a mixture. It is a concept new to me, I admit." As he said this aloud, Robin typed the words in response. Publish. Click. Load. Done.

Next question.
"Kid Flash and Robin, you guys are my fav from The Young Justice! I rlly rlly love you guys! Anyway, if you could have anyone on your team's powers, whose would you have? Thanks!"

"Rob, pay close attention to my words and type this down carefully." Behind his shades, Robin rolled his eyes. "Ehem." Wally coughed dramatically.
"I heard you."
"Good." Wally winked at M'gann.
"Well I'd love to have Miss M's powers with the whole phasing through walls like Danny Phantom thing. Plus I could shift into a total babe and stare at myself. I don't even have to move or get up to get food too with her telepathy. Aw man." Wally smiled at himself. "That'd be great."

Robin and Artemis shared looks and rolled their eyes together.
"Great use of powers." Sarcasm was thick on Artemis's words.

"Unlike Kid Lazy/Kid Ego here," Robin began out loud while he typed, "It'd be pretty C-O-O-L to do magic. Consider me an expert on Spelling Bees. With the way Zee uses her powers, it'd be pretty comfortable for me."

"Spelling Bee?" Conner asked.
"Champion since forever." Robin said proudly.
"Show off. Just read the next question." Wally finished his third slice of pizza from the plate he was holding and sucked the grease off each his fingers.

"what are some of your favourite hobbies?"

"Laughing at Kid Flash's flirting failures."
"Cheerleading, learning Earth's customs, and baking of course!"
"Assisting Red Arrow on his separate missions."
"Eating and checking out the babes." Wally glared at Robin for his response to the question.
"Also laughing at Kid Flash's flirting failures." He now glared at both Robin and Artemis.
"Touring Metropolis and playing with Wolf."

The next question elevated the Team's curiosity.
"superboy, rumor says u don't like monkeys. any reason why?"
They never actually knew why he hated them so much.

"Because they are apes." Conner simply said.
"Kind of like Wally." Artemis added. Robin turned to give her a high five.
"Come on guys." The poor bullied ginger begged. M'gann giggled and even Kaldur and Conner had a smile.

By now the team had comfortably settled themselves on the large couch. M'gann sat on the far end, legs over Conner as he held one of her hands. Artemis rested her legs on the coffee table, head tilted towards the laptop and arms tucked nicely under each other. As usual, Robin sat in the middle, legs crisscrossed. He kept his chin guarded in one of his hands. The same arm which held his chin was propped on one of his knees, the other scrolling down and typing. Kaldur sat at the other far end of the couch. His long legs stretched under the table, mirroring Artemis's arms. Sandwiched between Robin and Kaldur, Wally was balancing a plate with pizzas stacked on top of each other.

"Dude get your food away from my laptop." The Leaning Tower of Pizza was dangerously close to spreading itself on the boy's laptop. Grumpily, Wally obliged so.

Refreshing onto the Team's blog page, notes began popping up already.

"timdrakelikesporn liked your photo"
"xxdancer123xx reblogged your photoset"
"retroprincess89 reblogged your photoset"
"superhero-wannabe1231 liked your photoset"
"thefeelsijustcant liked your photo"

These times where the Team could take a break from the world of crime fighting was treasured. Having Tumblr was kind of this escape for them. It was their venting space. But it was also a circus full of screaming, crazed children, as a reminder of it appeared in their inbox once more. They decided to ignore it and move to the dashboard. Well Robin's dashboard rather.

Singular. Ownership. His dashboard. They had each created their own Tumblrs for the sake of keeping things easier for themselves.
Robin had created a Tumblr dedicated to the Team as well. By now, they all realised the extent of Tumblr's unexplainable talent of obtaining images and videos of themselves. He made use of it by reblogging flattering pictures of the Team, adding comments in the tags such as "Omg they're so perfect" and "Robin is so hot." God that little kid had a huge ego.

"And you called me Kid Ego, Boy Wonderously Bloated Head?" Robin merely laughed his trademark laugh. That creepy, irritable laugh which Conner especially found creepy for his own reasons.

Scrolling lower into the dashboard, something caught their attention. Or, more accurately, someone.
"Conner is that...?" M'gann squinted to get a better look at the screen.
"Is that Clark Kent?" Artemis sat up straight and looked closer.
In a panic, Robin clicked the source link to which the photo belonged.
There it was. A picture of Clark Kent came up on the description tab.
Holy crap.
"Does Superman know about our blogging activities?" Kaldur asked aloud to anyone.

The answer came nearly immediately afterwards.
"We know." All heads turned to the direction where the voice came from. Batman, along with Superman, approached the already sweating heroes.

"I knew this was a bad idea." Conner whispered harshly to the Team, despite the fact he had enjoyed the fun while it lasted.

"What you are doing is irresponsible. Do you know the potential of criminal activity on the web? It's the first place they look when researching their enemies." Batman gave his haunting glare at each member of the team, individually singling each one out with his white slits.
"You've exposed yourselves and your identities to the world. This "Tumblr" will stop now."

A short silence spread throughout the room, but ended quickly when Robin protested.
"But Batman,"
"No buts." His eyes appeared to narrow even further than before. "We will talk at home." Batman turned in a swift motion, cape waving behind him, leaving the Cave as soon as he had entered and just as silent.

Superman lingered among the defeated teens, their faces fallen as their enjoyment and hobby had been swept from their feet.
"Between you and me, I'll tell Batman you deleted if you follow for follow."
Surprised, everyone looked at the towering man with a goofy grin on his face. Superman winked before flying after Batman, leaving everyone in astonishment.

"Did that just happen?" M'gann asked. She wrinkled her cheek in confusion.
"I think it just did." Artemis sighed.
"And you called me a geek." Wally laughed. "Flash is still the coolest Leaguer." He elbowed at Kaldur, hoping for an agreement.

Once more, they settled themselves into the confines of the large couch, relieved that their "secret" was prolonged to another day. That is, until Batman would realise they had not deleted their Tumblrs after all.

"But you'll be the one to have to deal with that." Wally relished in more laughter when the revalation finally hit Robin.
"Totally worth it." He smirked.

A/N: I hope you guys noticed those URLs b/c they exist and you should definitely check them out cough.

I actually had fun writing this, especially since I had more confidence in my literature skills (If that's what it should be called?) and it was at 2:00 AM when I wrote the parts for this. Anyway, thanks for reading and thank you all for the very very kind reviews! :D

Guest review: Do you mean a Harry Potter finding Tumblr fanfic or Harry Potter/Young Justice crossover? Cause bro. Bro. BRO THOUGH.