Some nights having two boyfriends can be absolutely the best thing in the world: amazing sex, cuddles, almost more attention than a girl can handle. Especially when your boyfriends are the insatiable MacManus brothers; I can promise that whenever I want sex, it is definitely available in some shape, form, or fashion, and it is never sub-par.

On the other hand, it can also be hectic, frustrating, and downright awkward, almost more than a girl can handle. Especially when your boyfriends are the insatiable MacManus brothers; I can promise that for every two good or wonderful things that happen, there are usually one or two things that run along and make me turn beet red or feel like kneeing one of the boys right in the…gut.

So here are the highlights of the last two weeks in my glamorous life, just in case anyone was getting jealous and thinking they'd like to switch places…

Monday, Week 1:

Apparently I have "Find Something For Me To Do" stamped on my face this morning, because every managerial type person at work (including Jen) has come up with at least two different things they need done today, absolutely by the end of the day, definitely no later. As I personally trained Jen about a month ago to do both the things she asked me to do (you know, when she'd only been here five months to my five years with the company), I'm a little on edge when lunch time rolls around.

So imagine my surprise when Murphy shows up with some deli sandwiches and sodas, dragging the eyes of everyone woman in the building along with him. Now, I love my guys (though I'm still too chicken to tell them), and I have to say they sure do know when to do the nice things. You wouldn't think it of two guys living in what can only very loosely be construed as an apartment that is lucky to get hot water after fifteen minutes of trying, but they can do the romantic thing when they really try.

"How'd you know?" I ask, seeking out a quiet corner in the break room. Luckily, I tend to take later lunches than most people, so the room is quite deserted. Instead of sitting across from me at the table, though, Murphy scoots right up next to me. After a little hesitation and a cautious glance around, I relax and lean into him, happily munching on my sandwich.

"You're going to spoil me if you keep this sort of thing up," I mumble around a mouthful of salami and pepperoni. "I also hope you happened to remember some mints, if you're planning on a make-out session later, or something."

I'm mostly joking, but it is Murphy we're dealing with. Before I've finished speaking, Murphy's sandwich is on the table and he's offering me a tin of Altoids. I nearly choke as I simultaneously laugh and try to swallow my bite of sandwich. Being the caring and concerned boyfriend that he is, Murphy makes sure to pound me on the back a few times before offering me the mints again.

Lunch sadly flies by much faster than I like, and before I know it I have to get back to the grindstone. Murphy clears our trash off the table as I chew the last tiny remnants of my mint, glad the day is more than half over.

I stand and stretch, then turn to say something to Murphy and find him two inches from my face.

"Ye said somethin' about a make-out session, yeah?"

Before you can say "No PDA in the workplace!" Murphy has pinned me to the wall and completely removed my ability to speak (with his tongue, no less). A couple of incoherent moans make it out from between us, but his hands are tangled in my hair, his lips are moving exactly right.

And you know what? There's no one around. I've worked my ass off this morning, I work my ass off every damn day for little thanks at this job, and I think it's about time I played the screw up at work. Everyone else seems to be able to get away with it…why not me?

My leg hitches up almost automatically, wrapping around the back of Murphy's calf and pulling him just that much closer. I can feel a rather insistent bulge pushing against my belly, and his lips travel down from my mouth to my neck, latching directly on to my weak spot. I just manage to bite my lip enough to keep from making any noise, and then…then he…oh, then…

Then Jen walks in. Wonderful, smug, ass-kissing Jen who got the promotion I spent two years working my ass off for and now is technically my immediate supervisor. Jen who still manages to turn heads at forty and in office clothes no less. Smart, motivated, hot.

Bitch. Sigh.

I'm not sure how I manage to get Murphy off me so quickly, but I hear a muffled yelp of pain as I shove him behind me and smile as sincerely as I can.

"Murphy, this is Jen. Jen, this is Murphy, and he was just leaving." I give him a (sort of) gentle shove in the direction of the break room door.

"Good, I was just stopping in to see how far you'd gotten with the paperwork I gave you. Nice to meet you, Murphy," Jen adds, her eyes spending a bit too much time on Murphy's retreating form than I would like. She really needs to stop eye-fucking my boyfriend.

"Be back t'walk ye t'th'train at six, yeah?"

I absolutely hate myself for doing it, but I glance at Jen for confirmation. Whether I resent her or not, she's still technically my boss. A smirk worthy of the MacManuses tugs at the corner of her mouth, but she nods.

"Yeah, Murph, I'll see you then. Thanks for lunch."

He flashes me a bone-melting half-smile before slipping out the door. I know my face is beet-red, and I just do not want to face Jen anymore.

"You okay? You've look a little flushed today?" Jen asks my hastily retreating back. I can hear the suppressed laughter in her tone, and I don't dare look back.

"As a matter of fact, I think I might be coming down with something. I'll try to get as much done today as I can in case I get sick tomorrow."

I think a sick day might do me a little good, now that I think about it.

Author's Note: Aside from this being born as a follow up story to "Quality Time," this story is the result of having lots of embarrassing little bits and pieces of ideas running around in my head with nowhere to go. I wanted to make a little more time pass in OC and the boys' relationship before I started in on the next bit, and I wanted to have some nice little "normal" moments. I won't promise this one will be smut free, and I'm not sure exactly how long it will be, but I do know that I already have the next chapter done; I just have to type it up. Enjoy! As per usual, if you've made it this far, please take a moment to leave a little something in the box on the way out. Thanks!