Marik hurried in the door, closing it quickly behind him. He glanced furtively around before sneaking towards Bakura napping in the living room in attempts to go around him. He was hoping Bakura wouldn't notice the large bulge in his shirt that was a kitten he had picked up. Of course, Marik would have to tell him sooner or later, but later was always better. Bakura awoke, but didn't paying him much mind other than a offhand greeting before closing his eyes once again, and Marik would have gotten away with it if the cat hadn't chosen this moment to let out a tiny cry. Marik froze.
Bakura opened his eyes and looked around, trying to determine the source of the noise. The apartment was otherwise silent, there shouldn't have been any strange noises.
The kitten meowed again.
"Marik, is your chest… meowing?"
"No! That's ridiculous, I just… was… practicing animal noises! Meow!" The actual cat had other ideas though, and began to wail for attention as it crawled up and out of Marik's shirt.
Bakura ran a hand through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh. "It's a bloody cat! What are you going to do with it?"
"Keep it! It was just sitting on the side of the street, looking so pitiful… It reminded me of you."
"A pathetic creature you found on the side of the road reminded you of me?" From his tone of voice, it was clear that Bakura didn't find the statement flattering in the least. He crossed his arms and glared at Marik from the couch. Between his pale skin and white hair, he practically blended in to the white sofa. If it wasn't for the blue stripes on his shirt, he'd be easy to miss.
"You both have white hair, and he's a kitty and you're my Kitty…"
Bakura wasn't one for sentimentality. "I'm not a kitty, for the last time, Marik. And I don't want some helpless animal crawling all over the apartment or making a mess. I am not cleaning up after it. You understand?"
Marik, ever the optimist, took this to mean he could keep the cat as long as it stayed out of Bakura's way. Marik's face lit up like a child on Christmas day as he smiled at his new pet. "What should we name him? How about… Snowball!"
"That's the stupidest name I've ever heard!" He sounded exasperated. "At least name the damn thing something reasonable."
Marik pouted for a minute, holding the tiny cat up in the air and staring at it while it meowed incessantly. He mumbled names under his breathe trying to find one that fit.
"Holy Ra! Can't you make that thing shut up?"
"I'll name him Fluffy!" Marik exclaimed, completely disregarding Bakura's appeal. He plopped down on the couch next to Bakura, and smiled mischievously as he placed the kitten on top of Bakura's hair. The spirit looked seriously peeved, but said nothing.
"So why'd you agree to keep him?" Marik prodded.
"Emergency food supply."