Why the hell was he standing here, of all places, being glared at by the opposite sex?

Oh that's right. Because his girlfriend was too fucking lazy to go out and buy her own underwear.

So here he was; located in the feminine regions of Target, face stained a deep hue of scarlet as he shouldered off the curious stares of women, crinkling the paper in his right hand, and averting his eyes repeatedly from the undergarments hanging from their racks.

He was going to kill her. Exactly what was she playing at here? Was this some sort of revenge, because if it was, he would have preferred hauling Pounce's ass to the vet's for her monthly check up.

This situation was worse than getting clawed in the face.

By jove, how, in the ever living fuck, could women wear some of these things?

"You're gonna fucking pay for this Leijon, one day, I will make you suffer so horrendously," he hisses, stopping at a shelf as soon as he spotted her preferred measurement. Without a second glance he threw a couple pieces in his cart and hightailed it to the cashier, practically shoving his face in his hoodie as they bagged the underwear, and raced out of the store faster than you could say "pchoo".

He had exploded into the house, tossing the bag skillfully onto her stomach before catching her chin in his hands firmly and whispering: "I really, really, loathe every fiber of your existence."

She stared at him, green eyes wide before busting out into a flurry of laughter, embracing his face as she snarled into her shirt.

"Oh come on, Karkat it couldn't have been that bad. You were just buying clothes!"

He pulled away with a scoff, settling on the back of the sofa, glaring daggers through his thick rimmed glasses. "Buying clothes that men originally wouldn't. You will never fully understand how humiliating it was to—OH MY FUCKING GOD NEPETA, I AM SO SORRY."

She closed the bag quickly, dropping her findings on the carpet and fiddling her thumbs together. It was her turn to appear red.

"I didn't think you were into that sorta stuff."


"But hey you bought them, might as well keep them."

He plummeted from his perch, shoving his face into the couch cushion.

He should have double checked.