A/N: I've decided to try my hand at an OC for the Assassin's Creed universe. God, I hope she's not a Mary Sue. I tried my damndest to make her as good as I could! Here's hoping. Fingers crossed. Yes, she's paired with Connor and that scares me a bit. Please, no AC3 spoilers in the reviews. I haven't finished the game yet. I'm slooooow. XD I've had the game since launch and I haven't finished it yet.


Name: Katherine "Kitty" Hewitt

Birthdate: January 15th, 1759 (18 at the beginning of the Revolutionary War)

Birthplace: New York

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 130 lbs

Affiliation: None

Occupation: Farmhand


Mother: Diana (deceased)

Father: George

Appearance: Shoulder-length brown hair; somewhat chubby; heart-shaped face; large brown eyes; lightly tanned skin; full lips; ample bust, but not too big for her frame; wide hips.

Personality: A humble farm girl. She's naive and doesn't know much about the world around her. Although her life has been hard, she continues to smile. She loves animals and children. Because she's so nice, people usually take advantage of her.

Biography: Katherine was born in New York on January 15th, 1759, the only child of George and Diana Hewitt. When she was 5, her mother died from tuberculosis, leaving Katherine and her father to tend the family farm alone. Her father never recovered from his wife's passing. He fell into a long depression, leaving Katherine to take care of both her father and the farm.

Trained from a young age, Katherine lived her life only knowing how to tend the farm, ignorant of the world, and the war, around her. In January 1775, the farm was infiltrated by British Soldiers (the Redcoats) and her father, having aged poorly and suffering from various physical ailments, couldn't fend them off and was wounded by the soldiers.

Before the soldiers could kill her and her father and claim their land for the Crown, a hooded man in white appeared and killed the guards harrassing them. Although Katherine did not know the man, she was forever grateful to him for saving her father. The man then offered Katherine and her father safe lodging at a homestead near a manor where he stayed for their rations and to see that George received adequate medical attention from the doctor.

The man left as quickly as he came, but if she stayed at the homestead, maybe Katherine would get a chance to see her mysterious savior again.

Outfit: A simple, dirty olive green dress that has been patched repeatedly and stops at her ankles, a white apron; brown flats, white head scarf.