
Chapter 10

A/N: Aren't you guys lucky today. Three chapter in one day, I'm on a roll. I know I said the next fic I worked on would be Shikamaru and Temari, however I've been hit with inspiration and that couple is changing to Naruto and Ino. Please look out for that one. This will probably be the last chapter for Branded, however I may add an epilogue, I haven't fully decided. For now, Enjoy the Chapter

She groaned as the insistent knocking continued, rousing her from the land of unconscious to the land of the waking. She sluggishly rolled over onto her back before she pushed herself into a sitting position. She cast a glare at the luminous numbers dancing on her alarm clock before she kicked her twisted comforter from around her legs, sliding gently off of her mattress. She was silent as she slid a kunai from atop her dresser before she picked her way to the front door. She pressed her exposed lower back against the cool plaster of her wall as her slender fingers easily grazed the brass door knob. Slowly she twisted the handle, allowing the door to swing open before she twisted her body, kunai blade pressing against the tender skin of her unwanted visitor's throat.

Sasuke stood before her, his face impassive as he quirked a thin eyebrow at her. She glared up at the male shinobi before she carefully lowered her weapon, entering her apartment once again and tossing the blade onto the granite counter top.

" You are aware of the time, aren't you?" she growled the words, running her fingers through her tangled tresses as she rested her weight against the counter, arms crossed over her chest as she watched the former Avenger move in her apartment, completely at ease. He stood a foot away from her, his shoulder slack, hands buried deep in the pockets of the loose jeans he wore. His onyx colored hair was a wild mess, his storm grey eyes were intense, and he looked completely and utterly relaxed.

" It's early, I apologize for waking you up. I heard you just returned from a mission," Sasuke answered, his tone flat as he appraised the kunoichi standing a foot away from him. Hinata's hip length indigo strands were wild, proof that she had just rolled out of bed. Her eyes were still hazy, clouded with sleep. Her tank top was plain white, ending several inches above her naval. She wore her usual boy cut panties, only these were white as well. To him she looked like a Goddess, however he wasn't going to mention that just yet.

" It's fine, what did you need?" she waved his apology off, shifting slightly under his stare.

" Do you make it a habit of answering your front door in your underwear?" Sasuke questioned, the words practically growled. She rolled her eyes, pressing her tongue against her cheek as she carefully thought over her answer.

" No actually I don't. I'm rarely home enough to answer my door as it is," was she sharp reply as the Uchiha exhaled a breath, glancing away from the Hyuuga girl. He knew why he was there, standing a foot away from her and five in the morning. He finally had an answer, a reason to explain these odd needs. He needed to be near her, needed to protect her, needed to hear her voice. He possessed all of these needs and he was tired of fighting them. He had put in his application for Anbu, specifically requested her Squad. He still remembered the look Nara had given him as he read over the application, this knowing smirk dancing on his lips as he sent it to the Hokage for final approval.

" You know, Hinata is going to question your motives for joining. She isn't stupid. And for the record, you do her good," those were the words Nara had told him before he left the Anbu office. He shook his head slightly to refocus his attention on the girl obviously waiting for him to explain his presences to her.

" I put in my application for Anbu. I just waiting for the old Hag to deny me," Sasuke started casually, watching pale lavender eyes widen a fraction before she nodded her head.

" I thought you honestly didn't want to be a part of this village," Hinata spoke quietly, watching the Uchiha shrug his shoulders.

" At first? I didn't. I hated everyone in this village, except maybe Naruto. However, that's only because of the bond we share, the understanding for each other that we possess. Lately though, I've noticed my once firm decision to stay out of this village's affairs are quickly getting shot down. I told myself I wouldn't advance to Jounin, yet two months ago I was promoted because of my flawless record on missions with my team. A week ago I told myself I was a Jounin, I didn't need to advance any further, yet yesterday I went down to the Hokage's Tower, sought out Nara himself, and put in an application so I could become Anbu, the one position I never considered, the one position I hated, loathed even because of my brother. But my mind makes these unconscious decisions, and I can't seem to stop it either," Hinata listened quietly, knowing he was venting, frustrated with his own mind and not understanding it.

" I've actually been thinking a lot. Mostly about you. However a lot of it has been about my future as well. I know after being rejected twice by the same girl, one would think I would take a hint. Admit maybe she doesn't want to be with me. But I'm a bastard, I am a stubborn bastard who doesn't like the answer no. So I thought maybe I would try for a third time. Hopefully your answer is different," Sasuke commented, watching the corner of her lips twitch upwards as she fought the ghost of the smile that was begging to be released, because really, he was the only besides Neji, Hanabi, Tsunade, Shikamaru, Temari, and Kenji who could amuse her enough that she actually wanted to smile. She stood a foot away from him, head cocked to one side as she waited for him to continue, arms loosening their hold on each other as they slowly fell to her sides.

" Marry me, Hyuuga Hinata," he watched as her eyes closed, watched as she inhaled a slow deep breath, watched her chest rise, than fall as she released it.

" Now why would I do something like that?" she questioned, watching as his eyes narrowed to slits, flaring to life as his brain quickly answered that question a million different ways in his mind. He took a step towards her, hating the distance that was separating them.

" Marry me, because I can't stop thinking about you. You have this smile, this ghost of a smile that causes the corner of your lips to twitch when it wants to be shown. You have these large, gorgeous lavender eyes that seem to look through me. Your uniquely colored hair is silky to the touch. Her skin reminds me of those porcelain dolls Sakura and my mother used to collect.

" Marry me, because there is something about your smell, your presences that calms all of my volatile traits. Only you seem to do that, no one else. Marry me because your voice is the most musical sound I have ever hear, no matter what tone you use. I need to hear every day. I need to see you every day. I need to be around constantly. I can't seem to help myself. I am terrible when it comes to expressing emotions, Hinata. I had to recite this a million times before I could finally summon the nerve to show my face here. I want you to be my wife for all of these reasons, but there is one last reason," Sasuke paused, taking a few more steps until only half a foot separated them. Her brows furrowed as she listened to him intently, head cocked to the side as she waited for him to continue.

" I want you to marry me Hyuuga Hinata because I love you. Because I need you, because I want you," He finished, closing the distance and placing his hands on both of her hips. Only centimeters separated their bodies as a gentle smile, an actual smile played on Hinata's petal pink lips. She raised herself onto her tip toes, her hands moving up his arms to his shoulders to steady herself as she gently pressed her lips to his, twining her arms around his neck and allowing her fingers to wrap into the small hairs at the nape. He held her hips tightly, enjoying her kiss as he lifted her up. He set her on the edge of the counter, allowing her legs to wrap about his waist and hold him in place. After a few minutes he pulled away, dropping his forehead to rest against her the sharp bone of her shoulder. He fought to regain his breathing as she did the same, leaning her own head back against the cabinet.

" Can I have my answer?" he questioned, his voice rough as he pulled away from her. Hinata's tongue darted out to wet her lips, as she thought over her answer.

" Can I hear you say it again?" she challenged, watching his eyes narrow in thought.

" The whole speech? Again?" he asked her, listening to the quiet chuckle that left her throat as she shook her head.

" No, Sasuke. Not the entire speech. I only want you to repeat the part that truly matters to me," she explained, her smile twisting into a smirk as he slowly lowered his forehead to rest against hers.

" Will you, Hyuuga Hinata, marry me for the only reason I can actually think of and that is because I love you?" He questioned, his breath mingling with hers as he watched the smirk turn into a smile once more.

" It took you long enough, didn't it," she answered, listening to him chuckle as he pulled away from her. This woman, once upon a time, used to be shy, timid. She would stutter and blush. She would poke her index fingers together and faint. She held the biggest crush on Uzumaki Naruto, and she was the Heiress to her Clan, once upon a time. Now she was crass, blunt. She had no modesty, never blushed. She didn't stutter, didn't poke her fingers together. She was cold and impassive, she rarely showed her actual feelings. She was the complete opposite of what she once was. She was strong, she was branded, just as he was. However, even if she was branded as a failure, as a weak shinobi, she would always be branded as Konoha's Princess, as Uchiha Hinata. Because unlike every other girl out there, she….

" I love you, too, Uchiha Sasuke," she whispered, allowing her breath to ghost over Sasuke's lips.