
My favorite RobRae fanfiction are those that involve their bond. The idea of being able to share your mind, your thoughts, and emotions with another human being intrigues me to no end. In fact, the idea of their bond was the biggest factor in me converting from RobStar to RobRae. And in my humble opinion, there aren't enough stories that make use of it.

Don't get me wrong, there are many excellent stories on here that have the birds with a link of some kind and many excellent stories that don't. I just would like to see more.

Which is the only reason I'm writing any of these.

I find myself daydreaming a good bit about them living with a bond. And a few of these dreams I just had to put on paper. Which is what this will be: a series of one-shots that are maybe, sorta, kinda related to each other that involve their bond (bond, bond, bond, the word has lost its meaning) in some way. These will always be friendship pieces only because I don't trust myself to write a romance. And, since they are one-shots that can stand alone, this will always be marked "Complete". So do subscribe if you would like updates.

I hope they entertain you, and I hope you enjoy them.
