Summary: Mac gets head over heels in love with a certain redhead, whom won't admit that he might be in love back. Friends may be lost because of their feelings. SLASH

AN: Not in any way related to "Sometimes love is right in front of you". I just love Horatio and Mac. And I love slash stories. This is just another way to look at how Mac and Horatio might have got together. I'll be writing some things like they were in the shows, but things will have changed as well especially the time line for some events; which is necessary for this story to work, hehe.

Also the characters will probably seem a bit out of character, but since this is fiction I think that is okay. After all, fiction is a work of imagination and partly about facts.

Inspired by the author Tiffany F and her Mac/Horatio stories.

For those that don't like SLASH stories, DO NOT read this one. More than two characters in this story will be gay or bisexual.

Lastly, this will NOT contain male pregnancy, even though I like to write/read about it too. Yelina and Ray Jr do not exist in this story.



"You need to find a boyfriend or girlfriend."

Mac looked up from his paperwork and smiled at Stella. She and the team knew that Mac was bisexual and they always told him to get a partner. They knew he had had trouble moving on after Claire's death, but figured that maybe they could get Mac to at least go on a date with someone; even if it was only one date. The man worked more than anybody else in the lab, probably even in the department and the state city of New York. He needed a life outside work.

"I am happy the way I am." Mac said, with a tone indicating that he did not want to have this conversation right now.

"Mac, when I left last night you were working on paperwork. Now, I came here this morning thinking I would be the first one here and what do I find? You, working on paperwork. In the exact same place I left you last night and in the same suit." Stella said, "Did you sleep at all?"

"Yes. I slept on the couch." Mac said and nodded towards his office couch.

Stella sighed. She had many times been forced to drag Mac out of the lab and drive him home. She knew he worked so he wouldn't have to go home to his lonely apartment. She didn't like it though; no one on the team did. Stella was also a workaholic, but Mac was worse than her!

Ever since Claire's death Mac focused only on his job. They all admired Mac's dedication towards their job and the victims they encountered on a daily basis, but everyone needed a break at some point. Stella was in fact worried that Mac was burning out or would be soon. She didn't want that to happen. Yet she knew that she couldn't push him to work less. Sometimes the only person whom seemed to be able to make Mac consider his health was their coroner Sheldon Hawkes. When Sheldon bombarded Mac with medical facts, the boss in the lab usually did as he was told and went home. Of course, the next day he would be back to his usual routine.

"Mac, this is unhealthy." She said.

"I know, Stella. But what else should I do?"

"Get a hobby."

"Like what?" Mac asked.

"Tennis, swimming, football, hockey... scrabble." Stella shrugged, "I think you would be good at scrabble."

Mac chuckled and then looked down at the file on his desk. Stella said she'd be in the break room, if he needed anything and left. She had often thought about tricking Mac to go speed dating, but she knew he wouldn't be comfortable doing that. The man kept his personal life closed off from everyone else. Stella probably knew more about him than anyone on the team.

She just wanted her friend to be happy. She wanted Mac to be like he had been before Claire died. When he had always had a smile on his face and when he understood the meaning of "vacation" and not working on the weekends. When he had been truly happy.

"One of these days Mac, I'm going to make sure you find someone." She vowed as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

Meanwhile Mac was in his office thinking about how right Stella was. He couldn't keep working all the time like he did. He couldn't stop though, or rather he didn't know how to stop. His work was his life now. He used to have a life outside of work, but his wife's death put a stop to that. He loved her with all of his heart. He wasn't a man that moved on easily. Maybe one day he would find someone to love again, but he wasn't looking actively for it now.

He missed to have someone to hold, someone that held him, someone to wake up next to and sleep next to. Someone that loved him for who he was. He shook his head and focused on his paperwork. He would never find anyone; not soon any way. Maybe when he was a really old man he could find someone to enjoy retirement with. If he ever retired that is.

He just didn't like to go home. There was nothing there for him except emptiness. There was no wife next to him like it used to be. No one to share breakfast with him or make him relax after a hard day at the lab. He just had himself for company and he hated it. Home wasn't what it used to be. It used to be a place of relaxation, love and the place he longed to get to after work. Now he avoided it. He had always worked hard and long hours, even when he was married to Claire. Now he doubled it. It seemed like he never went home and most nights he didn't. He'd just sleep on the couch in his office and put on the extra suit he had in his locker the next morning.

Later the team arrived and started working on their open cases. It was a work day like any other. Only it would soon change.


Horatio yawned and looked at himself in the mirror. He had spent the weekend in the lab, in his office, finishing his paperwork. He knew there would be more paperwork coming in today; it always did at the start of the week.

He showered and dressed for work. Skipped breakfast as usual; hoping Alexx wouldn't find out or she would give him a tongue lashing he would not forget any time soon. He loved his medical examiner dearly, but when she got angry with him he would do anything to hide from her. She was the mother of the team and he wasn't the only one that received some motherly scolding from her, but he was the one whom received it the least of all. Eric and Speed were usually the ones Alexx had to teach a lesson.

Of course, if Alexx wasn't there to teach a lesson there was always the lieutenant himself there to do it. And of course his southern ballistic expert and southern detective Tripp. His family.

When he arrived at work he was the first one there; as always. He took a cup of coffee in the break room and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Ten minutes later Calleigh arrived and shortly after her Eric and Speed. Not long after the boys Alexx arrived. The team always had coffee together in the morning if they could. It was just before their shift started and it was nice to have a few moments to chat and catch up on what had happened during the weekend.

Like many other times Eric and Speed had gone clubbing. Calleigh had visited her father or been at the gun range. Alexx had spend time with her kids and husband. Horatio had, what he always did, worked or just spent time alone at his house; playing on his piano.

Then they got a call out to a scene. According to Frank it was a bloody scene. When they arrived police were swarming the place.

"What happened Frank?" Horatio asked.

"Teenage daughter came home and found her parents murdered. Mom in the living room and dad in the hallway." Frank said.

While his CSIs got their kits out and got to work, Horatio and Frank talked over some witness statements and walked inside to get Alexx's preliminary rapport. Alexx was examining the mother.

"Throat's been cut, almost severed her head." She said.

"She got killed first?" Horatio asked.

"Almost certainly." Alexx said.

"So dad got killed later. Why not take out the biggest threat first?" Horatio asked.

"The killer got to mom first?" Frank asked.

They went to the hallway where dad's body was. He was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. On his way to his daughter's room.

"Why not run to the front door?" Speed asked.

"He was protecting his daughter." Horatio said, "They didn't know she was out?"

"No, she snuck out and got home a lot later than she was supposed to." Frank said.

"So dad runs to his child's room to protect her." Horatio said, "Where is she now?"

"Outside." Frank said.

Horatio nodded and walked outside. The daughter was very shaken up and shocked. She had been crying. Horatio gently put his hand on her shoulder and she flinched. Poor girl had come home to a nightmare. Horatio introduced himself and asked how she was doing.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Laura Spellman."

"Laura, do you know anyone who would do this to your parents?"


"You have no enemies?"

Laura shook her head. She started crying and Horatio saw that she seemed to be freezing. He put his jacket on her shoulders.

"Laura, I promise you that I will find out who did this." He said.

Laura looked up at him. A desperate look in her eyes; desperation to get closure. Horatio promised her that he would give her that.

"The next time you see me you will know that I caught the man who did this to your parents." Horatio said.

Laura nodded. Horatio gave her a small smile. His work was his life. He knew what it was like to lose your parents at a young age. He had come home as a kid to find his father standing over his mother's beaten and bloody body when he was 18. In a fight with his father he had grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed him. The court and police had called it self-defense. Horatio still felt guilty, even though he knew his father would have killed him if he hadn't stabbed him first. One stab wound to the chest and the man responsible for his nightmares, his scars and emotional wounds was gone. But so was his mother, the woman whom had taught him to be a gentle and kind man. The woman that had inspired him to care and fight for others.

Horatio shook his head to rid himself of thoughts of his past. He could connect with Laura through this horrible event though. However, he had to stop thinking of himself and his own demons. He had a monster to find. A monster that had ripped a young girl's family away.

Inside the house Alexx and Frank observed their friend's interaction with young Laura. They saw the determination in his eyes and knew he would do anything to get the murderer. He always did.

"I hope he can keep his promise." Frank said.

Many times the team promised to catch a killer and they usually did too. Just not always as fast or painless as they wanted. Horatio had a habit of taking the blame for everything and anything. And although the team was close, it was Frank and Alexx that watched their redhead fall apart and pick himself up when the guilt became too much. They knew something from his past troubled him and it hadn't taken them long to suspect that growing up in the Caine household hadn't been easy on the young redhead. Whatever had happened had made Horatio into the man he was today. For both good and bad. They didn't know anyone more compassionate, loving, caring and thirsty for justice as Horatio. But they also didn't know anyone more tormented by personal demons as him.

"Of course he can." Alexx said.

"Have you noticed how he seems more, I don't know, down lately?"

"Yeah, but he's not going to open up." Alexx said, "That man's walls are harder to break through than unbreakable material."

"That won't stop me from trying." Frank said.

"Me either." Alexx said and then nodded for her assistants to put the two bodies in body bags and take to the morgue.


Mac stood over the body of undercover cop Nick Murdoch. He hated it when someone killed a colleague. Even if he had never met said colleague. Nick had been dead for days and the place smelled of decomposition. Mac was alone at the crime scene for now. Outside there were several sad and angry officers, anxious to get their hands on whoever had killed one of their own.

It was late afternoon and Mac knew he and his team would be working many hours of overtime on this case. Mac never rested when someone from the department had been killed. He just hoped it didn't turn out that detective Murdoch had been dirty. Mac believed that once you had taken a vow to protect and serve you should do just that.

He looked around the apartment and noticed what a mess it was. Then he felt someone looking at him. He felt another presence in the room. He turned and saw a stunning redheaded man in a coat. Sunglasses on even though he was inside.

"Can I help you?" Mac asked.

"Lieutenant Caine. Miami CSI."

Please review!

*Editor's Note: Hey everyone, we're BACK...and I for 1, am THRILLED to be to my Author; your welcome and thanks for wanting to work with me again. Alisa123 *