[[Well I'm still writing my other story, but I decided to do this AU, in a hope to pull me out of my writers block. I'm trying to make this one more adult, with language, gore and violence. Also gonna try to make it lighter and more comedy-based than the drama packed fic I'm writing now. I appreciate advice, comments, and reviews! Things like that are what help me put out new chapters over and over again. I hope you all like this one as well! Sincerely Senshi-no-Shinjou]]

A reputation, is, and sometimes all, a man could have. It's how the world perceives him, whether or not it's may be how he may perceives himself. Some men have tales of wonder and adventure associated with their names, others tales of drunkenness and follies due to their reputations. Though when the name of Korra Maston comes up in a conversation, only one word would come to a sane man's mind.


Korra Maston was known through out the land as a mercenary of unparalleled skill. A she-devil on the battlefield and a demon in dealings, people had come to fear, respect and loathe the name. People who saw her in battle deemed her a title known as the 'Avatar' for the way she fought. It was a style that seemed to encompass all of the elements into it. Fluid like the rivers, tough and hard as the ground, passionate like a flame and swift as a breeze. It was these movements and relentlessness in battles that had helped this young mercenary's 'reputation' reach the ears of people far and wide.

Some of these people being the king of Republic, the small country by the sea, next to the land of Bae-Sing-Se, the largest country in the world. It was the king of Republic who had sent the letter, summoning the young mercenary to his court, offering a large and hefty sum for her cooperativeness.

Of course, how could a mercenary say no to such an offer.

"FUCK!" Korra cried, rubbing her lower back as she and her companions finally made it past the rocky mountain terrain of the Narrow's pass. "A ride like that is not comfortable for a young woman's arse..."

Her companions sighed, used to her brazen attitude and foul mouth, as the killer known as the avatar continued to rattle off a string of obscenities. Even though they where her companions and dear friends their was only one person who would even think of raising their voice to her. And of course she did.

"Korra! Stop it! How many times have I told you..." Her longest and dearest companion Asami yelled and Korra's face dropped quickly. "That is not proper language for a lady..."

"But Asami..." The mercenary said, but the beautiful girl silence her friend quickly. She rode her white horse up next to Korra's chestnut one, giving her friend a dangerous look. The two where an odd match.

Korra's, who's skin was burnt dark by the sun, weapons on her belt and wearing two swords on her belt and armor typical reserved for men. Asami, a noble man's daughter who was cast out of her house, whose skin and hair was so fair that bard's often would compose songs about it. These two seemed to be polar opposites, but since they had met almost seven years ago during a raid in Korra's home village, they became inseparable. They had been together since Korra had made a name for herself as Korra 'The Avatar' Maston, and both of them had every intention of keeping it that way.

"So what exactly is this job you received Korra!" The third companion chimed in. He was dressed rather simply, in an old guardsmen outfit, and he rarely ever spoke. Even though he had been with the group for two years now, he never told them his name, only asking them to call him Howl. He came upon their group in a rather odd way, being kicked out of a bar, drunk off his arse, covered in mud and dirt. Korra had taken an interest him the moment she landed eyes on him, and basically forced him to accompany her.

"I don't know!" The avatar replied, tightening the grip on her reigns, "Asami won't tell me much besides the fact that it's from the king of Republic and he pays well..."

"Well if Asami isn't mentioning it, it must be something bad..." Their fourth and final companion said. This one was a little more odd and out of place among the young group, for he looked like a monk, and was a well bit older than the others. His name was Tenzin, and he was the sword master who had taken Korra in as an apprentice and pupil. Originally a strong military general before he retired, he was once a respected man in the country of Ogon, located to the south. Then due to a clash of views, he had been dishonored and moved himself and his family to the capital of Republic where he met Korra and Asami.

It was Korra's eagerness to learn and intent on become a mercenary that had won him over when the girl first came to him, begging him to teach her. Later after that, it was her natural skill and style of combat that he hadn't seen since his father, Aang, the hero of the nations that compelled him to stay on.

Yet all and all, Korra had managed to put herself together an odd group of people, whose fame and power had spread as far and wide through out the four nations. As they rode on the small narrow road towards the capital city of Republic, no one could deny the anticipation that they all felt. To be personally summoned by someone as mighty and powerful as a King, could only mean two things for a mercenary.

1. That your skills had reached a point of recognition among the aristocratic circles.

2. They wanted you dead.

Typically it was the latter option.

Still Korra couldn't refuse the invitation, and decided to answer the call, whether it was a trap or not. As they rode into the city, they where surprised by the amount of activity that was abuzz in the normal peaceful capital. People where moving quickly about, and shops where furiously trying to sell and barter their goods. Not to mention that the amount of guards and soldiers that where patrolling their streets seemed to have doubled.

"Odd..."Asami said, flicking her black hair over her leather clad shoulder. "Is there a festival going on."

"I would guess their was a fight of some sorts..." Korra said, as they rode through the crowded streets. As they approached the gates towards the palace, they where intercepted by a large force of soldiers and guards.

"Are you Korra Maston of Vahdah?"A soldier who was decorated in particularly eloquent armor asked.

"Aye that is me..." The girl said, whipping her nose with a finger, and she handed him the summoning note with her other hand. After a quick inspection, the guard nodded, folding the note and tucking it into his armor.

"Follow me then..." He said as some of the guards came out to take her horse, "We will deliver you animals to the royal stables..." He said when he saw the concerned look cross Korra's face.

"But-" She started to say, but Asami's hand on her shoulder made her rethink her actions, "Aye very well...just take care of Naga will you..." She told the guardsman who was handling her horse and the man in return gave her a very nervous nod.

They followed the nicely dress soldier into the palace, maids and servants trying to catch a glimpse at the girl who people sometimes described as a nightmare. The hallways was an impressive sight for the group, even to Asami who had grown up with money and status. Sticking together unconsciously, they only separated from each other when they reached the King's audience hall.

"I must remind you..." A servant started to say, "That I implore you to mind your manners when you are in the King's and young princes presence..." He seemed to direct this comment at Korra who turned red.

"Oy I can fuck'n mind me manners when I feel like it!" She said and both the group and servant let out an exasperated sigh. Slowly the doors open, and Korra walked in, not intimidated at all by the lords and ladies that surrounded them. No, she walked up straight to the king, refusing to bow down and get on one knee as she placed her hands on her hips.

The king looked like he was a old man who was getting on in years, with white hair that drapped down his hunched over back, and a beard that nearly reached his stomach. His eyes though, had a certain bit of kindness in it that Korra had not seen in a man of power for many years. In his old, regal voice he asked;

"Are you Korra Maston?"

"Aye." Was her response as she crossed her arms, "I hope this ain't some sort of summon so you can start rattling off all the crimes I've done! I've received a pardon for all of them!" She said blantly and her three friends who where on their knees behind her, started to rub their temples.

The king just laughed though, a nice gentling sound that put the she-devil at ease. "Do not worry, I have not intention in taking you into custody today..." He said, adjusting himself in his chair. "I've actually have come to ask you for your assistance, personally, in a matter of utmost importance..."

Korra whipped her nose with her finger, which she tended to do when she was nervous or excited, "Aye and what will that be?"

The King still had a smile on his face as the conversation took a serious tone, "As you may of heard, there have been talk of a rebellion growing within our country...the source of these rumors coming mostly from our own Capital city...our guard cannot not deal with all the riots and fights themselves, and we need someone of your skill to help keep peace..."

Korra's noise crinkled, "So your hiring me to do the jobs of your guardsmen?" She asked quite shocked and the King let out a chuckle.

"In a way...you are a mercenary though...with a lot more of a pull than a simple soldier could ever dream of having...I also want you to investigate and put a stop to this conspiracy...if you are successful you will be rewarded handsomely..."

At the mention of money Korra's tone started to take a different tune; "How handsomely are we talking about here?"

"See father this is the problem with mercenaries!" A voice interjected and Korra's eyes fell upon a man by the king's side, wearing silver armor outlined in gold with a red cloak, "They only care about money and have no loyalties to either side! You should just leave this task to me father!"

Korra huffed, "Father?"

The king sighed, as if this was an argument he had been through a hundred times, "Because you are the Crown Prince, Mako...we have been over the reasons time and time again, you cannot go the places that Lady Korra can..."

The crown prince's face had dropped at the conversation, but the venomous glare he was giving Korra had not. Turning on his heel he quickly walked out of the hall, leaving both the King and Korra with a rather foul taste in their mouths.

"You're son seems charming..." She said sighing.

The king simply laughed, "He grows on you..." The king readjusted himself as he turned back to business, "Well...then...as towards your reward it can be anywhere from 50 to 7o thousands Kyrads," The sum alone caused the four mercs' jaws to drop, "Not to mention you are more than welcome to stay in the palace and enjoy all the privileges of royalty while you are here..."

Korra smiled at the terms, when she felt Asami pull on her shoulder, a frown on her delicate face, "I don't like this Korra...these terms seem a bit...to much...the mission must be dangerous..."

The Avatar turned towards her friend with a reassuring smile, "Aye, and that's what'll make it fun Mi', don't ye worry..." she said, crossing her arms and turning towards the king. "I accept!"

The king nodded his head as he snapped his fingers, summoning guards and servants to go and escort them to their chambers, "I am forever in your debt Lady Korra..." The King said and with those words the mercenary smiled.

"Watch yourself King, those are dangerous words to say to a dangerous woman.