((So it's been a looong time. I think like two plus years. So I no longer really watch Fairy Tail, it was a phase I suppose. But this story has gotten so much overwhelming support that I figured I should at least leave you guys with some sort of closure. So time jump forward in time if you will, to their graduation. You can use your imagination to complete the after the party scene, but a small detail Gray broke her out of the room and then he drove her home basically.))
You've graduated, you did it. You, Natsu Dragneel, graduated high school. You're sitting one the grass with Gray, all decked out in your graduation robes. He's laughing with Juvia about something, you're not really listening. Lucy's across the quad. She giggling over something with Levy. You smile. You love that girl. She comes your way and you stand, wrapping your arms around her and breathing in her warm vanilla scent.
"We did it Natsu." She breathes against you, sending shivers up and down your spine. She's so unimaginably happy and her excitement is spreading.
"We did it." You respond, a small smile on your face. "Luce?" She pulls back and looks up at you with those perfect chocolate brown eyes. You're breathless, she's so impossibly perfect. "I love you." You can't help but grin widen.
"I love you to, babe." She responds, looping her arms around your neck and bringing her mouth to yours. The kiss is sweet, fill with unsaid words. It's soft, but filled with such intense love. You draw your tongue across her bottom lip, she's opens willingly. God, you love the taste of her mouth. You could sit here and make out with your girlfriend all day, but you both had things to do. You separate with a little pop. Her cheeks are flushed and you can't help but lean down once more and kiss them each.
"Aight lovebirds, get a room!" A voice calls, you turn and glare at its owner.
"Fuck off Gray." You shoot back, though your voice is filled with a familiar playfulness. You grab Lucy's hand, and lead her out of the park
The restaurant is quite crowded. Lucy sits to your right, Gray to your left. He's flirting shamelessly with Juvia as is usual. Lucy's nibbling on a bread stick, she looks quite content. Your hand drops to your pocket, feeling the tiny little box. It was like an unexploded grenade, just sitting, waiting to destroy everything and kill you. This is the night. You knew that three months ago when you started saving up for this stupid ring.
When the waiter arrives and takes your order, you stand up, extending a hand to Lucy. "Wanna go for a walk?" You ask, she takes your hand and you lead her out to the garden patio. Gray's giving you the thumbs up and Juvia looks like she's about to explode. They both know of course. On the patio, you turn around and look at Lucy. She looks so beautiful with the moon casting ghostly shadows in her hair. She'd perfect. You get down on one knee. She looks so confused.
"Lucy Heartfilia," She squeaks, her hands going to her mouth. "I love you, more than anything in the world. When we first met, I'm pretty sure you thought I was an asshole," She laughed, "But you looked past that and some how fell in love with me. I don't know what I'd do without you to be honest. You make me a better person. You're my missing puzzle piece" She's crying now and you're freaking out a bit, but you continue. "Luce, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I never want to leave your side. So Luce, babe, will you marry me?" Oh my God, you said it, you actually said it. You can't believe you actually said it, you proposed. She's standing their, looking down at you, silent. You're freaking out now, what if she says no? You can't look anymore and instead focus your attention on a flower petal sitting on the ground.
"Yes." She finally squeaks out, you head snapping up. "Yes yes yes." You're smiling so wide it hurts, you stand up, wrapping your arms around her and lifting her up. "I love you so much." She says in your ear and you're ecstatic.
"I love you too." You breathe back, kissing her and giving her the ring.
You walk back to the table and introduce your new fiance...
((Tada! Total change in writing style sorry. I hope you guys enjoyed. I may write little snippets of their future life together in the future, but most likely do not expect any updates. Sorry this was so late and I hope it doesn't piss to many people off.))