Thank you so much for reading and for everyone who reviewed! The reviews truly made my day. This is the last chapter but I have another Eve/Bond story I'm working on called Why Don't You Stay. Chapter 1 is currently up. Happy reading!

Eve figured it was her turn to give Bond a gift.

A five day sex binge made her feel rather giving. They'd had sex every where: bathrooms,

She wrapped up his present in a small black box and tied a red ribbon around it. She then had it delivered to his hotel room.

Less than five minutes later, her phone rang. "Hello?"

"What's in the box?"

"Hello to you, too," she laughed. "Why don't you open it and see?"

She heard him pull her carefully applied ribbon off and pry open the box. He chuckled softly. "I'll be there in a minute. Unlock your door."

"Don't you have a job to do?" she teased.

The dial tone was her answer.

She unlocked the door and sat on the bed to wait. He strode into the room purposefully, still holding the box. "Why'd you get me handcuffs?" he asked, holding up the silver pair.

She shrugged slyly. "Don't you like them?"

"I like them a lot," he said simply. "Even though I already had a pair."

"Now how was I to know that?" she grinned as she pulled him down on the bed beside her. "But after the jewelry and the roses, I figured you deserved a gift."

He leaned in to kiss her and she pulled away. "I don't have been rather bad lately. Perhaps a gift wasn't something you deserved after all..."

The thing she loved most about Bond was that he could think so quick on his feet. Especially when it came to sex.

He pushed her onto the bed and had her wrists cuffed before she even realized it. Well, I guess he's done this before, she thought as she felt herself getting wet. She'd been handcuffed by partners before and there was something so exciting about it. Even more so with someone as dangerous as Bond.

His mouth crushed hers as he unbuttoned her jeans. When he slipped a finger inside her, she arched her back and hissed. When he added a second finger she deepened her kiss, sucking on his tongue.

She desperately wanted to be able to touch him, to stroke him, to feel his hardness in her hands. She tried to wiggle her hands around, but the cuffs held tight, enslaving her.

"Now, now," he said when he saw her struggling against the handcuffs. "None of that."

"You are so bad," she whispered, nipping at his throat.

"Yes, I am."

He pushed inside of her sharply and she moaned, tightening her legs around his waist. As he moved inside of her, up and down, in and out, over and over, thrust after thrust, she squeezed her legs tighter and tighter around him.

She closed her eyes and just focused on the rhythm, on the feel of his hips slamming against hers. She felt her burning need building inside of her.

She opened her eyes and saw those blue eyes staring at her, drilling into her even as he fucked her. She came with a crash of heat, squeezing her eyes shut again as she let the orgasm hit her full force. When he came, he gripped her hands so tight she was sure it would leave a bruise.

Her legs ached and her thighs burned. She sucked in a few deep breaths as they lay next to each other, her naked legs laying over his. She smiled. She was simply happy.

"Don't we have work today?" she whispered breathlessly.

"I say we just stay in. I have a lot more things I want to do to you."

Eve decided she liked playing with fire.