'My inheritance, how wide and fair; Time is my estate; to Time I'm heir.'- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

It was a cold night in the beginning of winter. Snow was falling rapidly over the cracked sidewalks and covering the park where many children could be found having a snow ball war.

Not far off from the park lay an older building, almost completely empty aside from the young boy who'd taken the empty building. His only home had been ripped away during the summer. The boy had been in and out of foster care for not more then five weeks before he'd gotten fed up and decided to live on his own until he was done high school. It was only one year, he figured he could do it, two years until he was old enough to legally do anything.

Rent hadn't been something he could keep up with as well as food given the only available job that he could do, while going to school, was working in the back of a grocery store at night and a Starbucks after school. So he found himself living in the abandoned building, it's stairways smelled like urine and the apartments were bare and looted, but it was a roof over his head and he could keep fires in the barrel he'd brought up one cold night the week before December started.

Every night the kids in the park would go home, either holding their parents or big siblings hands. Maybe just walking together with some of the kids so they weren't alone. And every night like clockwork, at exactly ten thirty-nine the saddest sound anyone walking the streets for three blocks could hear broke out.

Many people considered it the sound of a weeping angel, they didn't know any better. Yet everyone who passed into the area of the building the sound was coming from, they would slow their pace and try to find the source of the echoed melody.

"A violin should never weep Ichigo dear, cant you make it sound less somber?"

"I don't know how anymore."

It was a conversation that often happened in the boys orchestra class since the accident. His violin had always made such beautiful round, complete, sounds until the accident had ripped his family and life from him. The violin had been all he knew, his other school grades were lacking slightly and he spent all of his time preparing for his next level testing.

Every teacher in the school looked down on him with pity, knowing as much as he himself that, his gift had died with his family. He was graduating in six months and the once hopeful boy who'd taken part in tens of plays since learning the instrument, had sat in many an orchestra pit and played some of the hardest music ever. The scholarships he'd been hoping to gain by his talent were nothing but a far off dream now that the eleventh hour was upon him.

A high screeching sound came from the violin, and despite it sounding haunting the people down below didn't dare cover their ears, if fact they strained more to hear the plucking that was somehow paying just under the screech. A woman reached up to clear a tear from her eyes as she stood below, she'd never heard the Weeping Angel as it was becoming known as throughout Karakura Town, it was overwhelming.

The boy was standing on one of the balconies, his large hoodie the only protection from the cold and snow as he stood playing his violin. He kept having to shift his fingers slightly to keep the blasted thing in tune due to the cold, everything in him was just begging for the violin not to break during his twenty-one minute crying.

The only crying he was capable of doing was through his instrument, all other emotions had seemed to have been wiped clear from him if it wasn't rage or feigned happiness for his friends. The group of teens his age had offered him many things to help, even one of his friends offered for him to come and live with her since she was on her own. He could never bring himself to accept their favors though. He was the savior, the person they all went to for help, his pride got in the way of asking himself. He'd rather lie to them then let them know the truth.

Down on the street a teen froze in the middle of the street, he'd been late getting off work and had a deep scowl on his face, his hands stuffed into his fur lined blue jacket to combat the frozen water falling. Because of the lack of cars the teen just stood there, his ears caught by a web he couldn't see.

Bright blue eyes darted around to catch the violin, he knew it must be a violin. Nothing but a beautiful being could make a sound like that though, no human being could know how to make a sound so spectacular.

With a new annoyance because of not knowing who was making that sound, the boy crossed the street and tapped another bystander on the shoulder "Hey, do you know-" he wasn't expecting to be cut off.

"Shh! Ask questions when it's done." The womans scowl was deep and the blue eyed boy scowled, giving up his protests in favor of listening though.

Tears were flooding the womans face by the time the song came to an end at exactly eleven o'clock. She raised her hand to her face and dabbed the tears away with a little sniffle.

"Oi, you fine lady?" She looked up at the boy who'd spoken, nodding her head despite his hostile scowl.

"Y-yes, it just brings tears to my eyes every night. I come out on my walks at this time just for that."

"Great, care to explain what the heck it is?" The boy was new to the town, just moved into his own apartment after finally getting his parents to sign an annulment form that allowed him such a luxury. It had been his tenth day on the job and with his new manager asking questions he'd been late getting off his shift.

"Oh, you've never heard it before?" The teen shook his head, hands stuffed into his pockets.

"I've heard a violin before, but not like that."

"That's not a violin, it's an angel son. A pure, heavenly angel. It plays for our sins, atoning all we've done." The blue eyes went wide and he took a slight step back, not knowing if the woman was insane or just crazily religious.

"You screwing with me?" He knew she must be, it was a lie, but this way he could tell if she was crazy or not.

"Oh no, he plays every night at ten forty and goes until eleven! Come back tomorrow, you'll see." The blue eyed man just nod his head, shrugging his shoulders to fight off the cold before continuing on his way home, he still had at least three hours of homework he didn't get done during his break at work.

As his bow came off the strings for the final time that night the boy opened his brown eyes, showing water filled chocolate orbs that were ready to start letting go. If he could have, he'd rip his eyes out so he could never have people think he was weak enough to cry. Every fiber of his being hated himself for crying when he was brought to the police station during his family free weekend.

With a few deep breaths he moved back into the warmth of the apartment with a small fire going inside the barrel. Blankets were piled high in the corner from his old life and a single pillow that was in need of a wash, the kitchenette was completely clean and he'd actually managed to make the apartment livable. Thanks to his job the fridge was always stocked at least and he had a fund building up for a new apartment all of his own for once he reached his thousand dollar limit he had given himself.

Setting the violin down in a warm place but keeping it just cold enough not to crack, the teen head for the kitchen to get his cup to make something warm before going to bed so he could wake up extra early for his workout run at school. He'd found having an excuse to use the school showers was better then just getting there early, turned out if a PE teacher saw you running around the track faster then his soccer team they were fine with it.


The brown eyed, orange haired teen opened up his locker and set his thickly padded violin case down into the bottom of the locker before setting his book bag in the top section and grabbing out his gym bag.

"Hey Ichigo! What're you doing here so early today?" Ichigo stopped with his hand firmly on his locker as he turned to see Renji groggily making his way through the halls at six o'clock in the morning.

"The better question is why are you here?"

"Football practice. Coach wanted us all here super early, the stupid dumbass." Renji leaned his shoulder against the locker beside Ichigo's, fiddling with his own lockers lock with squinted yes.

"And what time did you get in last night Renji?"

"Never left, parent's were out though, I figured I'd try a case of their beer. I made it through three bottles before passing out in the bathroom. Woke up this morning hugging the fucking toilet seat." Ichigo couldn't really hold in the scoff as he unhitched himself from his locker.

"Well in that case, I'll make sure to laugh at you as I'm doing my laps." Renji just grumbled as he started with his combination again as the orange haired teen passed him and made his way to the locker rooms.

Once his run was over, and another congratulation from the coach on running an extra ten laps then the day before, Ichigo was in the showers and scrubbing furiously at his skin with his washcloth as the football team started to make their way into the locker rooms.

"Hey Ichigo, what was coach talking to you about out there?" Renji had run and smashed off his hangover as good as it'd be for one morning and was feeling much better about tapping into his parents beer.

"Just said it was nice to see me do an extra ten laps today. Wasn't even counting." Ichigo turned off the water and decided to get dressed quickly so he could finish off the last few paragraphs of his essay before English, knowing he'd need all the time available until his last class of the day.

His attire for that day were simple ripped jeans and a tight t-shirt that rode up his stomach when he stretched too far backwards. He ran his hands with just a touch of gel on them through his hair so it was pointed in every direction imaginable, the last touch was replacing his necklace containing both his parents wedding rings around his neck. Tucking the golden chain into his shirt, Ichigo head out of the locker room just as the football team was getting into the showers.

"Um, lets see now. I've got half an hour, so…" Ichigo tucked his hands in his pockets once again as he made his way back to his locker, his mind rummaging through what to do before school started as he got to the metal box that contained his life. "roof I guess." With a heavy sigh Ichigo grabbed out his book bag again and head for the metal shop that contained inside it the access to the un-gated roof of the two story school.

The air was still crisp and burned his lungs slightly as he took deep breaths, trying his hardest to stand the cold despite the fact that he'd gone onto the roof without his hoddie or jacket. He could see a fair portion of the city from the roof, it was on the top of a huge hill inside Karakura Town. It held most of the best views available to the population, but the roof wasn't open to all of the population. Not many people knew where the entrance to the roof was.

Taking a seat on the edge of the roof, leaning back against the heels of his hands. With a deep breath his tilted his head back, to let out a puff of steam. All he wanted was some more silence until the hustle and bustle of classes starting and halls filled got to him.

His routine had become fairly regular over the last three months; he'd get to school and run, have a shower, sit somewhere and finish homework, go to class. By lunch he'd be pissed off at all the shouting and yelling that he'd lock himself in the music room and either play a song that would have the horse hairs of his bow protesting and threatening to start breaking away, or maybe the song would be slow and quiet, practice for the coming night.

He turned to his book bag, seeing the gleam of the edge of his laptop out of the corner of it, he really should be looking for a power source to power it up once again. But the sweet silence of the morning air was so welcoming that he didn't bother to worry about his laptop much more then the last little bit of his essay he'd do between classes or in the music room during lunch.

Down in the parking lot a small battered beetle came rolling into the school grounds for the first time, it was the drivers last day to start classes before whoever was funding his life cut him off, be it his parents or a family member. He didn't even know who it was, just that they seemed to take an interest in him and apparently had money to blow on a kid.

Running a hand through unusual hair he let out a sigh. He knew that everyone would stare, they had his entire life. No matter where he went they stared.

Turning the beater-bug off the teen climbed out of the front seat and instantly pulled his phone out of his pocket. There was one person he knew in the whole school, all he needed was the blessed text telling him where that person was.

The screen was blank, showing nothing but the digital styled numbers saying that it was five minutes before class started. "Fuck, where the hell are you¾"

"You better not say 'fucker', Blueberry." The teen spun around ready to punch the little shit that dared call him that but stopped as he saw the teal haired girl. Her smile was extremely bright and chipper as she hopped up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Grimmjow! Oh my god I've missed you! You only text me once a week, what the fuck happened to our late nights texting hun?" She let him go and ruffled the sky blue locks on the top of his head before straightening out his jacket and her skirt before tapping his chest twice.

"Common Blueberry, we've got all the same classes. Better get going if you don't want to be late." Grimmjow nod his head before following his teal haired childhood friend into the building.

"Whatever Nel, just stop jumping on me." She was the only person that he even tolerated jumping on him like that, anyone else he would rip their head off faster then they could get within a foot of him.

"Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, don't you dare give me that kind of attitude!" It was a fake scandalized tone that made the teen with blue hair look down at her with a smirk on his face that everyone walking by thought was about to open up and eat her.

"Only you Nel." His voice had turned into a growl as he turned towards the school, strutting inside like he owned the place. His steps only faltered slightly as he saw a flash of orange in the sky moving, the top of a spiky orange head vanished over the edge of the roof.

"Grimmjow! Do you even know where you're going?"

"Of course I do." He wasn't about to wait for her. He'd spent all night in between questions going over the map of the school and his list of classes, making sure he knew the four day rotation as well as the back of his hand. As he worked his way through the lowerclassmen who all parted around him he stopped in front of the classroom fourth in on the right in the west wing of the school; History 12 and tutorial. With a quick check of the teachers name on the door he walked into the class and sat himself down, before the bell so there could be no stupidly awkward introductions at the front of the class.

All his homework was catch-up for the part of the term he'd missed while settling himself into his apartment, so it was no surprise to him that the teacher walked right up to him with a goofy smile and a green striped hat, old fashioned clogs on his feet and a fan in front of his face. "I'm assuming your Mr. Jaegerjaquez, do you have the catch-up work I sent you through postage?"

Grimmjow reached into his black and blue book bag and pulled out a wad of paper inside a yellow one and a half inch binder. Without saying another word he crossed his arms over his chest again and went back to looking at the desk as the class started to slowly fill despite the bell not having rung yet.

"Grimm, you could come sit up here beside me." Grimmjow was seated beside the window, half way up in a spot Nel knew another student would flip out over.

"Does it look like I'm getting up?"

"So hostile, ha alright then Grimm. Sit wherever you can keep a seat." She kept the last part under her breath, knowing that he wasn't listening to her anyways. His harsh blue glare was turned out the window as let out a huff of annoyance at the school not starting.

"Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez! You're killing me! Your dream is killing me."

"Sorry for dreaming."

His jaw tensed as his loose mind wandered back to the reason for his predicament; his career choice. Both his parents were well known scientists who had been drilling anything with a science back ground into his head since he could read. All he wanted to be was the owner of a large boxing ring, he wanted his own business to just blow up like it was the best thing ever. He had it all figured out in his head and the perfect building in mind right in that small town.

"Oi, get out of my seat, Blue." Grimmjow's back tensed and his spine went straighter at the nickname, an incredible urge to rip the persons throat out came over him as he shifted his eyes to the side ever so slightly.

Electric blue eyes followed the edge of the desk until they reached a black jean clad thigh and followed the curve of the persons body up to a mass of obnoxious orange hair and the hardest brown eyes he'd ever witnessed on a single person. He followed a strong but slender jaw to a thin mouth that was slanted tightly in a way that made the blue haired teen smirk in utter sadism.

Ichigo was standing over Grimmjow with a glare on his face, one arm holding his binder and the other stuffed into his pocket. "You gonna move or am I going to have to make you, Blueberry."

"Fuck off. I don't gotta move for you." Their eyes locked in a moment of harsh death glares until Grimmjow blinked, fully intent of pissing the carrot top off more then he already seemed.

"Get the fuck off my seat Blueberry."

"Oh, name-calling. How original, what're you? In grade two? If so, the elementary school is that way." Grimmjow pointed out the window as a means of indicating before crossing his arms over his chest again.

Ichigo was floored, he had no idea how to respond to the big lump aside from kicking his ass and dragging him off of his seat. "Listen pal, this has been my spot in this classroom for the past three years. Every fucking day. Now either get out or I'll make you."

"Your spot you say. Well, welcome to the real world pumpkin. Your 'spot' means nothing if someone else wants it. And do you really think you telling me you've been here for three years means shit to me? Because it doesn't, just makes me want ta piss you off a bit more." Ichigo blanched slightly at the feral grin.

"W-what the hell are you talking about? Just get the hell out of my seat." Ichigo corrected himself with a glare and putting his binder down on the top of the desk before leaning over with his hand stretched out over the smooth surface.

"Get lost you little prick and go cry to your mommy." Grimm turned his eyes back out the window but they went extremely wide as he felt a hand grab the shirt of his shoulder and yank him up.

His arm moved before he even really thought of it, his wrist was caught and before he knew it he was pushing himself out of the desk with another punch, pinning the orange haired boy to the desk beside the one he'd grabbed and the boy had been trying to claim.

"Don't you fucking even think about touching me with your filthy hands." With a bit of a shove despite having no where to push the kid Grimmjow sat himself back down, crossed his arms over his chest again and planted his feet, waiting for everyone to stop staring and for the class to start.

Ichigo glared at Grimmjow as he pushed himself up, rotating his wrist slightly as he slid into the desk he'd been pushed onto. "Fine, it's not like I give that much of a rats ass." He reached over and grabbed his binder, pulling it onto his new desk. Every fiber of his being was already itching for the next morning when he'd swipe the seat back from the blue haired barbarian.

"Alright class, everyone please settle into your seats and turn to page one-fifty-three in your texts please. We're starting with the Cold war today." Grimmjow let out a sigh but started to do as he was told anyhow, wanting to just get on with school so he could get that damn business degree his father had denied him the help of getting.