A/N: Final chapter! Thanks for all the follows, faves and reviews. I'm up for suggestions so PM any requests – I love writing fluffy Klaine, as you can tell! Enjoy!
Chapter 15
Kurt and Blaine got to Kurt's apartment in record time as they giggled and wove their way through the streets of New York. Kurt gripped Blaine's hand, still believing he was a mirage and would suddenly disappear from view. As the door was finally closed, Blaine could hear the gentle thump as he pushed Kurt on the door and kissed his way along Kurt's neck, sucking and nibbling the gorgeous neck he had waited for, for so long.
"I can't believe you're here," Kurt gasped in pleasure as Blaine grabbed his hips to anchor him there.
"I'm sorry, so sorry it took me so long, gosh Kurt you're so gorgeous I should have gone with you when you left, I don't know why I waited, so silly, I'm just so silly."
Kurt giggled. "Blaine, you're rambling."
"I can't help it, I was just so stupid." Kurt pushed Blaine's shoulders away gently to look into his amber eyes carefully.
"What made you change your mind?" Kurt whispered. Blaine looked carefully at Kurt and he was so desperate to continue kissing those sweet rosy lips and that long neck but he knew Kurt needed this. He needed to explain.
Blaine took Kurt's hand and walked him to the small sofa, curling his arm around Kurt's own arm and hugging him close.
"I went to my parents' house yesterday, went to lunch to see them. I felt guilty, my mum spending Christmas alone with just my dad and I wanted to even things out. I wanted no hard feelings between us all when I left my job at the end of the week. They'd been arguing and my dad was in a foul mood, he assumed I would be going back to work now you had left and I suddenly realised I had convinced myself I was staying for them, staying for the family that were holding me back, always trying to reign me in and I thought of you. I didn't want you to leave, couldn't bear to see you go and I thought I was being noble in staying, I thought I should stay but I didn't want to. I need to start living my life." Blaine was breathless with explaining so quickly and Kurt smiled, hearing what he needed to hear.
"I don't want you to resent me for going Blaine," he said, his eyes looking down, "I needed to go but I so desperately wanted to stay with you."
"I know Kurt but this makes sense. I can still write here and I can travel for publishers and agents if need be but there are always emails and phone calls. I need to be here with you, I don't function without you." He kissed him sweetly.
"Well we can't have that," Kurt said, winking, "I was starting to realise I couldn't function without you either, was considering leaving New York and NYADA for you, planning my future on the plane to Paris."
"I wouldn't have let that happen Kurt, your dreams are important," he paused, "I can't believe we met three weeks ago, on a plane… I just, it seems so amazing and quick," he said laughing.
"Well here we are." Kurt sighed, finally content here in New York.
Blaine stroked his cheek lovingly and Kurt closed his eyes, knowing where he belonged.
Kurt awoke to find a warm body coiled against his side, an arm over his chest and something pressed against his lower back, making him chuckle, remembering Rachel's horrified expression seeing them on the bed last night, behind the dividing drapes and shrieking, "My eyes! My eyes!"
"What are you laughing at?" Blaine asked as he stirred, inadvertently grinding his erection harder on Kurt's back.
"Ohhhh," moaned Kurt, "Just Rachel last night," he said as he turned around to face Blaine.
"Ready for round two?" Blaine rose his eyebrow suggestively.
"Of course," winked Kurt and hands roamed as they rediscovered places they had thought were lost to them, hearing sounds they had missed.
The day was spent avoiding Rachel, sneaking into the kitchen when she was busy in her room and supplies were brought back to the bed, their own little picnic.
"We're going to have to live here forever aren't we?" Blaine asked, "Avoiding Rachel."
"No, it'll be fine in a few days," Kurt laughed, "I'll speak to her soon, I just don't want to leave this bed. I have a worry that you might not be in it when I return and you were just a dream."
"Pinch me," Blaine said and Kurt did, "I'm here, I'm really here." Kurt only smiled.
"We should go back to Callbacks tonight, I don't think we fully appreciated it last night and I'd like to get to know the piano bar we're going to be frequenting so much."
And they did. Rachel was dragged along too when she was told she would also get a chance to perform. Kurt had apologised for the night before and tickled her until her frosty exterior cracked.
"I'm just glad you're finally happy, Kurt," she smiled.
"What happened to not needing a man?" Kurt raised an eyebrow in suspicion.
"That's just something I say to make myself feel better." Rachel smiled.
Blaine chose a song quickly, Kurt already aware that he had planned and chosen his song carefully. As he approached the bar he winked at Kurt and smiled the biggest smile. The bar no longer needed lights and Kurt was so happy.
This isn't sometimes
Yeah, it's for always
If I'm gonna love you with all of my heart
And if there is no more time,
This always remains.
Even as the world spins itself apart...
Cuz I remember them days I waited so patiently
For God to bring someone, who's gonna be good to me
And then he blessed my soul
Well, I travelled a long way
And it took a long time, to find you...
But I finally found you...
I remember all them lonely days
I travelled out on my own
then you brought me everything
Ya made my house a home
If it's not the real deal then I don't know it
Cuz it show does feel, and I think it sho does show
I remember all them days I waited so patiently
And god brought someone who's gonna be good to me
And he blessed my soul...
But, I travelled a long way
And it sure took a long time...to find you...but, I did find you...
And he blessed my soul...
As he finished Kurt rushed to the piano as Blaine was stepping off the stool and kissed his fiercely, not worrying about the applause around him. He had never been so proud of Blaine and felt lighter than air. As they walked to the bar, the owner of the piano bar offered him a free drink.
"You know I mentioned entertainment last time I saw you Kurt?"
"Oh yeah, Steve this is Blaine, Blaine this is the owner of Callbacks."
They shook hands in greeting. "Well the offer still stands, the bar's quiet during the week and we could use some light entertainment. You were good kid," he nodded towards Blaine, "We could use someone like you."
Kurt nudged his shoulder in pride as Blaine's blush rose in his cheeks.
"We'll discuss a fee and I've said to Kurt and Rachel before that I'd love for them to sing regularly. I like the place to be heaving with bright young things, the world at your feet. It reminds me of my dreams or something," Steve said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
"I'd love to, thanks. As long as I can sing songs about Kurt here," Blaine smiled and as Kurt smiled back and kissed him on the cheek they were completely unaware that Steve had smiled pleasantly and walked along the bar to serve another customer.
Song used: 'I Found You' by Alabama Shakes