Here it is folks, my second project.

Hope you'll like it and will give me tons of advice.

Anything you want to say put it in the review or send me a PM.

I can handle it, don't worry.

Like I say: There is NO bad advice.

How on earth did I get here?

As I woke up, I was lying on a field. I had a very bad ache all over my body. I tried to get to my feet, but I fell back to the ground. I then rolled on my back to look at the sky.

'This isn't Kodak.' I thought.

'I doubt this is even Kane-Galaxy. I… I have failed my duty to protect her. I now have no meaning in life.'

I struggled to get back to my feet and this time I made it. Slowly I walked of the field towards the cover of the forest, using my nose to find water. I wandered through the trees and soon found what I was looking for. The scent of water. I followed the scent until I reached its source, a small stream with clear water. I took a few handful of water and then turned my attention to my wounds.

'They aren't fatal, not even very dangerous. For once the mutations those goons did to me, really helped, I can't believe. By the looks of the healing I might have been out cold for about two days. Now that I have my energy back, I should find out where I am.'

As I walked through the forest, I couldn't help but marvel the beauty of this place. Kept going and after a while I found myself on the edge of a cliff. Next to me stood a rock formation with a big enough hole for a person to get through.

'That will be my post until I know what to do. And there's a village below I'll be able to get supplies. A good position for a post. Protected and near civilization. Arrghh… My shoulder, guess one bullet did get to me, but the wound feels empty, so the bullet bounced back out. I really should thank those guys for all the mutations they did to me. I better get to shelter and sleep.'

I crept into the cave and lay against the wall. Quickly I fell asleep. In my sleep I heard the voice of my mission. Protect her, at any costs or at any means necessary. That was my mission. As I did, we grew closer to each other. She kept pushing me into conversations and always asked me why I don't talk that much. I always gave her the same explanation, I can't feel any kind of emotion or pain. The latter only if it is a pain that a normal human couldn't live through, at least not without fainting. And when I did ask her something occasionally she would have hugged me. And say that no matter what, I should help those who can't fend for themselves. Then I woke up. Breathing a little harder, I felt my shoulder. The wound had sealed and the pain quickly receded. I decided to go outside and give the village a closer look.

At the village

As I walked through the streets everyone moved out of my way. Not surprising, I am two meters in height with broad shoulders. Even back on Kodak, I wasn't really accepted in society. Due to the genetic engineering and mutating done on me, I had a tail and orange-red skin with black stripes. I thought it best to ignore them and stick to my business. I kept an eye on my surroundings, memorizing every shop I saw. After a while I headed back towards my cave and thought about what I saw.

'The villagers are animals. Explains why they didn't panic and try to kill me. Yet I probably don't look like a tiger. I still have my human form. But this place seems somewhat familiar to me. And if my guess is correct this is ancient china, Earth. I can't believe it. That lightning must have somehow transported me through time and space. There was a movie Amber always watched with me. I think it was called Kung Fu Panda. Better not tell anybody about this though, or I might end up killed. Not that I'd care. I don't have a purpose anyway.'

I reached the cave I set camp up in and entered it through the hole. Inside I went back to sleep…

So how did you like it? please review and help improve.

If you have any suggestions, I could use ideas all the time.

So review, follow the story and me if you want to.

Till next time.

Stay on your toes. XD