And now, for the disclaimer! I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. Please don't sue me, I have no money. But I DO own the adorable infant kitsune Kami, as well as Mai-Lin and Hitomi. And now, I hope you enjoy the next installment of my fic. And also, I don't want anyone flaming this story, because they don't like the content! If you don't like it, then please don't read it. With that said, on with the story. By the way, I am so sorry it took so long to update. Please forgive me! Life has been so hectic!

Chapter Seven

Hiei bounded through the forest of the Makai, following a hunch as to where to go. Mai Lin and Kurama traveled at his side, both of them having the same vague inkling on where to head. The three smiled grimly at one another and continued on. Behind the trio was Yusuke, followed lastly by Kuwabara, who looked tired, but didn't dare complain. His code of honor wouldn't let him. There was a child in danger, and he would die trying to save her. Hiei suddenly stopped. He turned, waiting for Yusuke and Kuwabara to catch up before speaking. He pointed ahead of them. They had reached a cliff, and the end of the forest. Beyond the cliff was a broad expanse of rocky outcroppings, and small caves, an almost desert like expanse. Hiei sneered.

"The demon is here somewhere, and it still has Kami." He said, his voice quiet, like controlled thunder, his expression just as dark. Kurama sighed, nodding, and Mai-Lin nodded, looking out over the cliff. Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at Hiei, wondering what the next course of action would be. Hiei, as if hearing this unspoken thought, answered it for them. "We have to find her, and get her out of there, and then I'll take care of the youkai." He grinned; and for a moment, Yusuke caught a glimpse of a fragment of the Hiei he had first met. The Hiei that had kidnapped Keiko, and had fought Yusuke. He smiled grimly. Hiei turned, and began stalking down the cliff side, walking down a narrow trail, if it could even be called that. Mai Lin and Kurama followed, as well as Kuwabara. Yusuke winced the closer he got. There was an overpowering stench of death and decay, a sickly sweet odor that made all of them retch. Hiei paused, and closed his eyes, summoning all of his training and strength. Kuwabara groaned at the smell.

"Oi Urameshi…the smell…it's…gods, it's awful!" he whined. Yusuke glared at him.

"Shut up, Kuwabara, quit whining, imagine how Kami feels, ne?" he said quietly. Kuwabara blinked and nodded, closing his eyes.

"You're right, Urameshi, I was being selfish." He mumbled, surprising everyone for a moment. Kurama and Mai-Lin both sent him pitying glances, while Hiei glared at him silently for a long moment.

"Hn. Let's just get down there and try to save Kami, alright?" he said quietly. Everyone nodded gently and they continued down the small trail in silence, the only sounds their footsteps and their breath as they walked. Upon reaching the bottom, Hiei slowly pointed to the craggy walls near them. "That…creature…is in there somewhere." He spat; his ruby eyes the color of boiling blood. The others nodded in agreement, all sensing the youkai. Yusuke stepped forward.

Well? Let's go in there and kick its ass!" he said enthusiastically. Hiei looked at him silently for a moment before speaking.

"We will do nothing to endanger Kami, but we will attack." His eyes gleamed for a moment with a predatory light. Yusuke nodded, smiling. Hiei set out towards the wall and the craggy caves set therein, masking his youkai, and the rest of them followed, doing the same. Slowly they crept along the walls, moving to a large cave entrance. Suddenly Hiei stopped, his eyes widening. The sound of singing came to them, carried on the wind so it seemed. It was the changeling singing…or what it might call singing. Hiei felt the hairs on the nape of his neck rise at the sound. He moved swiftly into the mouth of the large cave, hiding himself amongst the shadows effortlessly. He vaguely felt Kurama and the others doing the same. The cave mouth was large; there were plenty of crevices to hide in and scout from. As the group slowly made it's way into the depths of the cave, he could feel-as well as smell, the changeling. He peered around a corner, startled to see the creature. It was chanting, it's voice deeper than before, its horrid mouth twisting to pronounce the words as viscera dripped from its mouth. And there, to his horror, was Kami, her tail curled around her leg in fear, her ears dropped, one tiny fist imbedded in her mouth. What horrified him was that she was floating in midair, a strange red aura encompassing her. Suddenly the changeling spoke.

"Welcome Hiei…I hoped you would make it…" it hissed, turning to face him, mouth twisting into a grotesque imitation of a smile. Hiei knew he was found out and moved from hiding silently, glaring at the changeling. It began to laugh, a horrible, mad shrieking. "What's the matter, half breed? Feeling sad?" it turned to face him fully, holding its arms out. "Very well then…let us finish this…fight me…" It began laughing again. "The rest of you can all come out now, I know you are there, no sense hiding now!" it chided. Yusuke walked out first, holding his hands up, ever ready to fire his spirit gun attack. Kurama came next, golden eyes glaring hatefully at the changeling, a rose in his hand. Kuwabara and Mai-Lin were next. The pair of them glowered at the creature, holding staff and energy sword ready. Hiei turned towards them suddenly.

"Hn. No. This is my fight." He said softly. Mai-Lin nodded and lowered her staff slowly, motioning for Kuwabara to do the same. Yusuke glowered at the changeling and slowly put his hand down, grumbling, and Kurama gingerly tucked the rose behind one fox ear.

"Dammit Hiei, I want to help" Yusuke complained. "This thing doesn't deserve to live!" Hiei nodded, unsheathing his katana slowly, keeping his ruby eyes trained on the creature.

"Hai…but it will be me that disposes of it." He replied grimly, causing the creature to laugh. Suddenly he heard an unearthly shrieking and the changeling lunged at him, almost catching him off guard but he had his katana up and ready to defend. It raked it's claws against his chest, aiming for his vitals but he moved out of the way swiftly, catching only a deep scratch to his abdomen. The changeling's nails grew and it used them like swords, causing Hiei to have to parry its swift attacks, he and his katana moving into a swift, frenzied dance of survival. The creature would lunge, nails extended and Hiei would dart back swiftly, then to the side, his katana looking for an opening to pierce. He dimly heard a scream of pain and saw blood oozing from a wound in the changeling's side, but by the time he had noticed it, he himself was sporting a new gouge on his arm. He panted, moving away again, ripping his headband off, his jagan glowing with a fierce green light. The changeling stopped, and moved in a blur of motion, spraying some of its blood into his jagan eyes, causing him to cry out in surprise. When he again opened his eyes. The creature was laughing again, now holding a struggling baby kitsune in it's hands precariously, the nails clattering together around it, making a sickening clacking sound. He heard Kami whimper with fear as she was held directly over the creature's heart, shielding itself with the baby.

"Kill me…if you dare" the changeling rasped, clacking it's nails together around the infant who whimpered softly, her eyes liquid with terror. Hiei's eyes widened, and he stopped, suddenly feeling numb. He slowly dropped the katana, glowering. The changeling advanced slowly then stopped, making a strangled sound. It dropped Kami in surprise, and Hiei, lightning-quick, caught the child, handing her to Kuwabara and Mai-Lin.

"Take her outside, now!" he growled, as he pushed them back the way they had all come in. They stumbled out of the cavern, holding the kitsune for dear life. Hiei turned in time to see Yusuke fire his spirit-gun. Kurama was lying on the ground, bleeding, the changeling leaning over him, drooling over him, as he held his side in fury, whipping around to face Yusuke. Its nails clacked sickeningly, dripping with blood. Hiei felt his eyes narrow in fury. He picked his katana up and moved towards the changeling, swinging about in an arc as he cut into the tough, leathery flesh of the creature. It screamed in pain, falling to the ground, bleeding profusely. Hiei sneered, watching it writhe. "I severed your spine…you should die within a few moments…" he said, spitting on the creature, who winced and died with a shudder. He then turned his attention to the injured kitsune. "Kurama…Kurama are you all right?" the kitsune slowly opened his eyes to stare at Hiei. Yusuke silently moved up behind Hiei, listening to the two.

"H…hai, Hiei, I will be…" he shuddered, wincing as he tried to stand up. Hiei knelt by his side, Yusuke moving to help and together they helped the injured kitsune up. Slowly the trio walked out of the cave, into the welcoming light. Hiei smiled faintly, seeing Mai-Lin and Kuwabara and…Kami…" she looked up at the precise same moment and began struggling in Mai-Lin's arms, trying to wriggle free, reaching for Hiei. Kurama looked down at him, a slight smile on his tired face. "Go to your daughter, Hiei." He nodded and disentangled himself from Kurama, moving towards Mai-Lin. She grinned and held the child out to him, who all but jumped into his arms. He let out a short laugh, drawing her close to him. She purred softly, her little tail wagging as she put her tiny arms around his neck, burying her face in the hollow of his throat. He dimly heard the others laugh in relief.

"Oi, Hiei, she sure seems to love you." Kuwabara said. Hiei started to reply but a dazzling blue-green light appeared. Hiei opened his eyes, holding the young kit tightly to him, protectively. Kurama disentangled himself from Yusuke and stood, his wounds healing before their eyes.

"Inari…" Kurama breathed softly, his golden eyes shimmering softly. The others turned to where he was looking, staring, as a figure seemed to step from the light itself.

"Very good, Kurama" a soft, silky smooth voice whispered. Kurama nodded slowly, bowing in respect. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Mai-Lin, and even Hiei founds themselves offering small bows as well, in reverence. The shape seemed to be a man, made of bright white light, but you could almost make out the shape of fox ears and tails on his person if you stared long enough. He smiled; his eyes a glowing blue. "You know why I am here, Kurama…" he whispered gently. Kurama nodded slightly, turning sadly to face Hiei. Hiei frowned and then turned to face Inari and Kurama.

"No." he said simply, shaking his head, holding the kit to him firmly but gently. The apparition seemed to waver slightly, frowning.

"But she was charged to go into my care…she has no family on this earth." Hiei stroked her forehead, turning ruby eyes towards Inari again.

"Hn. She has me, and she has Kurama, and the team…Kami has a family." He looked at the face of his teammates, his friends, and warmed slightly as they nodded. The light-form of Inari turned towards Kurama.

"Is this true? Is she loved by you all as if she were your own?" Kurama nodded, moving to stand beside Hiei, stroking Kami's cheek gently.

"Hai, we love her as our own." Yusuke nodded and followed Kurama to Hiei's side, Mai-Lin and Kuwabara following suit soon after. Kami turned and looked at Inari, making a small yipping sound. The apparition chuckled and seemed to nod, shimmering.

"So you say you love her, care for her…but is that enough? Tell me, why should I leave this kit in your charges, namely yours, Hiei. Why do you deserve to have her in your care?" the eyes seemed to glow and Hiei knew his guardianship over Kami rose on his answer. He sighed softly before speaking, stroking her cheek gently as she buried her face in his throat again.

"I do not deserve her, truthfully. I have been a thief, an assassin, but…I care for her" he said softly, surprised at his boldness, at his words. "When I found her, she was alone and helpless…I…something happened, Inari-sama…I take care of her like she is my own, and I…I love her…" he admitted softly, lowering his head. To his surprise, he heard the apparition begin to chuckle softly.

"Well spoken, Hiei. Well spoken indeed. So you all seem to care for her…so be it then. Kurama, train her well in our ways, and perhaps I will visit." Kurama and Hiei both nodded numbly and the apparition seemed to laugh again, only softer, as if carried to them on the wind, as it seemed to slowly fade. "Take care of her…" the wind sang to Hiei and he nodded, stroking her hair gently.

"Don't worry, I will…"

So…the question is…is this the end? Or will I do an update mini-story about them? I am not sure yet, though I like the idea of an update story. Heh, I like happy endings sometimes. Thank you for reviewing everyone, I am so sorry it took so long to update. I'm breaking through my fanfiction writer's block, so maybe soon I update other stories. Love you all thank you again for all the reviews. It meant a lot that people really wanted me to finish story, so I dedicate it to all of you and I hope you liked it!