Chapter 1

Childhood friends

Amy woke up from yelling happening downstairs in the kitchen. She crept down the stairs, "James, you said that you would stay away for a few days not a whole month!" Amy's mother harshly yelled out.

"Look Brittney, I have already told you that I got a phone call that said I had to work for a whole month!" he yelled at her.

Amy could already feel her anger coming up, "Bullshit!" Amy interrupted and came out from her hiding place, "Your just saying shit James!" she spat at him, "Why don't you tell my mother the truth, that your fucking another woman!" she didn't mean to yell that out but it was to late. James slapped her and she fell to the ground in a thud.

"You fucking little bitch! This is between me and my wife so don't you dare interrupt!" he yelled.

Amy felt her tears coming down without her permission and she felt her anger rise again, "I hate you!"

This didn't surprise James so he just rolled his eyes. He grabbed his bags and stormed toward the door, "I'll see you next month my family." and with that, he slammed the door and drove off in fury.

"Amy!" her mother reacted the moment he left, "Are you okay?" she asked in her motherly voice.

Amy looked up at her mother and smiled, "Yeah." but then she felt another slap across her cheek again.

"You're a stupid little girl for doing such an idiotic thing!" she yelled at her. Amy couldn't believe her mother had turned her back on her; after all she did to defend her from James.

Amy felt unwanted at the house and alone since her other siblings left her behind with her mother and step dick.

When Amy's mother left the kitchen, Amy ran out the door and toward the park.


"Hey Sonic boy!" a green hedgehog yelled from the basement to the kitchen, "Could ya hand me a dog too?" he asked knowing his brother was in love with chillidogs.

"Alright." Sonic said coming down the stairs and heading down the stairs handing Manic his chillidog, "Anything else master?" he joked.

"Huh? Oh yeah could you please go get me a coke." Manic joked along.

Sonic and Manic were doing their annual brother to brother thing but their sister always interrupted, "Hey Sonic I thought I saw Amy running to the park." Sonia said painting her nails slowly.

When Sonic heard the word "Amy" he sped out the door and was now in front of his best friend, "Hey Ames..." he said sitting down next to her on the solid ground, "What's wrong?" he asked knowing that she was upset.

Amy tried to not sound like she was crying but she couldn't help it, "Nothing."

Sonic removed her hands away from her face and saw her eyes were pouring out tears. He pulled her into a warm hedgehog hug, "Shhh..." he rubbed his hand up and down her back, calming her down.

Amy cried harder when he hugged her. She didn't want to say anything at all; all she wanted to do was stay in his arms of safety.

"How long have you been out here?" Sonic asked still holding her.

"About 10 minutes." she said tears still pouring out.

Sonic pulled away from her and wiped away her tears, "Why didn't you call me?" he said now staring into her eyes.

Amy hated when he did that to her cause it would make her heart skip a beat. Amy looked away, "James took away my cell."

Sonic's fist hardened and he hugged her again, "Probably because he knew I would get angry and beat him up."

Amy laughed, "Yeah right like you could bring him down." she smirked at him.

"That hurt Ames." he said putting his hand over his heart. Amy laughed and smacked his arm softly, "Ouch!" Sonic joked.

"I'm glad you're here to cheer me up." she blushed a little.

"Yeah." Sonic said looking down at their hands to see that his was on top of hers. He squeezed it once and Amy returned the squeeze smiling shyly at him, "Why don't you come over to my place?" he asked, "We could watch a movie at my room like old times." he stood up and held out his hand for Amy, "What do you say, Ames."

Amy looked up at him with her watery eyes and she took his hand. Once she was up Sonic carried her bridal style and in seconds they were in his room.

Amy looked around to see that his room had changed from toy cars and choo-choo trains to sexy lady posters and rock bands. Sonic took out a few movies and sat at the bed next to Amy, "Your pick."

Amy looked at each of her chooses and finally chose the movie It's a boy girl thing. Sonic walked over to his DVD and placed the movie in carefully before walking back to sit.

5 minutes into the movie Sonic turned toward Amy to notice that she had a bruise on her right cheek. This made Sonic angry, "Amy..." he tried sounding calm but his harsh voice totally gave away his anger. Amy turned her attention to Sonic to see that he was staring at her through hurt eyes, "If anyone is abusing you...come and tell me." his voice sounded angry.

Amy didn't know what to do so she just shook her head in understandment. "Amy promise me you'll come to me for help if you feel lonely." he hugged her, "Because you're my best friend and if anyone is hurting you I..."

Sonic was cut off by her tender kiss, "I promise Sonikku." she blushed madly while holding his hand.

"Well, well, well." Amy and Sonic turned to see Manic and Sonia at the door. Manic was holding a camera in his hand and grinning wildly. Sonia was smirking and leaning against the door frame as if she did something amazingly cool, "I never knew you two were so lovey dovey." Manic chuckled.

Sonic coldly laughed, "You guys have better not been recording cause if you did..."

"What are you going to do to us, chase us until we give you the camera?"

Sonia then shut Manic up and whispered into his ear, "Stupid you just gave them an idea."

Sonic and Amy exchanged looks, "One..." Sonic said getting up from the bed.

"...Two..." Amy giggled while getting up and standing next to Sonic. Manic and Sonia started to panic and turn around.

"THREE!" Both Sonic and Amy yelled while running toward Sonia and Manic.

Sonia and Manic split up and now Manic was heading out the front door while Sonia headed out the back door. Amy went after Sonia while Sonic went after Manic.

Sonia was giggling softy to herself when she saw that she had lost both Sonic and Amy, "Phew I thought I would never lose them."

"Think again." Amy said jumping Sonia and they both fell to the ground.

They laughed so hard that they were crying tears of laughter.


Manic turned to the corner and bumped into Sonic, "Give me the camera." Sonic said harshly.

Manic smirked and Sonic knew he was up to something, "Sonic boy. I think you should just fucking date Amy since you care for her so much, I mean, dude, you kissed her."

"She kissed me."

"Yeah and you let her." Manic said standing up and was face to face with Sonic, "You let her and you fucking have a girl."

Sonic got pissed, so what if he let Amy kiss him, it was just a fucking kiss but then again Sonic had a girlfriend, "Don't you dare tell Fiona this." he said snatching up the camera and walking away.

Manic still had that smirk on his face, "I know better than to snitch on you, bro." he then headed on home.


Amy and Sonia were talking about the good old times when both Sonic and Manic came in.

"Hi boys!" Amy said getting up to hug them but Sonic didn't hug her back instead he just patted her back and then went straight to the couch. Amy felt rejected but at least her friend Manic hugged her.

"Don't worry about Sonic, Amy. He's just tired." Manic whispered in her ear. Amy smiled at Manic, "So girls and Sonic," he looked over at Sonic and Sonic gave him the death glare, "Let's go bowling since we're all bored and what not." he said grabbing the keys to his car, "I'm driving."

Sonia got up and snatched the keys away from Manic's hand, "No I'm driving!" and she ran out the door.

Amy followed laughing while Manic ran after them, "Hey come back here." he laughed.

Sonic was still in the house thinking about what Manic said about him. I think you should care about her a lot...

"Stupid Manic." Sonic said getting up and following the three hedgehogs out to the car where they were waiting for him.