"Are you sure it's a good idea to just leave the tower like this, Clark?" Bruce Wayne asked while in the passage seat of Clark Kent's everyday car. It wasn't the limo he was used to, or even the Batmobile, but Clark had insisted on driving. Bruce had absolutely no idea why. As Superman, Clark could have easily flown the pair to wherever they were going, or better yet, Bruce could have just taken his jet. Hell, they could have even used the Bat-Wing or moonlight as normal people by booking a private jet. At the very least, it could have been a damn limo, but no, Clark had absolutely insisted on driving his 2005 piece of shit sedan to… "Where are we going again?" Bruce had to clarify, surprised that he so easily forgot the name of the location that they were heading to. He was, however, at the very least grateful that the heat worked.
"I've told you a million times, Bruce. My hometown is called Smallville." Bruce blinked at him, removing his hand from his own cheek that was being used as a rest for the side of the window.
"Seriously? Smallville? That's the actual name of the town?" A small smile was then cracked before a little laugh was let out. "I just thought Lois was teasing you about how you came from nowhere. I didn't know that was the real name…" Clark only sighed as he eyed his companion from the corner of the square-cut glasses.
"Well not everyone can be born a Wayne in Gotham. Some of us have to come from dinky little places in the middle of nowhere too, you know?" Despite being irritated, Clark's tone was soft and playful. It was the perfect winter day on the old country road. Both men were dressed for the holiday season, wearing sweaters, black coats and slacks opposed to the usually attire of capes and tights. There were two matching gas station coffee cups sitting in the front cup holder and a light snow falling on the already snowcapped winter trees.
"You never answered my question," Bruce said, getting serious for a moment.
"What question was that?" Clark asked, still smiling warmly at his partner with his gloved hands firmly gripping the brown steering wheel.
"…The tower. Are you sure…?" Clark interrupted him with a matter of fact response.
"We aren't the only members of the Justice League, Bruce. The world can survive without us for a few days. Didn't you tell me that once?" With that, he reached over to put a hand on Bruce's left thigh, patting it once before sliding down to the man's knee. The joint was squeezed in reassurance before the hand moved away entirely to reach for a cup of coffee. Clark moved to steal a quick sip of the hot liquid before putting it back down in the cup holder. Bruce eyed the hand watching it move away before rolling his eyes.
"You never listened to me before…" he said while cracking a devious smile as one of his quick and stealthy hands moved to Clark's thigh and in-between the man's legs. The reporter flinched, wiggling his body and therefore the entire car. The coffee cups also wiggled, threatening to spill as Clark tried his best to maintain himself.
"Hey…HEY!" he laughed. "I don't feel you up when you're driving!" Bruce only huffed again, keeping his hand where it was.
"It's not like you're going any faster than the speed limit anyway. Besides, if you crash, you'll just fly off with me and let this dinky little shit you call a car burn. Why you said no when I offered to buy you that Lexus, I'll never know…" and Clark's fly became unzipped and the button undone. A hand had to come back off of the wheel in order to stop Bruce's intentions, but not hard enough to hurt him. It was just a firm enough grip so that Bruce could no longer move.
"Come on now, we don't have time for that. The last thing I want to do is go to my parents' house with cum stains on my boyfriend's shirt. You may be charming, Bruce, but I doubt even you could talk your way out of that…" Bruce eyed him then smiled.
"What if I just use my hand?"
"I don't want them on my shirt either!" Clark exclaimed, letting him go to have both hands gripping on the wheel once again. Bruce just sighed, leaning back in boredom.
"Fine… but you owe me tonight," he mumbled, turning his attention back to the window. Eyeing him, Clark looked a little exasperated.
"You behave yourself or I'll take you right back to the Tower. I'm sure Flash has that Santa suit still waiting for you." Bruce turned his head just enough to glare at his lover.
"You wouldn't dare." Clark just smiled, using a finger to push up his glasses.
"Wouldn't I?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road and pulled off onto a street. Bruce huffed for what could have been the tenth time already, looking back out the window to stare blankly at the large old sign he saw:
Welcome to Smallville: Population…but the numbers were hidden by the snow.